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                  Thursday 14 March 2019
            At age 30, World Wide Web is 'not the web we wanted'

            By JAMEY KEATEN                                                                                                     The   conference,   which
            Associated Press                                                                                                    brought  together  internet
            GENEVA (AP) — At the ripe                                                                                           and tech experts, also gave
            old age of 30 and with half                                                                                         CERN the chance to show-
            the globe using it, the World                                                                                       case  its  reputation  as  an
            Wide  Web  is  facing  grow-                                                                                        open-source  incubator  of
            ing  pains  with  issues  like                                                                                      ideas.  Berners-Lee  worked
            hate speech, privacy con-                                                                                           there in the late 1980s, and
            cerns  and  state-sponsored                                                                                         had  been  determined  to
            hacking,  its  creator  says,                                                                                       help bridge a communica-
            trumpeting a call to make                                                                                           tions  and  documentation
            it better for humanity.                                                                                             gap among different com-
            Tim Berners-Lee on Tuesday                                                                                          puter platforms.
            joined a celebration of the                                                                                         As a young English software
            Web and reminisced about                                                                                            engineer at CERN, Berners-
            his  invention  at  CERN,  the                                                                                      Lee, who is now 63, came
            European  Organization  for                                                                                         up with the idea for hyper-
            Nuclear  Research,  start-                                                                                          text transfer protocol — the
            ing  with  a  proposal  pub-                                                                                        "http" that adorns web ad-
            lished on March 12, 1989. It                                                                                        dresses — and other build-
            opened the way to a tech-                                                                                           ing blocks for the web.
            nological  revolution  that   In this Tuesday, June 23, 2015 file photo, English computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee, best known   The  "http"  system  allowed
                                         as the inventor of the World Wide Web, attends the Cannes Lions 2015, International Advertising
            has  transformed  the  way   Festival in Cannes, southern France.                                                   text  and  small  images  to
            people  buy  goods,  share                                                                         Associated Press  be  retrieved  through  a
            ideas, get information and                                                                                          piece  of  software  —  the
            much more.                   ers-Lee acknowledged that  connect to the internet, to  out what this really means,'"  first  browser  —  which  Ber-
            It's  also  become  a  place  a sense among many who  keep it available and to re-     Berners-Lee said. It was un-  ners-Lee  released  in  1990
            where tech titans scoop up  are  already  on  the  Web  spect  privacy.  Companies  clear,  however,  how  such  and is considered the start
            personal  data,  rival  gov-  has  become:  "Whoops!  are  to  make  the  internet  rules would be enforced.        of the web. In practice, the
            ernments  spy  and  seek  to  The web is not the web we  affordable, respect privacy  Berners-Lee  cautioned  it  access  to  a  browser  on  a
            scuttle elections, and hate  wanted in every respect."    and  develop  technology  was  important  to  strike  a  home computer made the
            speech  and  vitriol  have  His World Wide Web Foun-      that will put people — and  balance  between  over-       internet easily accessible to
            thrived  —  taking  the  Web  dation wants to enlist gov-  the  "public  good"  —  first.  sight and freedom but diffi-  consumers for the first time.
            far from its roots as a space  ernments, companies, and  Citizens  are  to  create  and  cult to agree what it should  Speaking  to  reporters  on
            for progress-oriented minds  citizens  to  take  a  greater  to  cooperate  and  respect  be.                       Monday,  Berners-Lee  re-
            to collaborate.              role in shaping the web for  "civil  discourse,"  among  "Where  is  the  balance  be-  called  how  his  research
            As of late 2018, half of the  good  under  principles  laid  other things.             tween  leaving  the  tech  was  helped  by  his  former
            world  was  online,  with  the  out  in  its  "Contract  for  the  "The Contract for the Web  companies to do the right  boss at CERN, Mike Sendall,
            other  half  often  struggling  Web."                     is  about  sitting  down  in  thing and regulating them?  who  wanted  a  pretext  to
            to secure access.            Under  the  contract,  gov-  working  groups  with  other  Where  is  the  balance  be-  buy a then-new Next com-
            Speaking  at  a  "Web@30"  ernments  are  called  upon  people  who  signed  up,  tween  freedom  of  speech  puter by Steve Jobs' Apple
            conference at CERN, Bern-    to make sure everyone can  and  to  say,  'Ok,  let's  work  and hate speech?" he said.  needed for his research.q

             Spotify files antitrust complaint to EU against Apple

             By KELVIN CHAN                                                                       also  competing  against  Apple's  payment  system,
             LONDON  (AP)  —  Swedish                                                             services like Spotify with its  Spotify  alleges  that  Apple
             music site Spotify has com-                                                          Apple Music service.         blocks  app  upgrades  or
             plained to European Union                                                            Apple's media team in Brit-  stops  it  from  working  with
             regulators  about  Apple                                                             ain  did  not  immediately  Apple  services  like  Siri  as-
             for  allegedly  abusing  its                                                         respond  to  a  request  for  sistant.
             dominant position in music                                                           comment.  The  European  U.S.  tech  giants  have  al-
             streaming and stifling com-                                                          Commission  said  it  has  re-  ready come under intense
             petition.                                                                            ceived Spotify's complaint,  scrutiny from EU authorities
             Spotify  founder  Daniel  Ek                                                         which  it  is  assessing  under  for  their  behavior.  Apple
             said  Wednesday  that  the                                                           its "standard procedures."   was ordered in 2016 to re-
             company  has  filed  a  for-                                                         Spotify's  beef  with  Apple  pay  $15  billion  in  taxes  to
             mal  antitrust  complaint                                                            centers  on  a  30  percent  Ireland  by  EU  competition
             with  the  executive  Euro-                                                          tax it and other digital ser-  commissioner   Margrethe
             pean  Commission  against                                                            vices have to pay whenev-    Vestager,  who  has  also
             Apple — a move that adds                                                             er they use Apple's "in-app"  slapped Google with multi-
             to the debate about how     This March 20, 2018 file photo shows the Spotify app on an iPad   payment  system  to  pro-  billion-dollar antitrust fines.
             to rein in the power of big-  in Baltimore.                                          cess  user  purchases  such  Spotify  and  German  rival
             tech.                                                                Associated Press  as upgrading subscriptions.  Deezer were among Euro-
             Writing  in  a  blog  post  ,  Ek                                                    The  charge  makes  Spo-     pean tech industry players
             said  Apple  is  acting  "as  to its App Store that inten-  gatekeeper to the internet  tify's  premium  member-  that issued a joint letter last
             both a player and referee  tionally  limit  choice  and  by  controlling  important  ship  more  expensive  than  year calling on EU ministers
             to  deliberately  disadvan-  constrain innovation.       platforms  such  as  its  iOS  Apple  Music,  so  the  com-  to  get  tougher  on  unfair
             tage  other  app  develop-   The  company  takes  issue  mobile  operating  system  pany said it refuses to use  business  practices  by  U.S.
             ers" by bringing in new rules  with  how  Apple  acts  as  a  and  the  App  Store,  while  the  system.  But  if  it  shuns  tech giants.q
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