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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 14 March 2019
            China: Taiwan's moves like 'stretching arm to block a car'

            By CHRISTOPHER BODEEN                                                                                               gressive Party was elected
            Associated Press                                                                                                    in a 2016 landslide, but has
            BEIJING (AP) — Attempts to                                                                                          seen  her  approval  ratings
            block Beijing's goal of bring-                                                                                      fall as she prepares to seek
            ing Taiwan under its control                                                                                        re-election next year.
            are  like  "stretching  out  an                                                                                     In  a  meeting  on  national
            arm to block a car," China                                                                                          security  Monday,  Tsai  said
            said  in  its  latest  rhetorical                                                                                   relations  with  China  must
            broadside against the self-                                                                                         be  "viewed  in  a  positive
            governing  island  republic's                                                                                       way,  but  only  when  the
            independence-minded                                                                                                 principle of equal dignity is
            president.                                                                                                          safeguarded,"  according
            The    statement     issued                                                                                         to the official Central News
            late  Tuesday  takes  aim                                                                                           Agency.
            at  Tsai  Ing-wen's  recent                                                                                         Taiwan's legal and political
            announcement  of  mea-                                                                                              institutions  need  strength-
            sures  to  counter  China's                                                                                         ening and its military needs
            "one country, two systems"                                                                                          bolstering   —   including
            framework for political unifi-                                                                                      through bigger budgets —
            cation with the island.                                                                                             while  economic  competi-
            Spokesman for the Chinese                                                                                           tiveness needs to be raised
            Cabinet's Taiwan Affairs Of-                                                                                        and    greater   outreach
            fice An Fengshan accused                                                                                            make  to  the  international
            Tsai  of  harming  relations                                                                                        community to counter Bei-
            between the sides and us-    In this March 21, 2017,  file photo, Taiwan's  President  Tsai Ing-wen, center,  along  with Defense   jing's  isolation  campaign,
                                         Minister Feng Shih-kuan, right, and Secretary-General of National Security Council Joseph Wu,
            ing  the  welfare  of  the  Tai-  left, cheer with navy officers during a visit to Zuoying Naval base in Kaohsiung, southern Taiwan.  she said.
            wanese people as a "poker                                                                          Associated Press  "As long as we stay united,
            chip"  for  the  sake  of  elec-                                                                                    national  sovereignty,  free-
            toral gains.                 patriots  on  both  sides  to  tion.                      and economic differences  dom  and  democracy  will
            Such  actions  "stand  in  op-  progress,"  An  said.  "All  it  is,  China says Taiwan is a part  developed  between  them  not  be  eroded,  and  'one
            position to the interests and  is stretching out an arm to  of its  territory that must be  since they separated amid  country,  two  systems'  will
            welfare of our Taiwan com-   block a car," he said, using  brought  under  its  control  civil war 70 years ago.    not  become  the  future  of
            patriots,  and  endeavor  to  a common Chinese expres-    by  force  if  necessary,  de-  Tsai  of  the  pro-indepen-  Taiwan," Tsai said.q
            block  progress  by  com-    sion to describe a futile ac-  spite  the  social,  political  dence  Democratic  Pro-

             School building collapses in Nigeria with scores said inside

            LAGOS,  Nigeria  (AP)  —  A                                                                                         where new construction of-
            three-story  building  col-                                                                                         ten goes up without regula-
            lapsed    in   Nigeria   on                                                                                         tory oversight and floors are
            Wednesday  with  scores  of                                                                                         added to already unstable
            school  children  thought  to                                                                                       buildings.
            be inside, setting off frantic                                                                                      Lagos state Gov. Akinwun-
            rescue  efforts  in  the  coun-                                                                                     mi  Ambode  said  buildings
            try's  crowded  commercial                                                                                          in  the  neighborhood,  Ita
            capital.  An  emergency                                                                                             Faji,  should  have  under-
            management  official  said                                                                                          gone  integrity  tests  but
            more  than  40  people  had                                                                                         landlords resisted.
            been found but it was not                                                                                           Hundreds  of  people  stood
            yet clear how many died.                                                                                            in  narrow  streets  and  on
            Associated    Press   video                                                                                         rooftops  of  rusted,  corru-
            showed     rescuers   carry-                                                                                        gated metal, watching res-
            ing  several  dust-covered,                                                                                         cue efforts. A yellow exca-
            stunned-looking    children                                                                                         vator scooped at the ruins
            from  the  rubble,  to  cheers                                                                                      of  rebar  and  dust.  Later  it
            from  hundreds  of  people                                                                                          nosed at concrete slabs.
            who  rushed  to  the  scene.                                                                                        With emotions high, a num-
            But  the  crowd  quieted  as                                                                                        ber of shirtless men jumped
            others were pulled out and                                                                                          in to offer assistance, hack-
            slung  over  people's  shoul-                                                                                       saws  and  mallets  in  hand.
            ders, unmoving.              Emergency services attend the scene after a building collapsed in Lagos, Nigeria, Wednesday   Some were barefoot. Some
            The  children  were  hur-    March 13, 2019.                                                                        were  bare-handed.  One
            ried  through  the  crowd  to                                                                      Associated Press  held  a  water  bottle  in  his
            ambulances.  One  man                                                                                               teeth.
            pressed his hands to a pass-  and a city of some 20 mil-  floor, some witnesses said.  Emergency  Management  The collapse came as Presi-
            ing survivor's head in bless-  lion  people.  More  equip-  More  than  40  people  had  Agency,  told  The  Associ-  dent  Muhammadu  Buhari,
            ing.                         ment  was  brought  in  as  been  found  "but  for  now  I  ated Press.                newly  elected  to  a  sec-
            Rescue  efforts  unfolded  nightfall approached.          am not in a position to give  It  was  not  immediately  ond  term,  tries  to  improve
            in  the  densely  populated  As  many  as  100  children  the  number  of  dead,"  Shi-  clear why the building col-  groaning,  inefficient  infra-
            neighborhood in Lagos, Ni-   had  been  in  the  primary  na  Tiamiyu,  general  man-  lapsed.  Such  disasters  are  structure  in  Africa's  most
            geria's commercial capital  school on the building's top  ager  of  the  Lagos  State  all too common in Nigeria,  populous nation.q
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