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                  Thursday 14 March 2019
            Rights group: EU complicit in violence against migrants

            By DARKO BANDIC                                                                                                     ter the Republic of Croatia
            Associated Press                                                                                                    the  next  time  they  try,"  he
            BIHAC,    Bosnia-Herzegovi-                                                                                         said in a statement.
            na (AP) — A leading rights                                                                                          In Brussels, European Com-
            group  has  accused  Euro-                                                                                          mission     spokeswoman
            pean Union states of com-                                                                                           Mina  Andreeva  said  that
            placency in the "systemat-                                                                                          the  EU's  executive  body  is
            ic, unlawful and frequently                                                                                         concerned about the alle-
            violent   pushbacks"    by                                                                                          gations made in the report
            Croatian  border  guards  of                                                                                        and is taking them very seri-
            thousands  of  asylum-seek-                                                                                         ously.
            ers  to  squalid  and  unsafe                                                                                       "Any  form  of  violence
            refugee camps in Bosnia.                                                                                            against  or  abuse  of  mi-
            Amnesty        International                                                                                        grants  and  refugees  is
            said  in  a  report  released                                                                                       unacceptable,"  she  told
            Wednesday  that  "Europe-                                                                                           reporters,  adding  that  EU
            an  governments  are  not                                                                                           is  contacting  Croatian  au-
            just  turning  a  blind  eye  to                                                                                    thorities about the matter.
            vicious assaults by the Cro-                                                                                        "The  commission  expects
            atian police, but also fund-                                                                                        Croatia   to   follow   up
            ing their activities."                                                                                              promptly  on  these  specif-
            The report said that "in do-                                                                                        ic  allegations  and  we  will
            ing  so,  they  are  fueling  a   In this Nov. 28, 2018 file photo, a group of migrants moves through a forest in the Pljesevica Moun-  continue  to  closely  moni-
            growing humanitarian crisis   tain in a attempt to illegally cross the border into Croatia.                         tor the situation," Andreeva
            on the edge of the Europe-                                                                         Associated Press  said. Thousands of migrants
            an Union."                                                                                                          have  been  stuck  in  Bosnia
            Croatian  authorities  have  on  Wednesday,  Croatian  ternational rights groups of  single case.                   as they seek to move on to-
            repeatedly denied such re-   Interior Minister Davor Bozi-  alleged  illegal  and  violent  "Migrants  in  most  cases  ward  Western  Europe.  Mi-
            ports in the past.           novic said that the ministry  pushbacks of migrants, but  falsely  accuse  police  of-  grants mostly travel illegally
            In  a  response  to  the  Am-  has  received  more  than  that after investigations no  ficials  of  violence,  hoping  with  the  help  of  people
            nesty  International  report  200 complaints issued by in-  foul play was detected in a  that this will help them en-  smugglers.q

            Algeria: Opposition meets, key govt figures appeal for calm

            By AOMAR OUALI                                                                                                      economic institutions func-
            ALGIERS,  Algeria  (AP)  —                                                                                          tion normally."
            Algerian  opposition  lead-                                                                                         "We want the transition (to
            ers  called  for  continued                                                                                         new  elections)  to  be  as
            mass  protests  Wednesday                                                                                           short  as  possible,"  he  add-
            against President Abdelaziz                                                                                         ed.
            Bouteflika  as  key  figures  in                                                                                    Former   foreign   minister
            his  new  government  at-                                                                                           Lakhdar  Brahimi,  who  is
            tempted  to  appeal  for                                                                                            close  to  Bouteflika,  said,
            calm.                                                                                                               "we  want  to  organize  suc-
            The  opposition  accuses                                                                                            cessful  elections  in  a  cli-
            the  82-year-old  president                                                                                         mate of serenity to preserve
            of  flouting  the  constitu-                                                                                        the stability of Algeria."
            tion to cling to power. This                                                                                        Brahimi denied reports that
            week he abandoned plans                                                                                             he  would  chair  a  confer-
            to seek a fifth term, but he                                                                                        ence  planning  Algeria's
            also canceled next month's                                                                                          future, adding: "I say to the
            presidential  election  with-                                                                                       young  Algerians  who  pro-
            out  setting  a  new  date                                                                                          test, do not destroy Algeria,
            and  replaced  key  ministe-                                                                                        like Iraq and Syria."
            rial  posts,  including  that  of                                                                                   Algerians have barely seen
            prime minister, with loyalists.                                                                                     their president since he suf-
            Teachers took to the streets                                                                                        fered a stroke in 2013, and
            to  keep  up  pressure  on                                                                                          question  his  fitness  for  of-
            the  longtime  president,  as                                                                                       fice. Protesters are also an-
            political  uncertainty  grips                                                                                       gry  about  corruption  and
            this  gas-rich  North  African   Teachers hold placards reading, on the left, "You have millions. We are millions of teachers" and   secrecy  in  Algeria's  power
            country.                     in the center "I dream of a democratic Algeria", during a protest in Algiers, Algeria, Wednesday,   structure.
            A  broad  swath  of  opposi-  March 13, 2019.                                                                       Wednesday's     opposition
            tion  figures  met  Wednes-                                                                        Associated Press  gathering  included  promi-
            day at the headquarters of                                                                                          nent  Islamists  and  rival
            the  Islamist  party  El  Adala  They  called  the  election  decisive  protests  are  ex-  ister,  Ramtane  Lamamra,  secular parties, two former
            and  issued  a  statement  delay unconstitutional, and  pected Friday, after millions  tried to appeal for calm on  prime  ministers  and  others
            saying: "At this historic, de-  appealed  for  the  unprec-  have come to the streets in  Public  Radio  Wednesday,  who have served in Boute-
            cisive  moment,  the  Alge-  edented revolt against the  recent weeks.                 saying  the  new  govern-    flika's   governments   but
            rian opposition is at the side  ailing  Bouteflika  to  contin-  Algeria's new deputy prime  ment  is  "fully  fledged"  and  have  since  turned  against
            of the people."              ue. Nationwide, potentially  minister  and  foreign  min-  "will  ensure  political  and  the country's leadership.q
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