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BUSINESS                 Friday 21 december 2018

            US mortgage rates slipped this week

            By JOSH BOAK                                                                                                        has  fallen  from  3  percent
            Associated Press                                                                                                    to  under  2.8  percent  in
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  U.S.                                                                                           the past month. Mortgage
            long-term  mortgage  rates                                                                                          rates generally correspond
            slipped this week, reflecting                                                                                       with  the  interest  charged
            the  stock  market  decline                                                                                         on U.S. government debt.
            and  rush  by  investors  to                                                                                        Sam Khater, Freddie Mac's
            Treasury notes.                                                                                                     chief  economist,  said  that
            Mortgage  buyer  Freddie                                                                                            lower  rates  should  help  to
            Mac  said  Thursday  that                                                                                           boost home sales.
            the  average  rate  on  the                                                                                         "Given  the  further  drop
            benchmark  30-year,  fixed-                                                                                         in  rates  we've  seen  this
            rate  mortgage  fell  slightly                                                                                      month, we expect to see a
            to 4.62 percent from to 4.63                                                                                        modest  rebound  in  home
            percent  last  week.  Rates                                                                                         sales as well," he said.q
            averaged  3.94  percent  a
            year ago.
            The  rate  on  15-year  fixed-
            rate loans held at 4.07 per-
            cent for the second straight
            week, up from 3.38 percent
            a year ago.
            Higher mortgage rates over
            the past year have caused
            home  sales  to  drop.  But
            mortgage  rates  have  de-
            clined  in  recent  weeks  as
            fears  about  an  economic
            slowdown  have  caused
            more investors to sell stocks
            and buy Treasury notes.
            Amid the purchases, the in-  In this Aug. 30, 2018 file photo, a sale signs stand outside a home on the market in Denver.
            terest on a 10-year Treasury                                                                       Associated Press

            Medical bills plague millennials; these tips may be the cure

            By SEAN PYLES                surance  status,  there  are  those  born  1981-1996  —  in
            Associated Press             ways  to  make  medical  the crosshairs. "There are a
            Chrystal   McKay      knew  debt  more  manageable,  number of things that add
            enough  about  medical  whether you just got the bill  up  that  make  younger
            care costs that she skipped  or it's already in collections.  adults  more  prone  to  this
            the  ambulance  ride  after  MEDICAL      COLLECTIONS  kind  of  debt,"  says  econo-
            a  car  accident.  A  friend  PEAK IN LATE 20s            mist  Ben  Ippolito,  one  of
            drove her to the emergen-    Young adults incur medical  the study's authors.
            cy room.                     collections debt at a higher  Among them:
            That saved her one bill, but  rate than older age groups,  - Less earning power: Amer-
            she faces another for more  according to a study pub-     icans ages 25 to 34 had a
            than  $20,000  after  her  ER  lished  in  Health  Affairs  ,  a  median income of $36,664
            visit. The 29-year-old Stock-  health policy journal.     in  2017,  according  to  the
            ton,   California,   woman  The  report  looked  at  2016  Census  Bureau's  Current
            must  balance  paying  her  data from the Consumer Fi-    Population Survey.
            debt  with  getting  care  for  nancial Protection Bureau's  -  Lack  of  insurance:  Just   In this Feb. 9, 2018, file photo, a nurse hooks up an IV to a flu
            a  sprained  shoulder  that  Consumer  Credit  Panel.  It  under  20%  of  millennials  in   patient at Upson Regional Medical Center in Thomaston, Ga.
            may need surgery: "I have  found  that  the  frequency  their late 20s and early 30s                                            Associated Press
            to  weigh  the  pros  and  of  medical  debt  in  collec-  were uninsured, the highest
            cons. I'm already $20,000 in  tions  peaked  at  11.3  per-  rate seen in the Health Af-
            debt, and any more treat-    cent,  for  people  age  27,  fairs report.q
            ment will just put me more  and stayed near that level
            in debt."                    until  the  mid-40s  —  even
            Uninsured  at  the  time  and  though  medical  spending
            facing  a  bill  she  doesn't  in general is low for people
            know how to handle, McK-     in  their  20s.  The  median
            ay finds herself in a position  amount  in  collections  also
            familiar to many in her gen-  peaked at age 27, at $684.
            eration.                     In contrast, people in their
            If she can't cover the cost,  60s  had  higher  rates  of
            her bill may wind up in col-  medical spending but few-
            lections.                    er medical collections.
            No  matter  your  age  or  in-  That  puts  millennials  —
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