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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 14 March 2019

            Boeing jet grounded in much of world after Ethiopia crash

            By ELIAS MESERET                                                                                                    "There was nothing to see,"
            YIDNEK KIRUBEL                                                                                                      he  said.  "It  looked  like  the
            Associated Press                                                                                                    earth  had  swallowed  the
            HEJERE,  Ethiopia  (AP)  —                                                                                          aircraft.  ...  We  were  sur-
            Much of the world, includ-                                                                                          prised!" He said it explained
            ing  the  entire  European                                                                                          why rescue officials quickly
            Union,  grounded  the  Boe-                                                                                         sent  bulldozers  to  begin
            ing  jetliner  involved  in  the                                                                                    digging out large pieces of
            Ethiopian  Airlines  crash  or                                                                                      debris.
            banned  it  from  their  air-                                                                                       Ethiopian  Airlines,  widely
            space,  leaving  the  United                                                                                        seen  as  Africa's  best-man-
            States  as  one  of  the  few                                                                                       aged  airline,  grounded  its
            remaining    operators   of                                                                                         remaining  four  737  Max  8s
            the  plane  involved  in  two                                                                                       until further notice. The car-
            deadly  accidents  in  just                                                                                         rier had been using five of
            five months.                                                                                                        the planes and was await-
            The    European    Aviation                                                                                         ing delivery of 25 more.
            Safety  Agency  took  steps   In this photo taken Monday, March 11, 2019, a Boeing 737 MAX 8 airplane being built for Air   As  night  fell,  the  airline  of-
            to  keep  the  Boeing  737   Canada sits parked at Boeing Co.'s Renton Assembly Plant in Renton, Wash.              fered  no  new  updates  on
            Max 8 out of the air, joining                                                                      Associated Press  the investigation. An airline
            Asian  and  Middle  Eastern                                                                                         spokesman said victims' re-
            governments  and  carriers  returned  to  Istanbul  after  Max 8 in October.           grounding these planes un-   mains  should  be  identified
            that also gave in to safety  British airspace was closed  "Thus far, our review shows  til  an  investigation  can  be  in about five days.
            concerns  in  the  aftermath  to  the  aircraft.  The  official  no  systemic  performance  performed."             Some  insights  into  the  di-
            of  Sunday's  crash,  which  spoke on condition of ano-   issues and provides no ba-   Consumer  Reports  called  saster  and  its  cause  could
            killed  all  157  people  on  nymity because he was not  sis  to  order  grounding  the  on  airlines  and  the  FAA  to  take  months,  aviation  ex-
            board.                       authorized  to  speak  pub-  aircraft,"  acting  FAA  Ad-  ground the jets until a thor-  perts said.
            Referring  to  the  Lion  Air  licly.                     ministrator  Daniel  K.  Elwell  ough safety investigation is  "The  conclusions  that  will
            crash  in  Indonesia  that  U.S.-based Boeing has said  said  in  a  statement.  "Nor  complete.                    come  out  of  its  probe  will
            killed 189 people last year,  it has no reason to pull the  have  other  civil  aviation  Even  Trump  weighed  in,  be beneficial to the rest of
            European  regulators  said  popular  aircraft  from  the  authorities  provided  data  tweeting  that  additional  the world," Ethiopian Prime
            Tuesday that "similar causes  skies  and  does  not  intend  to  us  that  would  warrant  "complexity  creates  dan-  Minister  Abiy  Ahmed  said
            may  have  contributed  to  to issue new recommenda-      action."                     ger" in modern aircraft and  Tuesday at a news confer-
            both events."                tions  about  the  aircraft  to  Some U.S. airlines expressed  hinders  pilots  from  making  ence  with  visiting  French
            British  regulators  indicated  customers.  Boeing's  CEO  support  for  the  Boeing  "split  second  decisions"  to  President  Emmanuel  Ma-
            possible  trouble  with  a  re-  Dennis   Muilenburg   also  model,  and  American  Air-  ensure passengers' safety.  cron.  "These  types  of  ac-
            portedly  damaged  flight  spoke  with  President  Don-   lines  and  Southwest  con-  He did not specifically men-  cidents  break  everyone's
            data recorder, saying they  ald  Trump  and  reiterated  tinued  flying  them.  A  vice  tion the crashes but said, "I  heart.  I  hope  we  will  learn
            based their decision on the  that the 737 Max 8 is safe,  president  for  American,  don't know about you, but  from this crash."
            fact that they did not have  the company said. Its tech-  the  world's  biggest  carrier,  I don't want Albert Einstein  On Tuesday a group of offi-
            "sufficient information" from  nical  team,  meanwhile,  which  has  24  Max  8s,  said  to be my pilot."           cials from China, which also
            the recorder.                joined  American,  Israeli,  they had "full confidence in  The Ethiopian Airlines plane  grounded  planes,  paused
            Turkish  Airlines,  Oman  Air,  Kenyan and other aviation  the aircraft."              crashed  six  minutes  after  in  their  work  at  the  scene
            Norwegian Air Shuttle, Ice-  experts in the investigation  Safety  experts  cautioned  taking off for Nairobi, killing  to  reflect  with  an  offering
            landair  and  South  Kore-   led by Ethiopian authorities.  against drawing too many  people from 35 countries.     of incense, fruit, bread rolls
            an  airline  Eastar  Jet  were  The  Federal  Aviation  Ad-  comparisons too soon with  A  pilot  who  saw  the  crash  and  a  plastic  container  of
            among  the  latest  carriers  ministration  also  backed  the  Lion  Air  crash  in  Octo-  site  minutes  after  the  di-  the  Ethiopian  flatbread  in-
            to  halt  use  of  the  Boeing  the  jet's  airworthiness  and  ber.  But  others  in  the  U.S.  saster  told  the  AP  that  jera.
            model.  The  United  Arab  said  it  was  reviewing  all  began pressing for action.   the  plane  appeared  to  As      the   global    team
            Emirates,  Malaysia,  Austra-  available  data.  It  said  it  The  Association  of  Profes-  have  "slid  directly  into  the  searched  for  answers,  a
            lia,  New  Zealand,  Fiji  and  expects  Boeing  will  soon  sional  Flight  Attendants,  ground."  Capt.  Solomon  woman  stood  near  the
            Singapore  also  suspended  complete improvements to  which        represents   more  Gizaw was among the first  crash  site,  wailing.  Kebe-
            all flights in their airspace or  an automated anti-stall sys-  than  26,000  flight  atten-  people  dispatched  to  find  bew  Legess  said  she  was
            into or out of their airports.  tem  suspected  of  contrib-  dants  at  American  Air-  the  plane.  The  wreckage  the mother of a young Ethi-
            A Turkish Airlines official said  uting  to  the  deadly  crash  lines, called on CEO Doug  was  discovered  by  Ethio-  opian  Airlines  crew  mem-
            two  Britain-bound  planes  of another new Boeing 737  Parker to "strongly consider  pia's air force.               ber among the dead.q
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