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P. 21
Tuesday 27 November 2018
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You Can Help adding some Happiness:
Hand Bag filled with
Art & Creativity
help some children to express themselves
and release their stress. That is exactly what
we strive for, the process is important to us,
not the end result.” Therapeutic applies also
to the integration of art and music within au-
tism sessions or for people that go through
depressions. The children express themselves
with painting classes, music lessons and story-
telling for example. The foundation also orga-
nizes workshops for companies.
The Program & The People
Workshops and Projects for schools offered by
The Process Matters the foundation are: Music Box, Drum Circle
Rose-marie: “We work on the principles of and musical, Folklore dance and Music and
three pillars: Educational & Artistic, Cultural, Art workshops for teachers. Courses within
ORANJESTAD — Muchila Creativo is a spe- and Social-Emotional & Therapeutic. We work their program are: Theater Production for chil-
cial foundation. The inspiration that art and constant within these areas. Educational dren and adults, Music course and Artbox /
music provides forms their tool to work in dif- meaning that we work together with schools, Visual Art courses. Board of the foundation is
ferent fields. Rose-marie Provence, president artistic reflects to the lessons like theatre, mu- formed by President: Rose-Marie Provence
of Foundation Muchila Creativo, explains us sic and visual art. Cultural: We contribute of- MSc, Secretary: Emerita Emerencia and
more about this creative place. “We exist for ten to events like ‘Arte e Cultura’, carioca Treasurer: Sandy Patrick Maduro. The Com-
15 years already this year. The reason we have nights and so on. Social-emotional and thera- missionaire exists of Marielle Perez, Geof-
started this foundation is that we have expe- peutic: Every year we work on a musical with frey Wever, Monique Croes and Arts teach-
rienced the need for music and art within our elementary schools, the topic here is the mu- ers are Emerita Emerencia :Theatre, Frans
job as teachers. I am referring to Mathilda sical of West Side Story. While working with the Lacle: Visual Arts, Jane Lanooij: Music, Rose-
Vloor, Conrad de Rozario and myself, three children we have noticed the social problems Marie Provence: Music and Mayra Stroeken:
teachers of elementary school who founded that they often deal with and the project can Dance.q
this foundation.”
The three wished to offer more to the children
than just the regular classes and thus started to
offer musical projects that the children loved
to participate in. “The word Muchila is actually
Papiamento for hand bag, used in former days
by fishermen or farmers to stack away their
tools while working. The symbolic meaning is
the luggage you carry with you, so your emo-
tional ballast that can be used or transformed
in a positive way by performing art and music.
Our goal is to promote art and music in the wid-
est sense of the word, for all age categories.”
Fundacion Muchila Creativo is a foundation
that works in the social, cultural, artistic, cre-
ative and therapeutic field. They want to mo-
tivate children, youth and adolescents to ex-
press themselves in the fields of music, dance,
visual arts, drama and arts as a whole.
They also want to expand their creative hori-
zon by means of literature and multimedia. This
is done by means of courses, lectures, presen-
tations, workshops, seminars and expositions.
If you would like to support the foundation, please call + (297) 583 8921 If you would like to donate, you are welcome to contribute through the
bank account Arubabank # 256 4640 190 is on the name of Fundacion Muchila Creativo. For more information visit the website: muchilacreativo.
org/main or Facebook Fundacion Muchila Creativo. Thank You!