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                  Thursday 14 March 2019

                                                                                                   U.S.  Attorney  for  District  of  Massachusetts  Andrew  Lelling  an-
                                                                                                   nounces indictments in a sweeping college admissions bribery
                                                                                                   scandal, during a news conference, Tuesday, March 12, 2019,
                                                                                                   in Boston.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press

                                                                                                   SCANDAL                      $270,000 to falsely promote
                                                                                                   Continued from Page 17       two  students  as  prospec-
            Philipp Kohlschreiber, of Germany, reacts after defeating Novak Djokovic, of Serbia, at the BNP   They  were  paying  bribes,  tive  sailors  so  they  would
            Paribas Open tennis tournament Tuesday, March 12, 2019 in Indian Wells, Calif.         not tuition, and every spot  be admitted to the school.
                                                                                  Associated Press   they  managed  to  secure  And  at  Yale,  former  wom-

            Bad day for No. 1s: Djokovic,                                                          for  their  kid  at  a  top  col-  en's soccer coach Rudolph
                                                                                                   lege meant another kid far  Meredith  is  charged  with
                                                                                                   more  deserving  would  not  taking $400,000 to declare
            Osaka upset at Indian Wells                                                            be admitted.                 a  Yale  applicant  a  recruit
                                                                                                   Just  rich  people  enjoy-
                                                                                                                                even though he knew she
                                                                                                   ing  the  privilege  of  being  didn't  play  soccer.  The  in-
                                                                                                   rich.  Nothing  to  see  here  dictments  also  allege  that
            INDIAN  WELLS,  Calif.  (AP)  for  a  first  tournament  we  8-1 record against Kohlsch-  or at least there wasn't un-  Meredith  met  with  the  fa-
            —  It  was  a  tough  day  for  did really well," Osaka said.  reiber,  who  beat  a  No.  1   til  those  indicted  began  ther of another Yale appli-
            seeded players at the BNP  "We communicate well, so I  player for the first time.      showing  up  for  their  perp  cant  last  April  in  a  Boston
            Paribas  Open  on  Tuesday,  think that's a really big plus.  Kohlschreiber   liked   the   walks  at  courtrooms  later  hotel room and offered her
            with  Novak  Djokovic  and  I don't think it's going to be  weather  —  sunshine  and   Tuesday.                    a  recruit  designation  for
            Naomi  Osaka,  the  world's  difficult."                  temperatures in the low 70s   Corruption   in   college  $450,000.  The  money  was
            top-ranked  players,  ush-   On  Tuesday,  the  23rd-     —  much  better  than  the   sports  is  hardly  surprising,  enormous,  which  makes
            ered out in the desert.      ranked Bencic served and  cold  and  rain  on  Tuesday    of course. Just last week a  the  scandal  tasty  enough.
            Djokovic     and    Philipp  returned better.             night.                       federal  judge  in  New  York  But this one has a bit of ev-
            Kohlschreiber resumed their  Venus  Williams  reached  "I  liked  my  chances  more    sentenced  three  men  in  erything,  from  Hollywood
            third-round match that was  the quarterfinals with a 6-4,  at  night  against  Kohlsch-  a  recruiting  fraud  case  to  actresses  to  Vegas  casino
            suspended because of rain  6-4 win over Mona Barthel.  reiber,  but  it  wasn't  to  be   prison for conspiring to pay  executives  to  New  York  fi-
            a night earlier. The unseed-  She'll  next  face  No.  8  An-  last  night,"  Djokovic  said.   money the other way — to  nanciers. And, interestingly
            ed  German  knocked  off  gelique  Kerber,  who  beat  "Completely  different  con-    families  of  basketball  re-  enough,  some  kids  who
            the  five-time  tournament  No. 9 Aryna Sabalenka 6-1,  ditions  today.  I  congratu-  cruits they wanted for vari-  had  no  idea  their  parents
            champion 6-4, 6-4.           4-6, 6-4.                    late  him  for  playing  tacti-  ous schools, and a second  were buying their way in.
            Osaka  lost  to  Belinda  Ben-  "I  haven't  played  that  cally really well and getting   trial  next  month  promises  The  sheer  breadth  of  the
            cic  6-3,  6-1  in  just  over  an  much, so I wanted to make  me out of my comfort zone.   to highlight even more mis-  case is staggering, though
            hour in the fourth round of  it  count,"  said  Williams,  He deserved to win."        deeds.  That  scandal  drew  some  of  the  ways  used  to
            the first title defense of her  who  is  ranked  No.  36  and  The  35-year-old  German   the  usual  hand-wringing  manipulate   the   system
            career.                      expects  to  play  about  12  started  thinking  he  had  a   about pay to play and the  weren't exactly Ivy League
            "She sort of came out there  tournaments  this  year.  "I  chance early in the first set   sordid influence big money  worthy. In some cases head
            really  aggressive,"  Osaka  need  to  do  what  I  want,  when he survived a handful   has in big college athletics.  shots were photo-shopped
            said. "She sort of knew what  and what I want is to play  of break points on his serve.  The  NCAA,  as  is  its  wont,  onto  athlete  bodies,  while
            she  wanted  to  do  more  the  tournaments  I  want  to  "I  would  say  after  3-all  in   appointed  a  commission  in others stories were simply
            than me."                    play."                       the first set I felt like getting   headed  by  former  Secre-  made up about teams kids
            Since  Osaka  won  the  title  The  bottom  half  of  the  closer  to  the  set,  holding   tary  of  State  Condoleezza  played on — one was con-
            at Indian Wells a year ago,  men's  draw  still  includes  my  service  games,  which   Rice  to  study  the  matter,  veniently  in  China  —  and
            she  won  the  U.S  and  Aus-  No.  2  seed  Rafael  Nadal  is  not  easy  against  Novak,   with predictable results.  awards they won.
            tralian  Opens.  Her  triumph  and  fourth-seeded  Roger  because he's such a great    But no one could say they  Then again, the scheme in
            in  Australia  made  her  No.  Federer,  both  of  whom  returner,"    Kohlschreiber   saw this coming. The sports  the other FBI probe of col-
            1  for  the  first  time,  but  her  breezed to victory.  said. "I know from that point   were minor, but the money  lege  sports  wasn't  exactly
            time  at  the  top  has  been  Nadal eased by 25th-seed-  on it's going to be a very in-  was  major.  The  women's  rocket science either. And
            rocky.  Osaka  fired  her  ed  Diego  Schwartzman  teresting match."                   water  polo  coach  at  USC  there were plenty of willing
            coach  and  lost  in  the  first  6-3,  6-1,  while  Federer  de-  Djokovic was just 1 for 5 on   was  charged  with  taking  accomplices  among  ma-
            round in Dubai before tak-   feated  Swiss  countryman  break-point  opportunities.    $250,000  to  say  two  stu-  jor  colleges,  according  to
            ing  on  a  new  coach,  Jer-  Stan Wawrinka 6-3, 6-4.    Kohlschreiber   converted    dents  applying  for  admis-  testimony  in  the  New  York
            maine  Jenkins,  who  came  "Overall  it's  not  been  easy  three of his four chances.  sion  were  recruits  for  the  trial  that  showed  schools
            on court during the match.   playing Stan," Federer said.  Next  up  for  Kohlschreiber   team  so  they  could  get  lined up to ply the families
            "It's always a bit tricky when-  "He feels the same way, so  is  Gael  Monfils,  who  owns   into  the  school.  The  sail-  of some players with up to
            ever you change someone  that's very awkward some-        a  13-2  record  against  the   ing coach at Stanford ad-  $150,000  to  get  them  to
            in  the  team,  but  I  feel  like  times." Djokovic owned an  German.q                mitted  he,  too,  accepted  their school.q
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