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                    Monday 7 January 2019

            Iconic Japanese newspaper in Brazil closes after 72 years

            By VICTOR CAIVANO                                                                                                   ficult.”  Brazil’s  first  Japa-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    nese migrants arrived in the
            SAO PAULO (AP) — The Sao                                                                                            port  of  Santos  aboard  the
            Paulo Shimbun newspaper                                                                                             steamship Kasato Maru on
            has printed its final edition,                                                                                      June  18,  1908,  spurring  a
            ending  a  72-year  run  as  a                                                                                      wave  of  immigration  that
            vital  reference  point  and                                                                                        grew  to  about  2  million
            voice  for  Brazil’s  Japanese                                                                                      people.  They  introduced
            community  -  the  largest  in                                                                                      foods  that  changed  Bra-
            the world outside of Japan.                                                                                         zilian  cuisine  and  farming
            The    Japanese-language                                                                                            techniques  that  helped
            newspaper,  whose  final                                                                                            turn  Latin  America’s  big-
            edition rolled off the press-                                                                                       gest  country  into  an  agri-
            es  Jan.  1,  was  a  victim  of                                                                                    cultural superpower.
            declining  sales,  an  aging                                                                                        The arrival of the first immi-
            readership  and  the  inter-                                                                                        grants was the result of ne-
            net. Its owner, Helena Mizu-                                                                                        gotiations  between  Japan
            moto,  said  an  online  ver-                                                                                       and Sao Paulo state, where
            sion  may  be  launched  in                                                                                         most   Japanese-Brazilians
            the future.                                                                                                         still  live.  Japan  needed
            Sao  Paulo  Shimbun  was                                                                                            an  escape  valve  for  poor
            founded in 1946, shortly af-                                                                                        farmers,  who  were  left  out
            ter the end of World War II.                                                                                        of the country’s rapid mod-
            Mizumoto  said  that  before   In this Dec. 21, 2018 photo, the Sao Paulo Shimbun Japanese newspaper is printed in Sao Paulo,   ernization beginning in the
            the internet and cable tele-  Brazil.                                                                               late   1800s.   Meanwhile,
            vision,  immigrants  would                                                                         Associated Press  Sao  Paulo  coffee  growers
            call the newspaper to find  served  as  the  main  refer-  channel,”  said  Eduardo  articles got worse.”           needed  more  workers  to
            out  where  they  could  find  ence  point  for  Japanese  Nakashima, secretary gen-   Kanomata  spoke  in  the  tend to their coffee planta-
            Japanese-owned business.     living  in  the  South  Ameri-  eral of the Brazil-Japan Cul-  main  square  of  Liberdade  tions.
            “The  Google  of  the  com-  can  country.  While  mainly  tural Alliance.             where he goes every morn-    Like   many     immigrant
            munity  was  here,”  Mizu-   in  Japanese,  it  printed  a  In  Liberdade,  Nobukazu  ing  at  6  a.m.  to  practice  groups,  the  early  settlers
            moto said, adding that the  few pages in Portuguese as  Kanomata,  an  83-year-old  radio  taiso  exercises  with  planned to return home in
            newspaper  was  instrumen-   well.                        massage  therapist  who  other elderly Japanese im-       two to five years and start
            tal  in  letting  expats  know  Japanese expats got most  was  born  in  Japan  and  migrants.                      new  lives  with  their  earn-
            that  Japan  had  lost  the  of  their  national  and  inter-  came  to  Brazil  after  the  Businessman   Yoshikatsu  ings.  But  they  quickly  real-
            war.                         national  information  from  war,  said  the  newspaper  Yamashita  said  he  only  ized they would never save
            For  decades  Sao  Paulo  the  Sao  Paulo  Shimbun  closed “because there are  read the part of the news-           enough for a return ticket.
            Shimbun, from its offices in  up until the 1990s, but that  fewer  people  in  the  com-  paper  printed  in  Portu-  Many  eventually  migrated
            Sao  Paulo’s  Asian  neigh-  “ended  with  internet  and  munity able to read Japa-    guese  “because  the  part  to urban centers or to other
            borhood     of   Liberdade,  the  NHK  Japanese  news  nese  and  the  quality  of  its  in  Japanese  was  a  bit  dif-  rural areas.q

            Venezuela’s congress names new leader, vows to battle Maduro

            By SCOTT SMITH                                                                         gineer  and  former  student  Japan, Italy and Germany
            Associated Press                                                                       leader  from  the  same  po-  attended  the  assembly’s
            CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)                                                                litical  party  as  Leopoldo  inaugural session in a show
            —    Venezuela’s    opposi-                                                            Lopez,  Venezuela’s  most  of solidarity.
            tion-controlled   congress                                                             popular  opposition  leader  “The  National  Assembly
            opened  its  first  session  of                                                        under  house  arrest.  Gov-  should  inspire  hope  in  the
            the  year  Saturday,  install-                                                         ernment  opponents  con-     Venezuelan  people  for  a
            ing  a  fresh-faced  leader                                                            sider him a political prison-  peaceful,  prosperous,  and
            who  struck  a  defiant  tone                                                          er.  Guaido  called  Maduro  democratic  future,  even
            and vowed to take up the                                                               a  dictator  whose  legitima-  as the corrupt and authori-
            battle against socialist Pres-                                                         cy has run out. Venezuela is  tarian Maduro regime and
            ident Nicolas Maduro.                                                                  living a “dark but transition-  its allies seek to deny Ven-
            Juan  Guaido,  35,  assumes                                                            al” moment of its history, he  ezuelans  that  right,”  the
            the  presidency  of  a  Na-                                                            said, adding that among its  State Department said in a
            tional Assembly stripped of                                                            first  acts  congress  will  cre-  statement.  It  added:  “Ev-
            power  by  Maduro,  whose                                                              ate  a  transitional  body  to  ery nation must take strong
            government  is  blamed  for                                                            restore constitutional order,  action to help the Venezu-
            leading  the  once-wealthy   Venezuelan lawmaker Juan Guaido swears in as President of   but he offered no details.  elan  people  reclaim  their
            oil nation into a historic po-  the National Assembly in Caracas, Venezuela, Saturday, Jan.   He  addressed  a  hall  filled  democracy.”
            litical and humanitarian cri-  5, 2019.                                                only  with  opposition  law-  The assembly opened days
            sis.  Speaking  to  legislators,                                      Associated Press  makers as the government  before Maduro’s inaugura-
            Guaido named off several  citizens to flee abroad look-   represents the next genera-  loyalists have long boycot-  tion  to  a  second,  six-year
            opposition  politicians  and  ing for work.               tion of Venezuelan political  ted any sessions, saying the  term  widely  condemned
            opponents  of  Maduro’s  “We are under an oppres-         opposition,  taking  up  the  National Assembly has itself  as illegitimate after he de-
            government     who    have  sive  system,”  he  said.  “It’s  assembly’s  leadership  fol-  overstepped its authority.  clared  victory  in  the  May
            been jailed, driven into ex-  not  just  that  —  it  is  miser-  lowing  74-year-old  Omar  However,  roughly  20  for-  20  election  that  many  for-
            ile or killed. He said desper-  able.”                    Barboza.                     eign  diplomats  from  the  eign  powers  considered  a
            ation has forced masses of  Tall  and  youthful,  Guaido  Guaido  is  an  industrial  en-  United  States,  Canada,  sham.q
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