Page 11 - AHATA
P. 11
Saturday 7 September 2019
New DCNA office officially opened
KRALENDIJK — The Dutch Minister of Agriculture, according to DCNA’s chairman Hellen van der
Nature and Food Quality, Carola Schouten, has Wal during her speech. That is also why she finds
officially opened the new Dutch Caribbean it very regrettable that support coming from the
Nature Alliance office during her working visit Kingdom makes a separation between the BES
to Bonaire, together with Island Governor Edi- islands on one hand and Aruba, Curaçao and
son Rijna. DCNA made use of the opportunity to Sint Maarten on the other hand. ‘’Every island
request urgent attention for the conservation of has its own unique natural habitats, but faces
‘the Kingdom’s unique backyard’. The six Dutch the same challenges to keep them protected.
Caribbean islands are known for their beauti- Climate change, deforestation, overfishing, sar-
ful and diverse nature, and its conservation has gassum, construction and the effects of tourism tius’ territorial waters, in which sharks and sea
not been sufficiently addressed. The current are only a few examples: we’re all affected by mammals are protected. Just like many other
support from the Netherlands is mainly aimed it. It’s vital to work together and learn from each species, sharks and sea mammals do not know
at the BES islands, but nature knows no borders, other. It is especially strange that the Kingdom, borders. To be able to provide effective protec-
according to the DCNA. That is why it is of the which connects us, creates a separation when tion, cooperation with other geographical ar-
utmost importance that the Kingdom supports it comes to cross-border problems. eas is of great importance. That is why the book
all six Dutch Caribbean Islands and includes offers knowledge on the species of all six Dutch
all six islands in nature conservation plans and Minister Schouten reacted in an affirming and Caribbean islands.
projects. supporting manner: ‘’Your organization is un-
deniably pointing to the natural treasures Successful projects
Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance that the Dutch Caribbean harbors, and you’re A television program on nature about the re-
DCNA is a non-profit foundation that has been warning us about potential threats, because sults of the ‘funds for nature’ projects in Bonaire
working with dedicated nature management climate change, modern life and tourism have was proudly released as well. These projects,
organizations on the six Dutch Caribbean is- an alarming impact on these natural habitats. at the behest of the public entity Bonaire and
lands Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, Sint Eu- My ministry willingly cooperates with this profes- in cooperation with local organizations, were
statius and Sint Maarten to protect biodiversity sional and creative organization. The DCNA is a financed by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture,
and stimulate sustainable nature conservation. versatile organization: you do not only improve Nature and Food Quality. By order of the minis-
By working together and sharing skills, knowl- communication and expertise of the nature try, the DCNA created a television program on
edge and resources, DCNA is able to maintain parks, but you also do fundraising for specific nature to, among other things, share the results
a solid network and support the entire Dutch projects. of coral restoration, reforestation and agricul-
Caribbean. DCNA also provides the parks with ture projects with the population.
sustainable financial resources. Opening new Island Governor Edison Rijna reacted by stating
office as follows: “Our ecosystem, including its coral Time to invest in nature and the environment
DCNA is honored that Minister Schouten and Is- reefs, is unique in the world. Our joy as Bonaire- The DCNA is looking forward to continue its
land Governor Rijna recognize the importance ans is double: we live in it and it contributes to activities from its new office to support and
of DCNA’s regional partnership and that they our economy, through tourism. All the more strengthen all six Dutch Caribbean islands’ nat-
opened the office on Thursday September 5. reason to be very careful with it.” ural parks while they’re working to complete
The meet and greet with DCNA’s employees, the same joint mission: protecting biodiversity
the management as well as with DCNA’s new Nature knows no borders and sustainable nature conservation, under
director, Mr. Tadzio Bervoets, was very pleasant. After the speech, the book on the Yarari Re- as well as above water. In this case, the same
serve made by the DCNA and commissioned rule applies to every island: investing in nature
Distress call for support to all islands by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and the environment is not a luxury, but a vital
The collaboration of the six Dutch Caribbean is- and Food Quality, was handed over. The Yarari investment in the wellbeing of the inhabitants
lands, as part of DCNA, is unique for the Kingdom reserve includes Bonaire, Saba and Sint Eusta- and the future.q
For the love of the game
ORANJESTAD — Jake Brown loves cation but they always try to give
baseball and to him Aruba is his back to the island in any way they
second home. For the second can. For the past two years a spe-
year Jake has made a special cial donation has been made to
donation to the Xander Bogaerts a foundation close to their heart.
Dare to Dream Foundation, all this Jake (16), the youngest one of
with the purpose to share his love the family, is a baseball fanat-
for the game and support local ic. He loves baseball so much
community. and wanted to share this with
the young baseball teams here.
Jenny Brown and her two children Back home he collected base-
Sarah and Jake are from Groton, ball equipment from his base-
Massachusetts and have been ball facility, the Tewksbary Hit-
coming to the island for 15 years ting and Wasserman Strength in
consecutively. They have made Nashua, New Hampshire and his
many friends throughout the high school, Groton/Dunstable
years and they manage to stay in Regional High School in Massa-
touch with them year round. The chusetts. He collected pants and tion, which helps the children on vacation for the past two years.
family loves everything about the uniform shirts, gloves, catcher’s Aruba through baseball. They also became close friends
island. The weather, the beach- equipment, equipment bags, For Jake and his family it’s such a with the volunteers of the founda-
es, the many activities like sailing helmets and batting gloves. He heartwarming experience to see tion. For this lovely family Aruba
on their friend Tico’s catamaran brought all this equipment with the appreciative children receiv- is simply their second home and
named ‘Isabella’. The family does him and donated it to the Xander ing the equipment. For them this friends have become more like
not only come to the island to va- Bogaerts Dare to Dream Founda- has been the highlight of their family!q