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                                                                                                                           Friday 15 February 2019

              The French Connection & a Big Green Egg

                                                                                                   The Egg
                                                                                                   Ijsbrant will cook that night on an egg. Yes, you read it
                                                                                                   well, on a big, green egg. This is the brand name of a
                                                                                                   kamado-style  ceramic  charcoal  barbecue  cooker. The
                                                                                                   Egg is a versatile cooking device capable of acting as
                                                                                                   a grill, oven, or smoker. It is perfect for retaining moisture
                                                                                                   and heat within the grill and that is exactly what makes
                                                                                                   the EGG so great! ... The ceramic helps keep the moisture
                                                                                                   in the food for succulent meats and food.
              EAGLE BEACH — It may sound like a boy’s adventure movie, but it is actually a
              man’s passion event. Are you a foodie, do you love the beach and are you stoked      The Food
              about a great cocktail in an ever greater vibe? Than tune in this coming Sunday      The chef has this fusion of French and Dutch cuisine run-
              February 17th at The Beach Bar opposite the Divi Village Golf & Beach Resort, re-    ning through his veins, expressed into his dishes. He uses
              cently opened and already a hit!                                                     the  spices  that  are  familiar  to  the  Dutch  kitchen  and
                                                                                                   the finesse of the French culinary art. This time he will of
              Now back to the pearl of that coming Sunday night, or shall we say rough dia-        course add some Caribbean flavors, to begin with the in-
              mond referring to the top chef who will live prepare your food: Ijsbrant Wilbrenninck   gredients as fresh mangos, day-caught shrimps that com-
              from the Netherlands. He is Dutch, but grew up                                       bine  with  homemade  tomato  salsa  and  typical  French
              in France where he was trained the hard way in                                       Flammkuchen  bread.  Tapas  sized  dishes  will  be  on  the
              the field of the best chefs in the world. There we                                   menu, but also main portions are a choice. The Beach
              have it: the French connection. “When I was 14                                       Bar has an awesome selection of signature cocktails that
              years old, I started working in a restaurants kitch-                                 go great with the Green Egg surprises of chef Ijsbrant.
              en. In France you are only to be called a chef                                       This is not your ordinary dinner, this is an experience that is
              when you have experience, not only the fancy                                         topped off with an amazing sunset while you chill on the
              degree from a hospitality management school.                                         lounge sets with on the background the groovy sounds
              You need to learn from the maestros and do it                                        of DJ’s.q
              for the passion, not for the money”, Ijsbrant ex-
              plains.  Exactly  that  passion  is  what  drives  him                               EVENT
              and made him an example for many chefs in                                            4 – 8 PM         The Beach Bar
              Europe,  he  even  teaches  restaurant  kitchens                                                       (opposite the Divi Village Golf & Beach Resort)
              in the Netherlands to work with that passion in                                      Chef Ijsbrant Wilbrenninck from the Netherlands
              their mind. “Only than you create miracles.” Ijs-
              brant is a what-you-see-is-what-you get guy, his
              straightforwardness reflects in his delicious dish-
              es: pure, honest and different.

            Aruba to Me

            ORANJESTAD – We would like to portrait you! By
            inviting  you  to  send  us  your  favorite  vacation
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