Page 8 - HOH
P. 8
Thursday 10 January 2019
Today Is Going To Be A Good Day
Continued from Page 13
The place was founded in 2009 and it is the
only organization rescuing and rehabilitating
exotic animals in Aruba, which has resulted in
an amazing collection of these animals. They
provide a suitable living environment for all
the rescued animals. Up until now the owner,
Philip, has built this shelter with his own efforts;
building all the cages from scratch, designing
all structures and welding them with his own
bare hands. His goal is to upgrade the facilities
to a world-class animal shelter with veterinary
care and round-the-clock staffs. With the input
from the Aruban community and visitors they
provide the best care for these animals. Please
check out their website for more information: enjoy the beautiful view from the top. The con- not to miss out on. The beautiful beach with the
struction of the California Lighthouse started in natural mangroves is simply a beauty, but if you
The Lighthouse 1915. The name ‘California’ came from a vessel are into a more active way to enjoy the nature:
No, you would not think of this as a hidden gem. of the West India Company and Pacific Steam- take a kayak. While you are doing some work-
The California Lighthouse is actually one of the ship Co. called ‘California’ that shipwrecked in out -as it might get a little windy and rough-,
most known highlights in Aruba and many re- the area in 1891. Therefore they came up with you will see the island from a different perspec-
peated guests most probably took the ride up- the idea of building a lighthouse that could in- tive.
hill already. But, there is a significant change to dicate the island’s eastern tip to ships with its You can even make a stop to do some snorkel-
this tower. Since September 2016 you can climb light. will give you ing at the reef. Its fun, it’s healthy and for sure
the top. In 2015 Stichting Monumentenfonds more information. something else. There are several companies
started the restoration of the California Light- that offer kayak tours, we had good experi-
house. The project finished in September 2016 Kayak in the Mangroves ence with The Shack Kayak Tours Aruba, find
and the Lighthouse is now open for visitors to Mangel Halto at Savaneta is definitely a place them on Facebook. q
Honoring loyal visitors at the Divi All Inclusive Resorts
ORANJESTAD — Recently, Kimberley Richardson of the Aruba
Tourism Authority had the great pleasure to honor Aruba’s loyal and
friendly visitors as Distinguished Visitor and Goodwill Ambassador.
The Distinguished visitor certificate is presented on behalf of
the Minister of Tourism, as a token of appreciation to the guests
who visit Aruba 10 years and more consecutively. The Goodwill
Ambassador certificate is presented to guests who visit Aruba 20
years and more consecutively.
The honorees are the lovely couple Marcos and Dee Dee Lopez,
together with their three kids Ian, Elianna, and Savannah Lopez
from Massachusetts.
This family stated that they love the island very much, especially
for the year-round sunny weather, nice sandy beaches, delicious
variety of foods, and Aruba’s warm and friendly people.
Ms. Richardson together with the representatives of the Divi All
Inclusive Resort presented the certificate to the honorees, and
also handed over some presents and thanked them for choosing
Aruba as their favorite vacation destination and as their home
away from home.q