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                                                                                                       SPORTS Thursday 14 March 2019
            Iditarod winner's journey began as a boy racing sled dogs

            ANCHORAGE,  Alaska  (AP)                                                                                            summer  jobs  on  top  of
            — A young Pete Kaiser had                                                                                           managing the kennel.
            the  drive  to  learn  about                                                                                        Sled dog races don't have
            racing  sled  dogs  and  the                                                                                        lucrative jackpots — Kaiser
            family  and  community  to                                                                                          picked  up  about  $50,000
            support  his  passion.  Years                                                                                       and a new truck for winning
            later, he won his first Iditar-                                                                                     the world's premier compe-
            od Trail Sled Dog Race.                                                                                             tition.  The  prize  money  is
            Growing  up,  Kaiser  had                                                                                           down  about  $20,000  from
            plenty  of  sled  dogs  to                                                                                          what  the  2017  winner  re-
            choose from at his parents'                                                                                         ceived.
            kennel  in  Bethel,  a  rural                                                                                       This year's race was marked
            community  in  southwest                                                                                            by  the  stunning  collapse
            Alaska. He got his first taste                                                                                      of  Frenchman  Nicolas  Pe-
            of  success  as  a  senior  in                                                                                      tit,  who  was  seemingly
            high  school  when  he  won                                                                                         headed  for  victory  as  late
            a  65-mile  (105-kilometer)                                                                                         as Monday. He had a five-
            race. From there, the com-                                                                                          hour lead until his dog team
            petitions  and  prizes  kept                                                                                        stopped running.
            getting bigger.                                                                                                     Petit  said  one  dog  was
            On     Wednesday,       the                                                                                         picking  on  another  during
            31-year-old  captured  the                                                                                          a rest break, and he yelled
            crowning glory in the sport,                                                                                        at the dog to knock it off. At
            the Iditarod, a grueling test                                                                                       that point, the entire team
            against  the  wildest  terrain                                                                                      refused  to  run.  He  had  to
            Alaska  has  to  offer.  Kaiser   Peter Kaiser (9) poses with his lead dogs, Morrow, left, and Lucy., Wednesday, March 13, 2019, in   withdraw.
            crossed the finish line in the   Nome, Alaska, after winning the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race.                      Fifty-two  mushers  began
            Gold  Rush  town  of  Nome                                                                         Associated Press  this  year's  race.  Petit  was
            after beating back a chal-                                                                                          among 10 who withdrew.
            lenge  from  the  defending  said in a post-victory inter-  and  drummers  performed  from  helping  out  when  I  The 2019 race came during
            champion,  Joar  Ulsom  of  view televised from the fin-  near  the  finish  line  as  they  was  in  Bethel  feeding  my  a bruising two-year stretch
            Norway.                      ish line.                    waited  for  Kaiser  to  arrive,  dogs  to  eventually  whip-  for the Iditarod that includ-
            Ulsom  finished  the  race  Kaiser  became  the  fifth  even  though  it  was  past  3  ping  my  butt  in  the  Kusko  ed  a  dog  doping  scandal
            just 12 minutes after Kaiser,  Alaska  Native  and  first  a.m.                        300, so he's a quick study."  and  the  loss  of  national
            who took 9 days, 12 hours,  Yupik  musher  to  win  the  Kaiser  called  the  support  Kaiser,  who  counts  Iten  as  sponsors  amid  protests  by
            39  minutes  and  6  seconds  world's  most  famous  sled  "extremely  humbling,  and  his mentor, went on to win  animal rights activists.
            to complete the 1,000-mile  dog race.                     it  motivates  me  every  day  four Kuskokwim 300 races.  People for the Ethical Treat-
            (1,600-kilometer)   journey  Veteran  Iditarod  musher  to perform to my best, and  "It  just  couldn't  be  better,"  ment of Animals is the big-
            over two mountain ranges,  Mike  Williams  Sr.  has  been  I just want to thank them for  Iten said of Kaiser's Iditarod  gest critic.
            along the frozen Yukon Riv-  friends with the Kaiser fam-  coming out here tonight."   victory.  "We've  been  wait-  "Hundreds of dogs (includ-
            er and across the treacher-  ily and watched Pete's ca-   When  he  was  young,  Kai-  ing for this. There's been no  ing  six  from  Pete  Kaiser's
            ous, wind-swept Bering Sea  reer  progress.  His  victory  ser  went  to  races  like  the  doubt  in  my  mind  that  he  team)  were  so  sick,  ex-
            coast.                       lifts  up  not  only  the  Yupik  Kuskokwim  300,  an  annual  was going to get it sooner  hausted,  or  injured  that
            It's Kaiser's first Iditarod vic-  people  but  all  southwest  mid-distance race in Beth-  or later."              they  were  pulled  from  the
            tory  in  his  10th  try.  He  said  Alaska, Williams said.  el,  to  learn  everything  he  Dogs are in the Kaiser fam-  race,  forcing  the  ones  re-
            he wasn't sure what made  "It's  going  to  make  35,000  could from the mushers.      ily's  blood.  Pete's  father,  maining to work even hard-
            everything  come  together  people  proud,"  Williams  That includes Ed Iten, a vet-   Ron, raced dogs for a few  er,  struggling  on  in  what  is
            for him this year.           said.  "I  think  he's  going  to  eran  musher  whose  best  years and then kept an ac-  a grueling test — not of hu-
            "Just  years  of  knowledge  be  a  great  representative  Iditarod  finish  was  second  tive kennel. His mother, Ja-  man  endurance  but  of  a
            gained and trying to put it  for us."                     place in 2005.               net, managed the Kuskok-     dog's  ability  to  survive  ex-
            all together to have a bet-  A  large  group  of  residents  "He  was  a  young  boy  wim 300.                      treme cruelty," PETA Execu-
            ter  race,  better  dog  team  from Bethel, Kaiser's home-  then  and  came  over  and  Kaiser, who is married with  tive  Vice  President  Tracy
            this  year  —  every  little  de-  town, flew in to see his vic-  helped me feed the dogs,"  two children, mushes in the  Reiman said in a statement
            tail  coming  into  play,"  he  tory. Alaska Native dancers  Iten  said.  "Then  he  went  winter  and  gets  seasonal  after Kaiser's victory.q
            Tony Stewart headlines new nominees for NASCAR Hall of Fame

            By JENNA FRYER               short-track  racer  Jim  Pas-  outstanding  contributions  Three  new  nominees  were  dy, who is listed among 13
            AP Auto Racing Writer        chal  and  mechanic  Red  to  the  sport.  It  meant  Ja-  added  to  the  Landmark  track owners and operators
            CHARLOTTE,  N.C.  (AP)  —  Vogt as the new nominees.      net Guthrie was eliminated  Award  list  and  they  were  with voting power.q
            Three-time NASCAR cham-      Kirk Shelmerdine, crew chief  from the list after one year.  Edsel  Ford  II  of  Ford  Mo-
            pion  Tony  Stewart  head-   for four championships with  Guthrie was the first woman  tor  Co.,  Pocono  Raceway
            lined the six new nominees  Hall  of  Famer  Dale  Earn-  to  compete  in  the  India-  founder Dr. Joseph Mattioli
            eligible  for  induction  into  hardt,  was  dropped  from  napolis  500  as  well  as  the  and  Mike  Helton,  the  first
            the NASCAR Hall of Fame.     the  ballot  after  only  one  Daytona 500, and her sixth-  non-France  family  mem-
            Stewart joined Neil Bonnett,  year.  There  are  20  nomi-  place finish at Bristol Motor  ber to be named NASCAR
            a  popular  member  of  the  nees  and  five  are  elected  Speedway in 1977 is shared  President.
            "Alabama Gang," two-time  each year.                      with Danica Patrick for the  The  24-person  nominating
            Xfinity   Series   champion  NASCAR  also  announced  top  finish  by  a  female  in  committee  includes  eight
            Sam  Ard,  former  Daytona  three new nominees for the  NASCAR's  top  series  in  the  NASCAR    executives,   as
            500  winner  Marvin  Panch,  Landmark Award given for  modern era.                     well as Lesa France Kenne-
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