Page 22 - ATA
P. 22

                       Monday 15 July 2019

            Watch Out For Blue Crab Migration near Savaneta

            SAVANETA — The department of nature &  beach sand in seek of humidity. The diet of
            environment in Aruba are urging motorists  blue crabs consists of decomposed trees,
            to  watch  out  for  blue  crabs  crossing  the  insects,  scorpions  and  rest  of  dead  ani-
            road in Pos Chiquito to make their way to  mals. Nesting season for blue crabs is June
            the ocean.                                 & July
            They  added  a  new  bright  yellow  road  Why protect blue crabs?
            sign with ‘Land Crab Crossing’ to remind  Because  they  are  of  high  value  for  the
            people to be cautious while driving on the  ecology  of  the  mangroves.  Conserving
            highway on Pos Chiquito with blue crabs.   the blue crabs are crucial for the preserva-
            Blue crabs in Aruba are found plenty near  tion of mangroves, so please watch out for
            the beach areas, especially in Pos Chiqui-  crossing blue crabs on the highway near
            to, because of the amount of mangroves.  Pos Chiquito & Santo Largo. We appreci-
            They are known to dig holes deep in the  ate your support. q
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