P. 5

            Thursday 22 december 2016
                 Rights group: IS in Mosul targets civilians as it retreats

            BAGHDAD  (AP)  —  Islamic  creasingly being caught in  findings were based on in-      on both sides to spare civil-  the  country’s  second  larg-
            State militants in Mosul are  the crossfire, with at least 19  terviews  with  more  than  ians. “Civilians are being hit  est  city  and  the  extremist
            deliberately targeting civil-  killed and dozens wounded  50  residents  who  had  fled  from all sides in Mosul,” said  group’s  last  major  urban
            ians who refuse to join them  in the period from the third  eastern Mosul, HRW said.   Lama  Fakih,  deputy  Mid-   bastion in Iraq. The troops’
            as  they  retreat  ahead  of  week of November into the  It cited instances of IS mili-  dle  East  director  at  HRW,  advances  slowed  once
            advancing  Iraqi  forces  in-  first week of December.    tants  telling  residents  that  adding  that  Islamic  State  they  pushed  into  more
            volved in a large-scale gov-  The New York-based group  those who stay behind are  group’s  “atrocities  do  not  densely populated areas.
            ernment  operation  to  re-  said  the  fatalities  incurred  “unbelievers”  and  there-  absolve  Iraqi  forces  and  IS  captured  Mosul  in  the
            take  the  militant-held  city,  from  IS  mortar  or  sniper  fore  valid  targets  beside  the  international  coalition  summer  of  2014  as  part  of
            an international watchdog  fire,  car  bombs,  roadside  the  Iraqi  and  coalition  from  doing  their  utmost  to  a blitz that placed nearly a
            said on Wednesday.           bombings  and  direct  at-   forces.  HRW  warned  that  protect civilians.”           third of Iraq under their con-
            The  statement  from  Hu-    tacks, as well as in airstrikes  targeting  civilians  or  using  The  Iraqi  military  launched  trol.  Since  last  year,  IS  has
            man Rights Watch also said  by  the  Iraqi  forces  and  them as human shields is a  a  massive  operation  in  lost swath areas in western
            that Mosul civilians were in-  the  U.S.-led  coalition.  The  war  crime,  and  appealed  October  to  retake  Mosul,  and northern Iraq. q

               Aleppo evacuations in heavy snow end brutal war chapter

                                                                                                   since an uprising against his  heavy  yellow  blanket.  A
                                                                                                   family’s  four-decade  rule  man held a toddler whose
                                                                                                   swept the country in 2011.   face was peeking out from
                                                                                                   The  evacuations  were  set  under  a  blanket  shielding
                                                                                                   in  motion  last  week  after  him from falling snow.
                                                                                                   Syria’s  opposition  agreed  The  opposition’s  Britain-
                                                                                                   to  surrender  its  last  foot-  based   Syrian   Observa-
                                                                                                   holds  in  eastern  Aleppo.  tory  for  Human  Rights  said
                                                                                                   Since  then,  about  25,000  Wednesday  evening  that
                                                                                                   fighters  and  civilians  have  with the evacuation of the
                                                                                                   been  bused  out,  accord-   last  group  of  rebels  from
                                                                                                   ing  to  the  United  Nations.  eastern Aleppo, Assad was
                                                                                                   On Wednesday, buses be-      in  full  control,  save  for  a
                                                                                                   gan  evacuating  the  last  few  positions  on  the  west-
                                                                                                   rebels and civilians, an esti-  ern outskirts of the city that
                                                                                                   mated 3,000 people.          were still in rebel hands.
                                                                                                   By  nightfall,  25  buses  car-  Meanwhile,  the  Interna-
                                                                                                   rying  hundreds  of  people  tional  Committee  of  the
                                                                                                   had  driven  in  a  rare  snow  Red Cross said patients and
                                                                                                   storm from eastern Aleppo  all those requiring medical
            Syrians evacuated from the embattled Syrian city of Aleppo during the ceasefire arrive at a refu-  to opposition-held areas in  care had been evacuated
            gee camp in Rashidin, near Idlib, Syria. Hundreds of rebel fighters and civilians were bused out of   the  countryside  near  the  from the last hospital in the
            war-ravaged Aleppo in heavy snow on Wednesday as the evacuation of former rebel strongholds   city,  said  opposition  activ-  city’s east.
            entered its final phase.                                                               ist Ahmad Primo, who was  Pro-government         forces
                                                                                       (AP Photo)  monitoring  arrivals  at  the  repeatedly  struck  medi-
            PHILIP ISSA                  snow on Wednesday as the  brutal  chapters  in  Syria’s   main  drop-off  point  in  the  cal  facilities  in  rebel-held
            KARIN LAUB                   evacuation of former rebel  civil  war.  The  departures   Rashideen district.         neighborhoods    in   their
            Associated Press             strongholds entered its final  from Aleppo pave the way   The  evacuees  got  off  the  push  to  expel  the  opposi-
            BEIRUT (AP) — Hundreds of  phase.                         for  President  Bashar  Assad   buses  wearing  thick  jack-  tion from Aleppo this year.
            rebel  fighters  and  civilians,  Scenes  of  buses  slowly  to assume full control there,   ets and carrying sacks with  In November, the U.N. said
            including  small  children  driving  out  of  Aleppo  in  a  after more than four years   belongings.  One  woman  it  believed  there  were  no
            swaddled in thick blankets,  shroud of white offered an  of fighting over Syria’s larg-  dressed  in  a  black  robe  more  functioning  medical
            were  bused  out  of  war-   evocative  finale  to  what  est  city.  It  marks  the  most   and  face  veil  carried  a  facilities in the eastern part
            ravaged  Aleppo  in  heavy  has been one of the most  significant victory for Assad    small  child  swaddled  in  a  of the city.q

                     Israeli military official says low chances of war in 2017

            ARON HELLER                  ed in sparking a new con-    war  is  one  that  both  sides  But with the turmoil that has  remains  the  main  “source
            Associated Press             flict with Israel.           didn’t want,” he said, shar-  engulfed  Iraq  and  Syria,  of  terrorism”  in  the  Middle
            TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — The  Hezbollah is bogged down  ing a year-end Israeli intel-   along  with  other  areas  in  East but it too has suffered
            Middle East regional chaos  in  the  Syrian  civil  war  and  ligence assessment.      the region, Israel’s enemies  in  Syria,  taking  more  than
            has  weakened  Israel’s  en-  has sustained heavy losses,  He  spoke  to  reporters  on  are primarily engaged else-  1,000 casualties.
            emies  and  created  a  low  while  Hamas  is  deterred  condition  of  anonymity  in  where, the official said.    He  said  that  Iran’s  entan-
            probability of war involving  and  in  crisis  mode  having  line with military protocol.  Hezbollah,               glement  in  the  Syrian  war
            the country in 2017,         lost much of its support from  Israel  fought  a  monthlong  along  with  Iran,  has  been  alongside  Assad’s  forces,
             a senior Israeli military offi-  the outside, he added.  war with Hezbollah in 2006  the  primary  force  back-    has  led  it  to  scale  back  in
            cer said on Wednesday.       Still,                       and has since waged three  ing Syrian President Bashar  supporting Hamas.
            The  official  said  the  army   he cautioned that an un-  wars with Hamas.            Assad’s forces and has had    The  Palestinian  militant
            has concluded that neither  expected  “dynamic  of  es-     Both  militant  groups  have  more  than  1,700  casual-  group has seen its backing
            Hezbollah militants in Leba-  calation” could always risk  been  backed  for  years  by  ties since fighting began in  plummet  from  everywhere
            non nor Hamas militants in  sparking a new conflict.      Iran and are dedicated to  2011 in Syria.                 except  Qatar,  a  staunch
            the Gaza Strip are interest-  “In 2017, the most probable  Israel’s destruction.       The  official  said  that  Iran  supporter of Gaza’s rulers.q
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