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                   Friday 15 February 2019

            Cleaning routine shows promise in curbing superbug infection

            By MARILYNN MARCHIONE                                                                                               and an antibiotic ointment
            AP Chief Medical Writer                                                                                             to  swab  in  the  nose.  They
            Think of it as decontaminat-                                                                                        were told to use these Mon-
            ing  yourself.  Hospitalized                                                                                        day  through  Friday,  every
            patients who harbor certain                                                                                         other week for six months.
            superbugs can cut their risk                                                                                        A  year  later,  6  percent  of
            of developing full-blown in-                                                                                        those  in  the  deep-clean
            fections if they swab medi-                                                                                         group  had  developed  a
            cated  goo  in  their  nose                                                                                         MRSA  infection  versus  9
            and  use  special  soap  and                                                                                        percent of the others. They
            mouthwash  for  six  months                                                                                         also  had  fewer  infections
            after  going  home,  a  study                                                                                       from  other  germs.  Doc-
            found.                                                                                                              tors  estimated  that  25  to
            It's  a  low-tech  approach                                                                                         30  people  would  need  to
            to a big problem: About 5                                                                                           be treated to prevent one
            percent  of  patients  have                                                                                         case.
            MRSA — antibiotic-resistant                                                                                         There  were  no  serious  side
            Staph  bacteria  —  lurking                                                                                         effects; 44 people had dry
            on their skin or in their nos-                                                                                      or  irritated  skin,  and  most
            es, putting them at high risk                                                                                       continued  using  the  prod-
            of developing an infection                                                                                          ucts despite that.
            while recovering from an ill-                                                                                       Heather  Avizius  was  one.
            ness or an operation. These                                                                                         The  41-year-old  nanny  has
            can  affect  the  skin,  heart,                                                                                     had MRSA infections in the
            brain,  lungs,  bones  and                                                                                          past and entered the study
            joints,  and  most  of  them                                                                                        after  severe  complications
            land  people  back  in  the                                                                                         of  Crohn's  disease  landed
            hospital.                                                                                                           her  in  St.  Jude  Medical
            The  hygiene  steps  that  re-                                                                                      Center in Fullerton, Califor-
            searchers  tested  trimmed                                                                                          nia, eight years ago.
            that risk by nearly one third.                                                                                      "I  took  the  regimen  very,
            "It's  a  very  simple  solution.   In this Monday, Feb. 11, 2019 photo provided by Dr. Susan Huang of the University of California,   very seriously" and has not
            You don't have to swallow    Irvine School of Medicine, researcher Raheeb Saavedra demonstrates how to use a medicated   had MRSA since, she said. "I
                                         ointment for a study on preventing superbug infections.
            a  medicine,  you  just  have                                                                      Associated Press  felt cleaner and safer" and
            to clean the outside of your                                                                                        less  worried  about  spread-
                                                                                                   body  for  a  little  while  lon-  ing  germs  to  her  children,
                                                                                                                                she said.
            El Nino is back but it's late,                                                         ger," said Dr. Susan Huang   Nearly half dropped out of
                                                                                                   of  the  University  of  Califor-
                                                                                                                                the  study  early  or  couldn't
                                                                                                   nia  Irvine  School  of  Medi-
            weak and probably no big deal                                                          cine.   led   the   federally   be found for follow-up.
                                                                                                                                "Many  people  may  think  'I
                                                                                                   funded  study,  published    feel fine, I don't really need
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  An  sphere often warms up the  California, but this is late in    Wednesday  by  the  New      to  do  this,'"  said  Dr.  John
            El  Nino,  which  can  alter  globe and changes rainfall  the season and it's already   England  Journal  of  Medi-  Jernigan of the U.S. Centers
            weather  worldwide,  has  and temperature patterns,  rainy there, Halpert said.        cine.                        for Disease Control and Pre-
            formed but it's so weak and  making  some  places  wet-   The current El Nino is quite   A  lot  has  been  done  to   vention. But "the risk doesn't
            late  that  it  shouldn't  be  a  ter and some places drier.  different  than  the  last  one   curb  infections  in  hospi-  end once you go home."
            big  deal,  U.S.  forecasters  When  there  is  an  El  Nino,  in  2016,  which  was  one  of   tals  and  attention  is  shift-  Federal grants paid for the
            said.                        there  are  generally  fewer  the  strongest  meteorolo-  ing to what happens after    products.  They  would  cost
            The National Oceanic and  and  weaker  hurricanes  in  gists have seen and helped      patients  leave.  Nine  states   $150 to $200 for six months
            Atmospheric     Administra-  the  Atlantic,  but  this  one  push  Earth  to  its  warmest   —  California,  Washington,   otherwise, Huang said. The
            tion  announced  Thursday  might  not  make  it  to  sum-  year on record.             Nevada, Minnesota, Illinois,   antiseptic  soap  was  a  4
            that  the  climate  feature  mer  and  have  any  effect  This  year's  version  is  "kind   South  Carolina,  Pennsylva-  percent  chlorhexidine  so-
            formed  in  the  central  Pa-  on  the  next  storm  season,  of  limping  along,"  Halpert   nia,  Maine  and  New  Jer-  lution  sold  in  many  drug-
            cific,  but  forecasters  don't  said  Mike  Halpert,  deputy  said. So he and other scien-  sey — require that hospitals   stores.
            expect it to last more than  director for the NOAA's Cli-  tists said they don't expect   test  the  most  vulnerable   Other soaps, even ones la-
            three or four months.        mate Prediction Center.      many significant effects.    patients,  such  as  those  in   beled  antibacterial,  "may
            An El Nino is a natural warm-  A  wintertime  El  Nino  often  Forecasters had been wait-  intensive  care,  for  MRSA.   not have the active ingre-
            ing of the ocean that once  means  more  rain  for  the  ing  for  it  since  last  June   Many  other  places  do  it   dients  to  remove  MRSA,"
            it  interacts  with  the  atmo-  U.S.  South  and  Southern  when  NOAA  issued  its  first   voluntarily.          said  Dr.  Robert  Weinstein,
                                                                      El  Nino  watch.  But  while   The  study  involved  more   another  study  leader  and
                                                                      the water was warmer than    than 2,000 patients at hos-  an  infections  specialist  at
                                                                      normal  in  the  Pacific,  it   pitals  in  southern  Califor-  Cook  County  Health  and
                                                                      wasn't causing the chang-    nia  who  were  found  to    Rush   University   Medical
                                                                      es in the air that would sat-  carry  MRSA,  or  methicillin-  Center in Chicago.
                                                                      isfy the definition for El Nino.  resistant   Staphylococcus   It's  worth  it  for  patients  to
                                                                      During  stronger  past  El  Ni-  aureus  bacteria.  All  were   do  whatever  they  can  to
                                                                      nos, the U.S. economy has    given  information  on  ways   prevent an MRSA infection,
                                                                      benefited  because  of  less   to avoid infection, and half   he said.
                                                                      drought  and  fewer  hurri-  also  got  special  products   "You  left  the  hospital,  you
                                                                      canes,  economic  studies    —  mouthwash,  liquid  soap   don't want to go back."
                                                                      show.q                       containing  an  antiseptic   q
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