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                   Friday 15 February 2019

            Playa Linda partners with “Pack for a Purpose”

            Donations for ARF Aruba begin to roll on in

            PALM  BEACH  –  Playa  Lin-  and  guests  have  respond-  ries the message of “make
            da  Beach  Resort  recently  ed  with  shows  of  support.  your  travels  meaningful”
            launched  its  partnership  The  first  donation  came  in  by  pairing  travellers  with
            with  “Pack  for  a  Purpose”,  January,  after  the  recent  the  needs  of  community
            which  encourages  travel-   launch,  with  visitors  from  projects around the world.
            ers  to  make  use  of  their  Pennsylvania,  Mr.  Sykes  Since  2010,  it  has  helped
            extra  luggage  space  and  and  Ms.  Misthal,  respond-  hundreds  of  projects  in
            bring  needed  supplies  to  ing  with  pet  supply  dona-  places in Africa, Asia, and
            help support a chosen, lo-   tions  for  the  Aruba  Relief  the  Caribbean,  by  focus-
            cal  foundation.  After  the  Foundation (ARF) Aruba.     ing in on five general areas:
            introduction  of  the  initia-                            education,  health,  child   and socioeconomic devel-     beach-resort/  where  they
            tive, Playa Linda members  Pack  for  a  Purpose  car-    welfare,  animal  welfare,   opment.                      can  choose  an  item  or
                                                                                                                                items  from  ARF  Aruba’s
                                                                                                   In  Aruba,  the  partnership  specific needs list. Once in
                                                                                                   between  Playa  Linda  and  Aruba, those items can be
                                                                                                   Pack  for  a  Purpose  helps  dropped  off  at  the  Playa
                                                                                                   facilitate  ARF  Aruba  gain  Linda Beach Resort, which
                                                                                                   much  needed  supplies,  will  ensure  it  gets  to  ARF
                                                                                                   including  pet  food,  toys  Aruba.
                                                                                                   and basic medical goods,
                                                                                                   which  can  fit  in  the  extra  “We  listened  to  our  mem-
                                                                                                   space  in  a  suitcase,  and  bers and guests, who have
                                                                                                   goes  directly  to  help  Aru-  witnessed stray dogs by the
                                                                                                   ba’s  street  dogs.  ARF  Aru-  resort,  and  chose  a  foun-
                                                                                                   ba  works  to  eliminate  the  dation  which  we  thought
                                                                                                   street  animal  population  could  make  the  biggest
                                                                                                   through  sterilization,  adop-  difference,” explains Playa
                                                                                                   tion, and education.         Linda  Director  of  Opera-
                                                                                                                                tions Sulaika Kelly. “By work-
                                                                                                   Visitors  to  Aruba  are  en-  ing  together,  we  are  able
                                                                                                   couraged  to  participate  to give back in meaningful
                                                                                                   by  visiting  the  Pack  for  a  ways and show our appre-
                                                                                                   Purpose  website:  https://  ciation for our beloved Aru-
                                                                                                   www.packforapurpose.         ban community. Gratitude
                                                                                                   org/destinations/carib-      enhances  every  experi-
                                                                                                   bean/aruba/playa-linda-      ence in life.”q
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