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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 14 March 2019

            FAA RELENTS                  he said.                     cally fly for up to 40 years,
            Continued from Front         "I  think  any  disruptions  will  and any needed fix will be
            "At the end of the day, it is  be very minor," he said.   made quickly, he said.
            a decision that has the full  Sharon  Barnes,  a  passen-  Shares  in  Chicago-based
            support  of  the  secretary,  ger  at  Seattle-Tacoma  In-  Boeing  ended  up  $1.73
            the president and the FAA  ternational Airport, said she  or  about  0.5  percent,  at
            as an agency," Elwell said.  agreed with grounding the  $377.14  Wednesday  after
            While  early  satellite  track-  planes.  "I  think  it  was  the  they lost more than 11 per-
            ing data showed similarities  right  decision  given  that  cent in the first two days this
            between the Ethiopian jet's  the rest of the world is do-  week. The stock is still up 17
            flight path and Lion Air, El-  ing the same thing, and it's  percent for the year.
            well said the FAA was skep-  a prudent thing to be doing  The  growing  number  of
            tical  of  the  low-resolution  until we know more about  countries  joining  the  ban
            images.  The  data  showed  what's going on," she said.   put  the  FAA  in  a  difficult
            movements  that  weren't  Michael  Fortman,  picking  position,  said  Peter  Goelz,
            consistent  with  how  air-  up  wife  at  the  Seattle  air-  a  former  managing  direc-
            planes fly, Elwell said.     port,  wondered  why  the  tor of the NTSB who is now
            On  Wednesday,  global  air  planes  could  pass  all  tests  an  aviation  consultant.  He
            traffic surveillance compa-  to  be  flying,  yet  they  now  said  the  FAA,  which  certi-
            ny Aireon, Boeing and the  have been grounded.            fied the 737 Max as airwor-  Workers walk down stairs from a Boeing 737 MAX 8 airplane be-
            U.S. National Transportation  "Did it really go through all  thy and has been the lead   ing built for American Airlines at Boeing Co.'s Renton assembly
            Safety Board were able to  the  testing  or  not,  or  just  regulatory  body  for  the   plant, Wednesday, March 13, 2019, in Renton, Wash.
            enhance  the  initial  data  stuff afterward that they're  airplane.q                                                           Associated Press
            and  make  it  more  precise  finding  out  about  the
            "to create a description of  plane?"Fortman asked.
            the flight that made it simi-  Boeing  issued  a  statement
            lar  enough  to  Lion  Air,"  El-  saying  it  supported  the
            well said.                   FAA's decision even though
            He  wouldn't  detail  the  it  "continues  to  have  full
            evidence  found  on  the  confidence"  in  the  planes'
            ground, saying the FAA is a  safety.
            party to the ongoing inves-  The  company  also  said  it
            tigation.                    had  recommended  the
            The  U.S.  also  grounded  a  suspension of the Max fleet
            larger version of the plane,  after consultations with the
            the Max 9.                   government.
            The Ethiopian plane's flight  The groundings will have a
            data  and  voice  recorders  far-reaching  financial  im-
            were to be sent to France  pact on Boeing, at least in
            Wednesday night for anal-    the  short  term,  said  John
            ysis, Elwell said. Some avia-  Cox,  a  veteran  pilot  and
            tion  experts  have  warned  CEO  of  Safety  Operat-
            that finding answers in that  ing  Systems.  In  addition  to
            crash, which killed 157 peo-  those  that  have  already
            ple, could take months.      been  grounded,  there  are
            Airlines,  mainly  Southwest,  more  than  4,600  Boeing
            American     and    United,  737 Max 8 planes on back-
            should be able to swap out  log  that  are  not  yet  deliv-
            planes  pretty  quickly,  and  ered  to  airlines.  "There  are
            passengers  shouldn't  be  delivery  dates  that  aren't
            terribly   inconvenienced,  being  met,  there's  usage
            said Paul Hudson, president  of the aircraft that's not be-
            of,  which  ing met, and all the supply
            represents  passengers.  The  chain things that Boeing so
            Max,  he  said,  makes  up  carefully crafted," Cox said.
            only a small percentage of  Even so, Boeing will recov-
            the U.S. passenger jet fleet,  er,  because  planes  typi-
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