P. 11
Antilliaans Dagblad Woensdag 12 april 2017 11
Meer bekendheid voor autisme
Autistische jazzpianist Matt
Savage treedt op in Curaçao
Van een onzer verslaggevers
Willemstad - De beroemde Amerikaanse jazzpianist
Matt Savage geeft aanstaande zaterdag een concert in
het Octagon Plaza van het Avila Beach Hotel. De 24-jari-
ge autistische musicus is op het eiland op uitnodiging
van de Asosiashon Autismo Curaçao.
De vereniging van ouders van ze moeite met communicatie en
autistische kinderen (AAC) wil sociale contacten.” De 24-jarige
met het concert van het Matt Sa- Matt Savage toonde als kleuter al
vage Trio meer bekendheid ge- talent voor muziek. Hij werd ge-
ven aan autisme. De ouders or- diagnostiseerd met het Savant-
ganiseren regelmatig bijeen- syndroom, een aandoening
komsten om informatie uit te waarbij een persoon met een au-
wisselen over behandeling, tismespectrumstoornis wonder-
onderzoek en passend onder- baarlijke capaciteiten toont en
wijs. In het kader van de Autism sterk ontwikkeld is op één be-
Awareness Month, die sinds 1 paald terrein. Matt Savage was
april wereldwijd wordt gevierd, nog maar zeven jaar toen de eer-
vragen de ouders aandacht van ste cd met door hem gecompo-
een breder publiek. neerde muziek werd uitge-
,,Autisme”, zo legt de vereni- bracht.
ging uit, ,,is een complexe De jonge musicus treedt al
neurologische stoornis die het vijftien jaar internationaal op.
functioneren van de hersenen Hij heeft met beroemde jazzmu- Morgenavond verzorgt Matt Savage een masterclass aan de Universiteit van Curaçao. FOTO AAC
beïnvloedt. Bij mensen met au- sici opgetreden, onder wie Chick
tisme wordt informatie in de Corea, the Ellington All Stars, is het pianoalbum ‘Matt Sava- van Curaçao. Kaarten voor het AAC en zal gebruikt worden
hersenen anders verwerkt. Dit Chaka Khan, Wynton Marsalis, ge: Piano Voyages’, uitgebracht concert van Matt Savage Trio voor een bewustwordingscam-
brengt een mix van zwakke en Bobby Watson, Clark Terry, Jim- op 14 oktober 2016. Morgen- zijn verkrijgbaar bij Mensing’s pagne.
sterke kanten met zich mee. Zo my Heath en Jason Moran. Hij avond, van 19.00 tot 20.30 uur, Caminada en Avila Beach Hotel
hebben ze goed oog voor details heeft twaalf albums opgeno- verzorgt Matt Savage een voor 50 gulden per stuk. De op- Asiosiashon Autismo
en zijn ze eerlijk, maar hebben men. Zijn meest recente project masterclass aan de Universiteit brengst komt ten goede aan Curaçao
FirstCaribbean International Bank (Cayman) Limited
Financial Statements
For the year ended October 31, 2016 (expressed in thousands of United States dollars)
FirstCaribbean International Bank (Cayman) Limited (“Bank”) is a wholly owned subsidiary of FirstCaribbean International 'Āġġ¨ĀđŵţţÄŸţŵġ¸ŵÜġġ¨ĀđŵđĀĀđĀŸĀÄţŵŸŵÛĀŜŵǥđƊÄŵŸûŜĮƊéûŵŅŜĮÜŸŵĮŜŵđĮţţ
Bank Limited (“Parent”), a company incorporated in Barbados. The major shareholder of the Parent is Canadian Imperial 'ńťťìńŕƻƩƩĈƾƩƻťüƻĠťťìńŕƻŕńâńŕńƾńĈƩƻìŕƩƩńĠĈüƻńťƻƾĿńƩƻìƾĈĭŲƢǯƻƢĈƻƾĿŲƩĈƻƾĿƾƻĿǨĈƻâĈĈťƻüĈƩńĭťƾĈüƻâǯƻŠťĭĈŠĈťƾƻŲťƻ
Bank of Commerce (“CIBC”), a company incorporated in Canada. The Bank is principally engaged in retail banking, wholesale ńťńƾńŕƻ ƢĈìŲĭťńƾńŲťƐƻ EťĭĈŠĈťƾƻ Šǯƻ Ųťŕǯƻ üĈƩńĭťƾĈƻ ťƻ ńťƩƾƢǒŠĈťƾƻ ƾƻ ğńƢƻ ǨŕǒĈƻ ƾĿƢŲǒĭĿƻ ƊƢŲĠƾƻ ŲƢƻ ŕŲƩƩƻ ǒƊŲťƻ ńťńƾńŕƻ
banking, and wealth management services within its wholly owned subsidiaries and branches within the Cayman Islands, recognition when the following criteria are met, and designation is determined on an instrument by instrument basis:
Curacao, St. Maarten, Aruba and the British Virgin Islands.
§ ƻdĿĈƻ üĈƩńĭťƾńŲťƻ ĈŕńŠńťƾĈƩƻ ŲƢƻ ƩńĭťńĠìťƾŕǯƻ ƢĈüǒìĈƩƻ ƾĿĈƻ ńťìŲťƩńƩƾĈťƾƻ ƾƢĈƾŠĈťƾƻ ƾĿƾƻ ǩŲǒŕüƻ ŲƾĿĈƢǩńƩĈƻ ƢńƩĈƻ ğƢŲŠ
The ťŲƾĈƩƻ ƢĈƻ ťƻ ĈǮƾƢìƾƻ ŲğƻƾĿĈƻ üĈƾńŕĈüƻ ťŲƾĈƩƻ ƊƢĈƊƢĈüƻ ńťƻ ŲǒƢƻ ƩƾƾǒƾŲƢǯƻ ìŲťƩŲŕńüƾĈüƻ Ġťťìńŕƻ ƩƾƾĈŠĈťƾƩƐƻdĿĈƻ ťŲƾĈƩƻ measuring the assets or liabilities or recognising gains or losses on them on a different basis; or
detailed below coincide in all material respect with those from which they have been derived. § ƻdĿĈƻƩƩĈƾƩƻťüƻŕńâńŕńƾńĈƩƻƢĈƻƊƢƾƻŲğƻƻĭƢŲǒƊƻŲğƻĠťťìńŕƻƩƩĈƾƩ÷ƻĠťťìńŕƻŕńâńŕńƾńĈƩƻŲƢƻâŲƾĿƻǩĿńìĿƻƢĈƻŠťĭĈüƻťüƻ
their performance evaluated on a fair value basis, in accordance with a documented risk management or investment
ƆŋŶ ŤĀŤŶĮÛŶŅŝÄŅŝŹĀĮġ strategy; or
dĿĈƻìŲťƩŲŕńüƾĈüƻĠťťìńŕƻƩƾƾĈŠĈťƾƩƻŲğƻƾĿĈƻ ťŒƻĿǨĈƻâĈĈťƻƊƢĈƊƢĈüƻńťƻììŲƢüťìĈƻǩńƾĿƻ0ťƾĈƢťƾńŲťŕƻ'ńťťìńŕƻZĈƊŲƢƾńťĭƻ § ƻdĿĈƻĠťťìńŕƻńťƩƾƢǒŠĈťƾƻìŲťƾńťƩƻŲťĈƻŲƢƻŠŲƢĈƻĈŠâĈüüĈüƻüĈƢńǨƾńǨĈƩƻǩĿńìĿƻƩńĭťńĠìťƾŕǯƻŠŲüńğǯƻƾĿĈƻìƩĿƻĦŲǩƩƻƾĿƾ
Standards (“IFRS”) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”).
otherwise would be required by the contract.
dĿĈƩĈƻ ìŲťƩŲŕńüƾĈüƻ Ġťťìńŕƻ ƩƾƾĈŠĈťƾƩƻ ĿǨĈƻ âĈĈťƻ ƊƢĈƊƢĈüƻ Ųťƻ ƻ ĿńƩƾŲƢńìŕƻ ìŲƩƾƻ âƩńƩ÷ƻ ĈǮìĈƊƾƻ ğŲƢƻ ǨńŕâŕĈŃğŲƢŃƩŕĈƻ ?Įġţŵġ¸ŵŜĨÄĀǥđÄţ
ńťǨĈƩƾŠĈťƾƻƩĈìǒƢńƾńĈƩƻťüƻüĈƢńǨƾńǨĈƻĠťťìńŕƻńťƩƾƢǒŠĈťƾƩ÷ƻǩĿńìĿƻĿǨĈƻŕŕƻâĈĈťƻŠĈƩǒƢĈüƻƾƻğńƢƻǨŕǒĈƐƻdĿĈƻìƢƢǯńťĭƻǨŕǒĈƻŲğƻ ?ŲťƩƻťüƻƢĈìĈńǨâŕĈƩƻƢĈƻťŲťŃüĈƢńǨƾńǨĈƻĠťťìńŕƻƩƩĈƾƩƻǩńƾĿƻĠǮĈüƻŲƢƻüĈƾĈƢŠńťâŕĈƻƊǯŠĈťƾƩƻƾĿƾƻƢĈƻťŲƾƻƗǒŲƾĈüƻńťƻťƻ
recognised assets that are hedged items in fair value hedges, and otherwise carried at amortised cost, are adjusted to record active market.
United States Dollars (USD), and all values are rounded to the nearest thousand except where indicated otherwise. ǥĀđđÄÿÛĮŜÿţđÄŵÜġġ¨ĀđŵţţÄŸţ
ǨńŕâŕĈŃğŲƢŃƩŕĈƻƌ '^ƍƻńťǨĈƩƾŠĈťƾƻƩĈìǒƢńƾńĈƩƻƢĈƻƾĿŲƩĈƻńťƾĈťüĈüƻƾŲƻâĈƻĿĈŕüƻğŲƢƻťƻńťüĈĠťńƾĈƻƊĈƢńŲüƻŲğƻƾńŠĈ÷ƻǩĿńìĿƻŠǯƻâĈƻ
dĿĈƻìŲťƩŲŕńüƾĈüƻĠťťìńŕƻƩƾƾĈŠĈťƾƩƻìŲŠƊƢńƩĈƻƾĿĈƻĠťťìńŕƻƩƾƾĈŠĈťƾƩƻŲğƻƾĿĈƻ ťŒƻťüƻńƾƩƻƩǒâƩńüńƢńĈƩƻƩƻƾƻKìƾŲâĈƢƻǃż÷ƻ sold in response to needs for liquidity or changes in interest rates, exchange rates or equity prices.
Bank, using consistent accounting policies. Recognition
within the time frame established by regulation or market convention (“regular way” purchases and sales) are recognised
ŽŋŶ ŤĀŤŶĮÛŶ ĮġŤĮđĀ¸ŹĀĮġ at settlement date, which is the date that an asset is delivered to or by the Bank. Otherwise such transactions costs are
All subsidiaries, which are those companies controlled by the Bank, have been fully consolidated. The following subsidiaries treated as derivatives until settlement occurs. Loans and receivables are recognised when cash is advanced to borrowers.
have been consolidated:
'ńťťìńŕƻ ƩƩĈƾƩ÷ƻ ťŲƾƻ ìƢƢńĈüƻ ƾƻ ğńƢƻǨŕǒĈƻƾĿƢŲǒĭĿƻ ƊƢŲĠƾƻ ŲƢƻ ŕŲƩƩ÷ƻ ƢĈƻ ńťńƾńŕŕǯƻ ƢĈìŲĭťńƩĈüƻ ƾƻ ğńƢƻǨŕǒĈƻ ƊŕǒƩƻƾƢťƩìƾńŲťƐƻ
Name Country of Incorporation 'ńťťìńŕƻƩƩĈƾƩƻƢĈƻüĈƢĈìŲĭťńƩĈüƻǩĿĈťƻƾĿĈƻƢńĭĿƾƻƾŲƻƢĈìĈńǨĈƻƾĿĈƻìƩĿƻĦŲǩƩƻğƢŲŠƻƾĿĈƻĠťťìńŕƻƩƩĈƾƩƻĿƩƻĈǮƊńƢĈüƻŲƢƻǩĿĈƢĈƻ
FirstCaribbean International Bank (Cayman) Limited Cayman Islands the Bank has transferred substantially all risks and rewards of ownership.
FirstCaribbean International Finance Corporation (Cayman) Limited Cayman Islands ^ƊţÄŒƊÄġŸŵĜÄţƊŜÄĜÄġŸ
FirstCaribbean International (Cayman) Nominees Company Limited Cayman Islands ǨńŕâŕĈŃğŲƢŃƩŕĈƻťüƻĠťťìńŕƻƩƩĈƾƩƻƾƻğńƢƻǨŕǒĈƻƾĿƢŲǒĭĿƻƊƢŲĠƾƻŲƢƻŕŲƩƩƻƢĈƻƩǒâƩĈƗǒĈťƾŕǯƻƢĈŃŠĈƩǒƢĈüƻƾƻğńƢƻǨŕǒĈƻâƩĈüƻ
FirstCaribbean International Finance Corporation (Netherland Antilles) Limited Curacao ŲťƻƗǒŲƾĈüƻâńüƻƊƢńìĈƩƻŲƢƻŠŲǒťƾƩƻüĈƢńǨĈüƻğƢŲŠƻìƩĿƻĦŲǩƻŠŲüĈŕƩƐƻ?ŲťƩƻťüƻƢĈìĈńǨâŕĈƩƻƢĈƻìƢƢńĈüƻƾƻŠŲƢƾńƩĈüƻìŲƩƾƻǒƩńťĭƻ
FirstCaribbean International Bank (Curacao) N.V. Curacao the effective interest yield method, less any provision for impairment. Unrealised gains and losses arising from changes in
Control is achieved when the Bank is exposed, or has rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee and ƾĿĈƻ ğńƢƻ ǨŕǒĈƻ Ųğƻ ƩĈìǒƢńƾńĈƩƻ ìŕƩƩńĠĈüƻ Ʃƻ ǨńŕâŕĈŃğŲƢŃƩŕĈƻ ƢĈƻ ƢĈìŲĭťńƩĈüƻ ńťƻ ŲƾĿĈƢƻ ìŲŠƊƢĈĿĈťƩńǨĈƻ ńťìŲŠĈƐƻ uĿĈťƻ ƾĿĈƻ
ĿƩƻƾĿĈƻâńŕńƾǯƻƾŲƻğğĈìƾƻƾĿŲƩĈƻƢĈƾǒƢťƩƻƾĿƢŲǒĭĿƻńƾƩƻƊŲǩĈƢƻŲǨĈƢƻƾĿĈƻńťǨĈƩƾĈĈƐƻ^ƊĈìńĠìŕŕǯ÷ƻƾĿĈƻ ťŒƻìŲťƾƢŲŕƩƻťƻńťǨĈƩƾĈĈƻńğƻťüƻ securities are disposed of or impaired, the related accumulated fair value adjustments are included in the consolidated
only if the Bank has: 1) Power over the investee (i.e. existing rights that give it the current ability to direct the relevant statement of income as gains and losses from investment securities.
activities of the investee); 2) Exposure, or rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee; and 3) The ability Unquoted equity instruments for which fair values cannot be measured reliably are recognised at cost less impairment.
to use its power over the investee to affect its returns.
All subsidiaries are wholly owned unless otherwise stated.
and derivatives held for trading are included in operating income as net trading gains or losses. All gains and losses from
äŋŶŶ ĮĜŅŝŹĀǦÄŶ0ġÛĮŝĜŹĀĮġŶ ûġéÄ disposals of investment securities are included in operating income as net investment securities gains or losses. Where
Errors made in connection with the hedge accounting change in accounting policy ìĈƢƾńťƻ Ġťťìńŕƻ ƩƩĈƾƩƻ ƢĈƻ ĿĈüĭĈüƻ ťüƻ ƾĿĈƢĈƻ ńƩƻ ńťĈğğĈìƾńǨĈťĈƩƩ÷ƻ ƾĿńƩƻ ńƩƻ ńťìŕǒüĈüƻ ńťƻ ŲƊĈƢƾńťĭƻ ńťìŲŠĈƻ Ʃƻ ťĈƾƻ ĿĈüĭĈƻ
The Bank elected to change the accounting policy for the calculation of basis adjustments on its hedged items effective 1 relationship losses. Dividends are recorded on the accrual basis when declared and are included in investment securities
FŲǨĈŠâĈƢƻnjǹżĨƻťüƻƩƻƩǒìĿƻƾĿĈƻìŲťƩŲŕńüƾĈüƻĠťťìńŕƻƩƾƾĈŠĈťƾƩƻŲğƻƾĿĈƻ ťŒƻǩĈƢĈƻƢĈƩƾƾĈüƻńťƻƾĿĈƻƊƢńŲƢƻǯĈƢƐƻ under interest and similar income.
During 2016, it was noted that the accounting entries processed to effect the above mentioned change, were done so on the ǒƢńťĭƻƾĿĈƻťŲƢŠŕƻìŲǒƢƩĈƻŲğƻâǒƩńťĈƩƩ÷ƻĠťťìńŕƻƩƩĈƾƩƻìƢƢńĈüƻƾƻŠŲƢƾńƩĈüƻìŲƩƾƻŠǯƻâĈƻƢĈƩƾƢǒìƾǒƢĈüƻǩńƾĿƻƾĿĈƻŠǒƾǒŕƻ
assumption that all underlying hedged items were bond securities, when in fact there was a single hedged loan included in agreement of the Bank and the counterparty. When this occurs for reasons other than those which could be considered
the hedged portfolio. This resulted in the incorrect accounting treatment of the revised basis adjustments on the hedged ńťüńìƾŲƢƩƻŲğƻńŠƊńƢŠĈťƾƻƌƩĈĈƻƞ0ŠƊńƢŠĈťƾƻŲğƻĠťťìńŕƻƩƩĈƾƩƟƍ÷ƻƾĿĈƻ ťŒƻƩƩĈƩƩĈƩƻǩĿĈƾĿĈƢƻƾĿĈƻƢĈƩƾƢǒìƾǒƢĈüƻŲƢƻƢĈťĈĭŲƾńƾĈüƻ
loan as a result of the change in accounting policy. The impact of the change in methodology on the hedged loan was ĠťťìńŕƻƩƩĈƾƻńƩƻƩńĭťńĠìťƾŕǯƻüńğğĈƢĈťƾƻğƢŲŠƻƾĿĈƻŲƢńĭńťŕƻŲťĈƻâǯƻìŲŠƊƢńťĭƻƾĿĈƻƊƢĈƩĈťƾƻǨŕǒĈƻŲğƻƾĿĈƻƢĈƩƾƢǒìƾǒƢĈüƻìƩĿƻĦŲǩƩƻ
incorrectly charged to the available-for-sale revaluation reserve, impacting other comprehensive income, as opposed to üńƩìŲǒťƾĈüƻ ƾƻ ƾĿĈƻ ŲƢńĭńťŕƻ ńťƩƾƢǒŠĈťƾƩƻ ńťƾĈƢĈƩƾƻ ƢƾĈƐƻ 0ğƻ ƾĿĈƻ ƢĈƩƾƢǒìƾǒƢĈüƻ ƾĈƢŠƩƻ ƢĈƻ ƩńĭťńĠìťƾŕǯƻ üńğğĈƢĈťƾ÷ƻ ƾĿĈƻ ťŒƻ
loans and advances to customers as required. üĈƢĈìŲĭťńƩĈƩƻƾĿĈƻŲƢńĭńťŕƻĠťťìńŕƻƩƩĈƾƻťüƻƢĈìŲĭťńƩĈƩƻƻťĈǩƻŲťĈƻƾƻğńƢƻǨŕǒĈ÷ƻǩńƾĿƻťǯƻüńğğĈƢĈťìĈƻƢĈìŲĭťńƩĈüƻńťƻƾĿĈƻ
consolidated statement of income.
restatement calculation. As a result, opening retained earnings and the loans and advances to customers balance were further corrected.