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                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Friday 21 december 2018
            Japan considers leaving                                                                                                      Hospital

                                                                                                                                         527 4000
            IWC to resume commercial                                                                                                 Imsan- San Nicolas
                                                                                                                                         524 8833
            whale hunts                                               CASA DEL MAR FOR SALE        Caribbean Palm Village          DOCTOR ON DUTY
                                                                                                   Christmas and New Year
                                                                      week 1 Presidential Unit #1313
                                                                      2 br, 2 bath, Ocean view,    Week51 Unit  e301 2br $7,900        Oranjestad
            TOKYO  (AP)  —  Japan  is  it's not helpful to stay in the   Sleeps 6                  Week51&52  Unit d103 2br     Dr. Angela Tel. 583 9669
            considering leaving the In-  IWC.  But  Masayuki  Komat-  $14,900                      $7,900
            ternational  Whaling  Com-   su, a former fisheries official   e-mail  Week51&52 Unit b102 2br           San Nicolas
            mission  to  resume  com-    who represented Japan at     _________________________________210447   $6,900          Women in Difficulties
            mercial hunts, the Fisheries  IWC,  questioned  if  Japan                              Week52 Unit  c202 2br best   PHARMACY ON DUTY
            Agency  said  Thursday,  af-  gains  anything  from  with-                             Offer
            ter  unsuccessfully  cam-    drawing. "I doubt if a with-                              Week51 Unit e104 1br $3,900  Oranjestad:
                                                                                                                                Eagle Tel. 587 9011
            paigning for decades with-   drawal  improves  the  cur-                               Week51&52 Unit e207 1br      San Nicolas
            in the organization to gain  rent situation," he told NHK.                             $5,700                       San Lucas  Tel. 584 5119
            support for the cause.       Japan  has  hunted  whales                                Week52 Unit e305 1br $4,900  Women in Difficulties
            The  agency  said  officials  for  centuries.  It  has  re-                            Week52 Unit G204 1br $4,500  OTHER
            haven't  made  a  final  de-  duced  its  catch  follow-                               contact Giovanni             Dental Clinic 587 9850
            cision  but  are  considering  ing  international  protests                            aruba 592 0500               Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
            the step.                    and declining demand for                                  US 978 530 6077              Mobility Equip . Gire
            Japan's  request  for  a  re-  whale meat at home.                                   568 5165
                                                                                                                                Urgent Care 586 0448
            sumption  of  commercial  Opponents say Japan's re-                                    ________________________________210485  Women in Difficulties
            whaling was most recently  search  whaling  is  a  cover                               Tropicana Aruba Resort       EMERGENCY
            denied  at  the  IWC  meet-  for  commercial  whaling                                  and Casino                   Police            100
            ing  in  September.  IWC  im-  because the whale meat is                               For Sale or rent by Owner    Oranjestad        527 3140
            posed  a  moratorium  on  sold for food.                                               week 7 one bed Unit #1532F   Noord             527 3200
            commercial     whaling   in  Japan  annually  consumes                                 Fri/Fri  $3,900              Sta. Cruz         527 2900
            the 1980s due to dwindling  about  5,000  tons  of  whale                              Week 13 Two bed Unit #4552H  San  Nicolas      584 5000
            stocks.                      meat  from  the  research                                 Fri/Fri $4,900               Police Tipline      11141
            Japan  has  since  switched  hunts,  mainly  by  the  older                            contact  in aruba            Ambulancia        115
                                                                                                                                Fire Dept.
            to  what  it  calls  research  generation  who  feel  nos-                            Red Cross         582 2219
            whaling,  and  says  stocks  talgic  about  the  meat.                                 or cell 592 0500
            have  recovered  enough  But  critics  say  they  doubt                                in US   TAXI SERVICES
            that   commercial     hunts  if  a  country  with  an  aging                           or  cell 978 530 6077        Taxi Tas       587 5900
            should resume.               and  shrinking  population                                _________________________________210463   Prof. Taxi   588 0035
            Japanese  officials  have  can develop a sustainable                                   TIME SHARE                   Taxi D.T.S.    587 2300
            said  the  whaling  organi-  whaling industry if it returns                            Caribbean Palm Village       Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
                                                                                                                                A1 Taxi Serv.
                                                                                                                                               280 2828
            zation  is  supposed  to  pur-  to commercial hunts. Many                              2 bedr 1-52 week make an offer  Women in Difficulties
            sue  sustainability  but  has  younger  people  don't  see                               TRAVEL INFO
            become  an  anti-whaling  whales as food.                                              419 344 5855                 Aruba Airport   524 2424
            body.  They  criticize  what  Japan  cut  back  on  its                                _________________________________210471   American Airlines 582 2700
            they call the whaling com-   catch after a 2014 interna-                               DIVI GOLF                    Avianca       588 0059
            mission's  lack  of  tolerance  tional  court  ruling.  Japan's                        Luxury Studio Unit 2314      Aruba Airlines  583 8300
            of diverse views on whaling  Antarctic  catch  is  now                                 wk 50 12/14/19, 28 wks left    Jet Blue    588 2244
            and  its  inability  to  resolve  capped  at  333  whales  a                           $3750 bO                     Surinam       582 7896
            the  long  divide  between  year — about a third of the                                divi dutch Village  wk 26 june   Venezolana   583 7674
            conservationists  and  sup-  quota before a 2014 Inter-                                29 3 rm tower type  building   Women in Difficulties
            porters of whale use.        national  Court  of  Justice                              2 1/2 baths rm 94-96 $5600bO    CRUISES
            If  withdrawing,  Japan  has  ruling found that Japanese                     
            to notify IWC by Jan. 1, ac-  research  whaling  wasn't                                US 508 651 0016
            cording to Kyodo News.       sufficiently scientific.q                                 _________________________________210480
            The  news  was  met  with  a                                                           DIVI VILLAGE
            mixed reaction in Japan.                                                               week 17 Studio Rm 3205       December 21
            "I  support  a  government                                                             king bed 4/27/19             Freewinds
            decision"  to  withdraw,  for-                                                         24 weeks left $3500 bO       December 22
            mer  Defense  Minister  Itsu-                                                          divi aruba floating exept.   Volendam
            nori  Onodera,  who  cur-                                                              Phoenix 1br, wk 11 to 50     Women in Difficulties
            rently  serves  as  adviser  to                                                        3/16-12/14   $3500 bO also a   AID FOUNDATIONS
            the  ruling  Liberal  Demo-                                                            studio for $2900 bO          FAVI- Visually Incapasitated
            cratic Party's fisheries com-                                                               Tel. 582 5051
            mittee, said in an interview                                                           US 508 651 0016              Alcoholics Anonymous
            with  Japan's  NHK  televi-                                                            _________________________________210481  Tel. 736 2952
            sion. "I have attended IWC                                                                                          Narcotics Anonymous
            meetings  several  times  in                                                                                        Tel. 583 8989
            the  past,  and  I  was  struck                                                                                     Women in Difficulties
            by  their  extremely  biased                                                                                        Tel. 583 5400
            views,"  he  said.  "IWC  has                                                                                       Centre for Diabetes
                                                                                                                                Tel. 524 8888
            become  a  dysfunctional
            organization."                                                                                                      Child Abuse Prevention
                                                                                                                                Tel. 582 4433
            Ruling   party   members,
            many of whom support re-                                                                                            Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
            suming  commercial  whal-                                                                                           General Info
            ing  as  part  of  Japan's  tra-                                                                                    Phone Directory Tel. 118
            ditional  food  culture,  said
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