Page 23 - AHATA
P. 23
Tuesday 27 November 2018
Six Tourism Ambassadors win the AHATA ‘Excellence Awards’
ORANJESTAD – The Minister of Tour-
ism, Public Health and Sports to-
gether with the Aruba Hotel and
Tourism Association (AHATA) hand-
ed out the ‘Excellence Awards
2018’ to the Tourism Ambassadors.
The ceremony took place at The
Ritz-Carlton Aruba. The award is
presented to employees that out-
stand in their day to day service
within the tourism sector. The tour-
ism sector holds 88% of the econo-
my (GDP) of Aruba.
There were six categories and 52
nominees. The 52 nominees were
chosen from a total of 10.000 em-
ployees in this sector. The catego-
ries were: Employee of the Year,
Supervisor of the Year, Manager of
the Year, Young Tourism Profession-
al of the Year, Lifetime Achieve-
ment Award and Sustainabil-
ity Champion of the Year. Aruba
achieved a great year in tourism
and this would of course not have important element for the wellbe- visitors. That is why this award is ex- The winners are:
been possible without the input of ing of our economy is the level of tremely important. Berlinda Engelhardt- Employee of
the tourism ambassadors. The most personal service we offer to our the Year
Shemuel Koolman- Supervisor of
the Year
Barbara Nieuwmeyer-Bregita-
Manager of the Year
Axl Ismail- Young Tourism Profes-
sional of the Year
Nathaly Stanley- Sustainability
Champion of the Year
Beverly Williams Perez received the
“Lifetime Achievement Award”.
The Minister of Tourism, Public
Health and Sports congratulated
all the nominees and winners and
thanked them for their contribu-
tion to the tourism sector. He also
thanked AHATA and its team for
this wonderful event, the Carib-
bean Mercantile bank for the
sponsorship and a special thank
you went to the University of Aruba
and Colegio E.P.I., unit Horeca for
the tremendous work they are do-
ing in educating our future tourism
employees. q
Corruption Survey
ORANJESTAD — Since November 12, 2018, the private gain. This survey includes, among oth- The CBA is aware that a large part of this infor-
Centrale Bank van Aruba (CBA) has been con- ers, questions about the level of corruption, the mation is sensitive and, therefore, stresses that
ducting a “Corruption Survey” in our communi- experience with corruption when using services this survey is strictly anonymous and guarantees
ty to assess the perceived level of corruption in particularly in the public sector, the experience that all information received will be treated with
Aruba through an in-depth analysis of the infor- when reporting corruption, and the need for the utmost confidence and will be only used on
mation collected. The CBA would like to inform additional anti-corruption measures. an aggregated basis for statistical and analyti-
the public that this survey has been extended cal purposes.
through December 5, 2018. To assist the CBA in gathering this important
information, a group of interviewers is visiting The CBA hopes that all persons approached by
With this survey, the CBA aims to acquire valu- selected households and conducting the inter- these interviewers to participate in this survey will
able information on the experience and per- views on behalf of the CBA. These interviewers give their maximum cooperation. If you have
ception of Aruban residents with regard to cor- are wearing an I.D. badge with CBA logo. They any question about this survey, please contact
ruption and gain insight on possible remedial have the obligation to keep all the information Mrs. Edwina Matos-Pereira, Manager Strategy &
actions and/or effective measures to counter- they receive during the survey strictly confiden- Planning of the CBA and also the project leader
act this phenomenon. In this survey, corruption tial. of this survey, at tel. (+297) 5252100 or via e-mail:
is defined as the abuse of entrusted power for