P. 6
LOCAL Thursday 22 december 2016
Lionfish, it’s what’s for Christmas Dinner
Support the efforts of Aruba Marine Park Foundation
-We can eat them to beat them! lots of healthy and delicious Matos, Jolly Pirates, supervisor.
Lionfish prepared by Aruba’s Additionally, Matos promotes
HADICUARI -Each year, to get very best sushi chefs. awareness for the Foundation’s
into the Holiday vibe, the Jolly ‘Lionfish is a top predator and efforts with the Aruba Marine
Pirates celebrates with a Christ- continues to wreak havoc on Park Bracelet program in her
mas dinner for all staff plus their our reefs. gift shop at Moomba Beach
significant other. To reduce the population of and she serves as a volunteer
But this year the Jolly Pirates this terrible fish, divers organize at the annual Lionfish and Wine
broke tradition and tried some- hunts and monthly derbies. Tasting Fundraiser.
thing completely different for Water sports companies like In the spirit of Christmas, each
Holiday Cheer. Jolly Pirates know how impor- year the Jolly Pirates strives to
In a show of support to the tant it is to create a demand create a memorable Holiday
Aruba Marine Park Foundation for eating Lionfish. staff party to show gratitude
and their conservation efforts, We encourage everyone to and this year’s gathering was
the Jolly Pirates held their an- give more support to responsi- a simply delicious and fun Holi-
nual Christmas dinner at E Sushi ble restaurants, serving healthy day experience.q
Shap, in Tanki Leendert eating Lionfish’ explains Anacarina