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                                                                                                                           Thursday 14 March 2019



            In  a  September  2016  photo,
            Yale's  women's  head  soccer
            Coach  Rudy  Meredith  gives
            pointers  to  players  during  a
            scrimmage in Ocala, Fla.
                        Associated Press
            A twist in

            the usual




            By TIM DAHLBERG
            AP Sports Columnist
            The  latest  federal  probe
            into the seamy  underbelly
            of college athletics uncov-
            ered  just  the  opposite  of
            what  we  usually  expect:
            Instead  of  paying  recruits
            to  attend  schools,  coach-
            es and top athletic officials
            at  some  of  America's  fin-
            est universities were selling
            spots on their rosters to the
            highest bidder.
            Those  spots  in  sports  like
            rowing,  sailing  and  soc-
            cer  didn't  come  cheap.
            In  charging  50  people  in
            indictments unveiled Tues-
            day, prosecutors said some
            very rich people paid some
            very  big  money  —  up  to
            $6.5 million in one case —
            to get their kids into places
            like Stanford, the University
            of Southern California and,
            yes, even Yale. That might        Odell Beckham Jr. traded to Cleveland Browns
            ordinarily  not  seem  much
            like a crime, since a good
            college can be expensive.     In this Oct. 28, 2018, file photo, New York Giants wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. (13) makes a one handed catch against Wash-
            But  these  parents  weren't   ington Redskins safety D.J. Swearinger (36) and linebacker Josh Harvey-Clemons (40) during an NFL football game, in East Ruther-
            exactly sending checks to    ford, N.J. No longer a punching bag, the Browns are punching back.
            the registrar's office.                                                                                                        Associated Press
                   Continued on Page 22                                                                                                            Page 18
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