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PEOPLE & ARTS Thursday 14 March 2019
Kesha to headline Dan Reynolds' LGBTQ festival LOVELOUD
NEW YORK (AP) — Kesha comes a non-conversation.
wants you to bring as much That's the goal obviously, ul-
glitter as possible and sport timately, so kids don't have
the brightest colors of the to come out. Kids don't
rainbow when she visits feel like it's this grand, scary
Utah in June to headline thing in front of them," he
the LOVELOUD Festival, the added.
LGBTQ+ event founded by Kesha, 32, said that grow-
Imagine Dragons' frontman ing up in Nashville, Tennes-
Dan Reynolds. see, she had a "hard time
And if you're "skeptical or with religion and what it
don't understand the LG- meant in conjunction with
BTQ community," Kesha in- LGBTQ rights."
vites you to attend to help "I think it can be confus-
change your perception. ing," Kesha said. "I just
"Please come and let me want people to know that
know if you don't have the whichever side you're on
best time ever at this show of the conversation to try
because it's going to be to approach it delicately
such a celebration of love. because there are people
I think it's going to be pretty who just need to feel heard
undeniable to be sitting in and want to feel safe and
an arena full of love, and OK. That's a huge part of
not feel how beautiful of a This combination photo shows musicians Kesha, left, and Dan Reynolds of Imagine Dragons. Ke- why I want to do this festi-
feeling it is," Kesha said in a sha will headline the LOVELOUD Festival, the LGBTQ+ event founded by Reynolds. val. Everyone deserves to
recent interview with The Associated Press be who they are, and to be
Associated Press. proud of who they are."
Others set to perform June for LGBTQ+ youth to feel the faith community come showed Latter-day Saint Tickets for LOVELOUD, in its
29 at the USANA Amphi- love and accepted, and out (and) people from the leaders that opposition to third year, go on sale Fri-
theatre in West Valley to have an open dialogue political realm come out ... same-sex relationships is day. The festival will be live
City, Utah, include Mar- about teen suicides in the just shows that communi- damaging the self-worth of streamed on AT&T's
tin Garrix, Tegan & LGBTQ+ community. ties and people that soci- gay, lesbian and transgen- social media platforms.
Sara, Laura Jane Grace, Last year's festival featured ety thinks are on very differ- der kids. Reynolds, 31, said Another reason Kesha is ex-
Daya, K. Flay, Grouplove, Apple CEO Tim Cook and ent sides of the page can the festival's goal is to "des- cited to headline the event
PVRIS and Reynolds, who raised $1 million dollars for come together," Reynolds tigmatize what it means is to honor gay fans who
is a member of The Church organizations like The Trev- said. "It was the far left, the to be LGBTQ especially in have supported her since
of Jesus Christ of Latter- or Project, GLAAD and the far right. It was religious and these orthodox communi- she became a chart-top-
day Saints, widely known Human Rights Campaign. It non-(religious) all coming ties." ping success in 2010 and
as the Mormon church. has set the same goal this to the table and saying, "I think with each passing rallied behind her when she
Reynolds, who has been year. 'What can we do to fix this year, we feel like we're alleged she was sexually
an ally to the LGBTQ com- "To have a festival that es- problem?'" making headway; just mak- assaulted by her producer
munity for years, launched sentially is a gay rights festi- In his 2018 HBO documen- ing it such a conversation in Dr. Luke, who has denied
LOVELOUD as a safe space val and have people from tary, "Believer," Reynolds so many homes that it be- the allegations.q
HBO's doc 'Leaving Neverland' becomes a network favorite
By DAVID BAUDER stands at 2.45 million. Those week's most popular cable
Associated Press totals are expected to go network, averaging 2.26
NEW YORK (AP) — HBO's up as people catch up million in prime time. MS-
"Leaving Neverland" is with the program through NBC had 1.92 million, HGTV
heading up the charts. delayed viewing. had 1.33 million, ESPN had
The unsparing documen- HBO's most-watched doc- 1.26 million and USA had
tary about Michael Jack- umentary over the past 1.24 million.
son and his alleged sexual decade is "Going Clear," ABC's "World News Tonight"
abuse is already the third about Scientology. topped the evening news-
most-watched documen- CBS won another week casts with an average of
tary of the past decade at in prime-time behind the 9.3 million viewers. NBC's
the prime cable network, soon-to-depart comedy "Nightly News" had 8.6 mil-
which takes pride in its doc- "The Big Bang Theory," and lion and the "CBS Evening
umentary schedule. It's like- its prequel, "Young Shel- News" had 6.3 million.
ly to surpass "Bright Lights," don." For the week of March 4-10,
the movie about Debbie CBS averaged 5.8 million the top 10 shows, their net-
Reynolds and her daughter viewers in prime time. ABC works and viewerships: "The
Carrie Fisher, which is cur- had 5.3 million viewers, NBC Big Bang Theory," CBS, 13 This image released by HBO shows a young Wade Robson shak-
rently in second place, the had 4.7 million, Fox had 2.5 million; "Young Sheldon," ing hands with pop icon Michael Jackson in 1987, in a scene
network said. million, ION Television had CBS, 11.58 million; "The from the documentary "Leaving Neverland."
The first half of the four-hour 1.4 million, Univision had Voice" (Monday), NBC, Associated Press
program on Jackson has 1.3 million, Telemundo had 10.97 million; "The Voice"
been seen by 3.67 million 1.1 million and the CW had (Tuesday), NBC, 10.22 mil- million; "Blue Bloods," CBS, million; "This is Us," NBC,
people, the Nielsen com- 960,000. lion; "60 Minutes," CBS, 8.6 8.26 million; "American Idol" 7.827 million; "NCIS," CBS,
pany said. The second half Fox News Channel was the million; "Mom," CBS, 8.3 (Wednesday), ABC, 7.828 7.49 million.q