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A6   U.S. NEWS
                  Thursday 14 March 2019
            States weigh bans on shackling jailed moms during childbirth

            SALT  LAKE  CITY  (AP)  —  Mi-                                                                                      practice  is  hard  to  stamp
            chelle Aldana gave birth to                                                                                         out,  said  Lauryn  King,  a
            her first child chained to a                                                                                        public-policy Ph.D. student
            hospital bed.                                                                                                       at The George Washington
            Then  serving  time  at  the                                                                                        University  who  completed
            Utah  state  prison  on  a                                                                                          a state-by-state analysis of
            drug  charge,  she  says  she                                                                                       laws on the topic.
            labored  through  the  diffi-                                                                                       "What  are  the  odds  that
            cult 2001 birth for nearly 30                                                                                       without  specific  training,
            hours,  her  ankles  bleeding                                                                                       your   average     correc-
            as the shackles on both her                                                                                         tions  officer  knows  every
            legs and one arm dug in. "I                                                                                         policy?"  she  said.  In  New
            felt like a farm animal," she                                                                                       York, for example, a report
            says.                                                                                                               found the practice contin-
            The  practice  of  keeping                                                                                          ued  even  after  a  law  was
            inmates  shackled  during                                                                                           passed.
            childbirth  was  once  com-                                                                                         In Wisconsin, a woman said
            mon  around  the  United                                                                                            in a lawsuit she was shack-
            States,  but  that's  gradually                                                                                     led  with  a  chain  so  short
            been changing after wom-                                                                                            that she couldn't reach the
            en  began  speaking  out,                                                                                           stirrups during labor in Feb-
            with 22 states passing laws   In this Feb. 27, 2019, photo, Michelle Aldana is shown at the Utah State Capitol in Salt Lake City.   ruary  2014.  Tennessee  and
            against it over the past two                                                                       Associated Press  Arkansas  have  faced  simi-
            decades.                                                                                                            lar lawsuits and are weigh-
            Utah  and  at  least  three  mental  issue  of  dignity,"  during  medical  treatment  Still, some have raised safe-  ing  bans  on  the  practice
            other  states  are  consider-  said Democratic state Rep.  for safety, said Amy Fettig,  ty  concerns.  In  Utah,  Re-  this  year,  along  with  South
            ing  joining  them  this  year,  Stephanie  Pitcher,  who  is  deputy director of the Na-  publican Rep. Eric Hutchins  Carolina.
            after  the  federal  govern-  sponsoring  the  Utah  mea-  tional  Prison  Project  at  the  has pointed out that violent  In Utah, Aldana was bloody
            ment recently banned the  sure.  "A  woman  deserves  ACLU.                            incidents  happen  often  in  and sore after her tough la-
            practice  with  a  sweeping  dignity in childbirth."      But  childbirth  is  different,  state prisons, and hospitals  bor, which also left her with
            criminal justice reform law.  Though  the  state  prison  she  said.  Preventing  a  have  far  less  built-in  secu-  a  broken  pelvis  from  the
            Many  other  states  have  changed  its  official  policy  woman  from  moving  dur-   rity.                        pressure  of  the  baby.  She
            policies  against  shackling,  to  prohibit  shackling  in  ing labor increases the risk  He  ultimately  voted  in  fa-  was  released  a  month  af-
            but  advocates  say  that  2015,  Pitcher  has  heard  of  potentially  life-threaten-  vor  of  the  bill,  which  does  ter  her  son  was  born,  and
            without a law it's harder to  from  a  number  of  Utah  ing  health  risks  inherent  in  allow  some  shackling  dur-  in  the  years  since  she's  re-
            stop  a  practice  they  con-  doctors  who  have  treat-  childbirth,  like  blood  clots.  ing  transportation  and  the  covered  and  become  a
            demn  as  dangerous  and  ed  incarcerated  women  It  also  makes  it  harder  to  use of soft restraints if an in-  substance  abuse  counsel-
            inhumane.                    having  babies  in  shackles,  move  her  if  there  is  an  mate is documented to be  or. Now pregnant with her
            Women are America's fast-    some  as  recently  as  this  emergency,  or  feed  the  dangerous.  Prison  officials  third  child,  she  still  suffers
            growing  segment  of  pris-  year. Her bill, which would  baby after it's born.        are also in support, and say  with  anxiety  about  child-
            oners.  The  American  Civil  apply  to  both  the  prison  Meanwhile,  the  physical  their policy change means  birth but said a law against
            Liberties  Union  estimates  and  local  jails,  passed  the  conditions  of  labor  make  women  like  Aldana  are  shackling would be a relief.
            about    12,000   pregnant  state  House  and  is  being  escape  attempts  unlikely,  treated differently today.   "I just don't think any wom-
            women  are  incarcerated  considered by the Senate.       and  there  are  no  docu-   Most  other  states  without  an,  when  they're  that  vul-
            in  U.S.  jails  or  prisons  each  The  practice  is  an  out-  mented cases of a woman  laws  against  shackling  do  nerable,  should  ever  be
            year.                        growth of policies requiring  getting away while having  have policies in place, but  treated that way," she said.
            "For  me,  it's  just  a  funda-  all prisoners to be restrained  a child, Fettig said.  without  strict  controls,  the  "It's just wrong."q

            Alaska poised to let people use marijuana at certain stores

                                                                      the  first  state  in  the  nation  be freestanding.      Association,  said  recently.
                                                                      with  statewide  rules  allow-  Supporters  of  onsite  mari-  "There's a lot riding on this."
                                                                      ing people to use marijua-   juana  use  see  it  as  a  way  The regulations take effect
                                                                      na  at certain  stores where  to  provide  tourists  with  a  April  11,  but  there  will  be
                                                                      they buy it.                 place  to  partake.  Summer  a  lag  before  people  can
                                                                      Lt.  Gov.  Kevin  Meyer  this  is  tourist  season  in  Alaska,  smoke  or  consume  mari-
                                                                      week signed and filed rules  with cruise ship passengers  juana edibles at stores.
                                                                      for  the  use  of  recreational  stopping  in  communities  Alaska's  marijuana  regu-
                                                                      marijuana  at  authorized  such as Juneau.                latory  board  must  vet  all
                                                                      pot shops.                   But  industry  officials  also  applications,  and  its  next
                                                                      They  allow  marijuana  use  know there will be a lot of  meeting  is  in  early  May.
                                                                      in special sections of stores  attention  paid  to  how  on-  That's  not  enough  turn-
                                                                      that  are  separated  from  site use takes shape in the  around  time  for  businesses
                                                                      the retail area by walls and  state.                      to  have  their  applications
                                                                      a secure door, or outdoors.  "Outside  of  being  a  test  ready for review, said Erika
              In  this  Feb.  20,  2015,  file  photo,  Alaska  Cannabis  Club  CEO
            Charlo Greene prepares to roll a joint at the medical marijuana   Shops  allowing  for  onsite  model  for  the  rest  of  the  McConnell,  director  of  the
            dispensary in Anchorage, Alaska.                          use are to be freestanding,  U.S.,  we're  also  going  to  Alcohol   and   Marijuana
                                                     Associated Press  though  an  area  seen  as  be  trying  to  do  it  right  for  Control  Office.  The  dead-
                                                                      open  for  further  discussion  ourselves,"  Cary  Carrigan,  line for meeting materials is
            By BECKY BOHRER              JUNEAU,  Alaska  (AP)  —  is whether shops that don't  executive  director  of  the  April 12.q
            Associated Press             Alaska is poised to become  want to allow smoking must  Alaska  Marijuana  Industry
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