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                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 26 sepTember 2019

            Continued from Page 14                pilot  program  started  at  four  differ-
                                                  ent  schools  guided  by  four  Aruban
            The  Amsterdam  “Leerorkest"  has  music teachers, which include: Jane
            been  transforming  lives  of  children  Lanooij-de  Cuba,  Mayra  Kock-Gar-
            for over 12 years already. A total of  rido,  Tica  Giel  and  Jaderick  Croes.
            3000 children at 18 different schools  The  program  will  be  supervised  by
            are part of this growing program in  Croes  himself  who  is  the  initiator  of
            the dynamic city of Bijlmer, which is  the  project  and  has  been  fighting
            known for being a city with increas-  for this program to become a real-
            ing socio-economic challenges. The  ity  on  Aruba.  Croes  stands  by  his
            city has been trying different meth-  belief  that  the  Aruba  “Leerorkest”
            ods of improving the lives of families  will have a big educational, cultural
            and children. Now, because of the  and  preventive  judicial  impact.  In   need  to  succeed  in  life  and  on  Creative Islander wishes the CJF
            “Leerorkest” program, all 18 partici-  the midst of the social crisis Aruba is   the job market.              all the best with the preparations
            pating  schools  have  their  own  or-  facing at the moment, we owe it to                                    of the next event. Also, we wish
            chestra and students from all ethnic  our young ones to equip them with     Moving Forward                    the  Aruba  “Leerorkest”  all  the
            and  socio-economic  backgrounds  the  opportunities  for  them  to  grow   Small beginnings can have pow-    best  with  the  four  pilot  projects
            are  equally  represented  and  are  and develop themselves. Music and      erful  impacts  on  a  society.  Hav-  on Aruba.
            equally  provided  the  opportunity  art  have  proven  to  help  children   ing  setbacks  and  encountering  We  extend  an  encouragement
            to shine. Interestingly, Curaçao also  develop  creative  kills,  innovative   challenges are what make these  to  the  Aruban  community  and
            implemented their own “Leerorkest”  skills,  problem-solving  skills,  diver-  evolvements  so  worth  it.  More  all visitors to attend and support
            program  two  years  ago  and  they  sity,  open-minded  critical  thinking,   festivals and more children play-  these  programs  and  festivals.
            have also seen the positive impacts  expressive  skills,  respect,  discipline,   ing  instruments  are  what  can  With  our  continuous  support  the
            of  it.  Now,  it  is  finally  Aruba’s  turn.  responsibility,  teamwork  and  unity.   solidify  the  Creative  Industry  not  Aruban  Creative  Industry  will
            This  week  on  September  23rd  the  All-important characteristics they will   only  now  but  for  the  future.  The  flourish.q

                                                Biography – Currently, Thaïs Franken is a 24-year-old Aruban student at the University of Maastricht (UM).
                                                She is studying a Master of Science in Public Policy and Human Development in collaboration with the
                                                Unites Nations University (UNU). Back home, on the beautiful island of Aruba she completed her Bachelor
                                                of Arts in Organization, Governance & Management (OGM) at the University of Aruba (UA). She success-
                                                fully graduated and defended her thesis titled “Placing Culture and Creativity at the Heart of the Aruban
                                                Sustainable Development” on July 6th 2018. Thaïs is very passionate about topics such as sustainability,
                                                innovation, culture and creativity. Next to her academic interests, she enjoys reading, writing, dancing
                                                and cooking.
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