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Monday 7 January 2019
Park Service to tap into entrance fees to keep operating
By Associated Press Democrats want the parks
WASHINGTON (AP) — The fully opened.
National Park Service says But Rep. Betty McCollum of
it is taking the extraordinary Minnesota, the incoming
step of dipping into en- chair of the subcommittee
trance fees to pay for staff- overseeing Interior appro-
ing at its highly visited parks priations, said Sunday that
in the wake of the partial dipping into user fees was
government shutdown. “not acceptable” in this
P. Daniel Smith, deputy di- situation, and likely violates
rector of the service, said the law. Parks supporters
in a statement Sunday that called the administration’s
the money would be used move misguided.
to bring in staff to maintain “Instead of working to re-
restrooms, clean up trash open the federal govern-
and patrol the parks. ment, the administration is
He acknowledged that robbing money collected
the Trump administration’s from entrance fees to op-
decision to keep the parks A sign is posted on a gate blocking a parking lot to Land’s End in San Francisco, Thursday, Jan. erate our national parks
open during the weekslong 3, 2019. during this shutdown,” said
budget impasse was no Associated Press. Theresa Pierno, president
longer workable and so on outside help for security parks are protected, and Republican Sen. Steve and CEO for the National
more extreme measures and upkeep. that visitors can continue Daines of Montana warned Parks Conservation Associ-
were warranted. “We are taking this extraor- to access parks with limited Interior Secretary David ation. “For those parks that
Parks have been relying dinary step to ensure that basic services,” Smith said. Bernhardt on Saturday of don’t collect fees, they will
“significant risk to property now be in the position of
and public health” without competing for the same in-
funding. Three Utah Repub- adequate pot of money to
lican congressmen also protect their resources and
asked Bernhardt to restart visitors. Draining accounts
regular operations. dry is not the answer.”q
Disneyland raising prices,
cheapest daily ticket
over $100
By Associated Press and nearby California Ad-
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Dis- venture Park.
neyland Resort is raising A one-day, one-park tick-
prices ahead of the sched- et is now $104 for low-de-
uled opening of a Star mand days, such as May
Wars-themed expansion, weekdays. Tickets for reg-
with the cheapest daily ular- and peak-demand
ticket costing more than days are more.
$100. More visitors are expected
Less than a year ago, for this summer’s open-
prices were raised by up ing of “Star Wars: Galaxy’s
to 18 percent. The prices Edge.”
that took effect Sunday for Spokeswoman Liz Jaeger
tickets, annual passes and says the resort offers a va-
parking represent increases riety of tickets while help-
of up to 25 percent. ing manage demand and
The Los Angeles Times re- spread visitation.
ports price increases in re- The least expensive one-
cent years haven’t thinned day ticket to Disney World
the throngs at Disneyland in Florida is $109.q