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                                                                                                                           Thursday 26 sepTember 2019

            World Tourism Day:
            "Tourism and Jobs — A Better Future for All"

                                                                                    rivals worldwide have grown from
                                                                                    25 million in 1950 to nearly 1.3 bil-
                                                                                    lion  today.  Similarly,  international
                                                                                    tourism  revenues  earned  by  des-
                                                                                    tinations  around  the  world  have
                                                                                    grown  from  2  billion  US  dollars  in
                                                                                    1950 to 1260 trillion in 2015. The sec-
                                                                                    tor represents an estimated 10% of
                                                                                    the  world's  GDP  and  1  in  10  jobs
                                                                                    globally. The UN World Tourism Or-  it is inevitable that some challeng-
                                                                                    ganization  (UNWTO)  expects  that  es that come with the amount of
                                                                                    tourism will continue to grow at an  people added to the local popu-
                                                                                    average of 3% annually until 2030.  lation  that  together  with  a  need
                                                                                    This  growth  reflects  the  progres-  for new utilities, infrastructure, food
                                                                                    sive expansion of access to tourism  and housing.  In social media, dis-
                                                                                    thanks to the decline in the price of  cussions are trending - among oth-
                                                                                    transport,  especially  air  transport,  ers - about the negative effects on
                                                                                    and growing middle classes world-   nature caused by the use of ATV’s
                                                                                    wide.  The  recognition  of  the  right  by our tourists. Employers in the in-
            ORANJESTAD — The United Nations  of the people working in tourism.      to holidays in the Universal Decla-  dustry  complain  about  the  lack
            World  Tourism  Organization  de-                                       ration of Human Rights, and the im-  of  employees,  and  tourists  men-
            clared September 27th as Interna-   About  three  quarters  of  the  Aru-  proved adoption of labor rights in  tion  the  increase  in  construction
            tional  Tourism  Day  with  this  year’s  ban  gross  national  product  is  many countries, have also support-  of new resorts and condominiums.
            theme: ‘Tourism and Jobs — A Bet-   earned through tourism and relat-   ed the coming of age of tourism.  They wish for the island to keep the
            ter  Future  for  All’.  A  better  theme  ed activities .Most tourists are from  These factors also serve as a back-  unique  assets  like  the  quietness,
            could  not  have  been  picked  for  North-America,  with  a  market-   drop  for  the  resilience  shown  by  safety  and  top  service  to  which
            Aruba.  Tourism  is  our  main  eco-  share  of  73.3%,  which  is  followed  tourism in recent years. The sector  they’ve grown accustomed. There
            nomic pillar, and its no. # 1 source  by  Latin  America  with  15.2%  and  has  experienced  almost  uninter-  is no denying, in fact, that pressure
            of household income.                Europe with 8.3%. In the course of  rupted growth despite challenges  points do exist, but discussions are
                                                2018,  Aruba  welcomed  a  total  of  such as the global economic crisis,  healthy  way  to  address  the  gov-
            In  relation  to  this  day,  the  Aruba  1,082,003 stay-over visitors.   natural  disasters  and  pandemics.  ernment  in  order  to  preserve  the
            Tourism Authority (A.T.A) organizes                                     (Source:    island’s values. A.T.A. has set up a
            a conference and invites students  Global Growth                        events/tourismday/).                special program named ‘My Prom-
            from the university and vocational  According to the website of United                                      ise  to  Aruba’  which  stimulates  lo-
            schools  and  will  pay  visits  to  sec-  Nations over the past six decades,  Pressure Points              cals, as well as visitors to take care
            ondary schools. This all in line with  tourism has experienced continued  With a  high percentage of the is-  of  Aruba’s  environment  and  cul-
            the goal of United Nations to edu-  expansion and diversification, and  land’s  population  depending  on  ture to help preserve the island for
            cate the public on the importance  it  has  become  one  of  the  fastest  tourism for their income, locals ex-  future  generations.  The  program
            of the tourism industry, to mobilize  growing and most important eco-   press a high appreciation towards  contains  rules  for  behavior  and
            political  will  and  resources  to  ad-  nomic sectors in the world, benefit-  Aruba’s  visitors  resulting  in  great  information  to  educate  how  to
            dress global problems, and to cele-  ing  destinations  and  communities  feedback  from  tourists  regarding  make sure Aruba remains a Dushi
            brate and reinforce achievements  worldwide. International tourist ar-  our service and offerings. However,  Island. q
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