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                  Thursday 14 March 2019

             Student Affairs

               By Louedska Maduro
               Spring Break

               ORANJESTAD — It is officially spring break! Which means, no
               exams, no quizzes and time to relax. As you all may know,
               I have been looking forward to spring break for quite some
               time  already.  Everything  at  the  University  of  South  Caro-
               lina  campus  is  basically  closed  and  almost  everyone  left
               the campus to go back home, either to their family or their
               friends. Some people may have also decided to take this
               opportunity and go traveling somewhere else instead of go-
               ing back home.

               Up  until  now,  my  exchange  semester  at  the  University  of
               South Carolina is going well. At the start, there were some
               issues I had encountered in regard to my courses, but I have
               managed to solve these issues. Each day, I am getting more
               accustomed to being in such a big campus and city com-
               pared to back home. I have made some new friends and
               managed to do a lot of things in the city of Columbia. How-
               ever, I cannot lie that I do miss Aruba. Especially my fam-
               ily and my friends. Also, don’t forget the warm and sunny
               weather  on  the  island  of  Aruba.  As  they  say,  there  is  no
               place like home.
               A difference that I have noticed while being a student at
               the University of South Carolina, is that the students in Aruba

               are  more  approachable  than  the  students  friendships. Everyone at the University of South  cided to drive up to Asheville for a few days.
               here.  The  students  that  I  have  encountered  Carolina has the opportunity to sign up if they  I  have  never  been  to  North  Carolina,  thus  I
               here have the tendency to be more on their  would like to become a domestic buddy and  thought, why not take this opportunity to go
               own.  Which  means,  that  they  will  not  easily  afterwards, they will get paired up with some-  there. Since for me, personally, I find that Co-
               approach  people  and  start  a  random  con-  one who has “matched” with them. Which is,  lumbia is a lot more of a “city life”. Therefore, I
               versation with someone they see walking on  usually an international buddy. The matching  wanted to get away for a while and go more
               campus. Meanwhile in Aruba, this is the com-  is based upon availability, personal interests,  into the nature aspect. Today, I went to the
               plete opposite. Also, this example is not lim-  age  and  gender.  The  Buddies  Beyond  Bor-  Blue  Ridge  Parkway  and  decided  to  go  on
               ited to only students on Aruba, but the people  ders  program  does  have  requirements  and  a hike there. I visited the Graveyard Fields. I
               on the island as well. Everywhere you go on  expectations  that  each  student  needs  to  loved  it.  The  only  downside  of  the  hike  was
               the  island,  you  can  definitely  find  someone  consider before signing up. I have signed up  that,  because  there  was  some  slight  rainfall
               who  you  can  start  a  random  conversation  for  the  Buddies  Beyond  Borders  upon  arrival  yesterday, some of the trails were a bit mud-
               with and will give you plenty of suggestions on  and  gained  a  great  friend  through  the  pro-  dy. Moreover, I love the downtown area and
               where to go and what to do.                   gram. I definitely recommend anyone who is  the breweries in Asheville. Tomorrow I will go
               A program I want to mention this time, is the  currently at the University of South Carolina to  spend the day at the Biltmore, which is a pop-
               Buddies Beyond Borders program at the Uni-    apply  to  be  a  domestic  buddy  and  also  in-  ular attraction in Asheville.
               versity  of  South  Carolina.  This  program  was  ternational students who are going to attend  For everyone who are also currently on spring
               developed by the International Student Ser-   the University of South Carolina in the future.  break, I hope you all are having a great time
               vices and helps both international and Ameri-  It is a great opportunity to meet new people  and be safe! In my next article, I will continue
               can students at the University of South Caro-  and get to know other cultures.               to update you with all my adventures as an
               lina  create  a  connection  and  long-lasting  Regarding my spring break plans, I have de-  exchange student abroad. q

                                       Louedska Maduro, 25 years old, is currently a third-year student at the University of Aruba in the program of Orga-
                                       nization, Governance and Management. Louedska takes part in an exchange abroad during the spring semes-
                                       ter. She is now attending the University of South Carolina for the upcoming four months and will take this experi-
                                       ence as her inspiration for her column Student Affairs. The column will be in the newspaper every other Thursday.
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