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science Monday 10 June 2019
Different ways to show paintings, photos to blind people HEALTH
Associated Press included one such model;
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — As the Van Gogh reproduc- Oranjestad
people at the American tion; a copy of a bust by Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
Alliance of Museums’ French artist Jean-Baptist Tel. 527 4000
trade show passed their Carpeaux; and, from work San Nicolas
hands along the raised fig- for the Louvre of Abu Dhabi
ures in touchable versions , a line drawing taken from IMSAN 24 Hours
Tel.524 8833
of a Vietnam War photo- a painting in a sacred Hin-
graph, small metal sensors du text. It shows the buffalo Women in Difficulties
touched off recordings to demon Mahishasura fight-
explain whose picture they ing the many-armed god- Oranjestad:
were touching and what dess Durga. The outlines Kibrahacha Tel. 583 4508
had happened to him. are in slick, slightly raised San Nicolas:
San Lucas Tel. 584 5119
At a nearby booth was a plastic, with text and Braille Women in Difficulties
flat reproduction of a Van Norma Crosby, left, state president for the Texas chapter of labels including “Sword OTHER
Gogh self-portrait with the National Federation of the Blind, and Sophie Trist, a New and shield,” ‘’Arrows” Dental Clinic 587 9850
slightly raised, slicker areas Orleans chapter member, touch a bass relief of a photograph and “Leaping lion” — the Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
to show both outlines and of the Vietnam Tet Offensive, by John Olson, whose company animal on which Durga is Urgent Care 586 0448
how brush strokes swept 3DPhotoworks also makes the bass relief, at the American riding.q Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
or swirled within those out- Alliance of Museums Expo in New Orleans, Monday, May 20, +297 588 0539
Women in Difficulties
lines. 2019. Associated Press EMERGENCY
Museums nationwide are showing two guitarists and the “sensory tours” it has
working to make their col- a banjo player. held for years for blind or Police 100
527 3140
lections more accessible Without audio, she said, “I partly sighted patrons. That Noord 527 3200
for people with disabili- wouldn’t have been able museum also offers tours Sta. Cruz 527 2900
ties, said Elizabeth Merritt, to tell the difference be- with headsets to amplify San Nicolas 584 5000
vice president for strategic tween a guitar and a ban- the guide’s comments as Police Tipline 11141
foresight for the alliance, jo. ... Whereas if it were only well as tours in American Ambulancia 911
which represents museums the sound, it wouldn’t be Sign Language. In Clare- Fire Dept. 115
of all sorts, from tiny local the full picture, either.” She mont, California, at the Red Cross 582 2219
history museums to huge appreciated hearing the Raymond M. Alf Museum of TAXI SERVICES
zoos. Hours when lights banjo and learning that it Paleontology , described Taxi Tas 587 5900
and noise levels are kept was invented by enslaved on its website as the only Prof. Taxi 588 0035
low for people on the au- Africans. nationally accredited U.S. Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
tism spectrum are another Trist, a resident of suburban museum on a high school Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
example of inclusiveness, Mandeville, Louisiana, and campus, students can scan A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
she said, as are websites a rising senior at Loyola Uni- fossils and create models of Women in Difficulties
and smartphone apps de- versity of New Orleans, was them . TRAVEL INFO
signed to work with screen among several members The Louvre commissioned Aruba Airport 524 2424
readers for the blind. of the National Federation small low-relief models of American Airlines 582 2700
Not all touchable art is for the Blind with Olson, parts of its exterior for ex- Avianca 588 0059
high-tech. The Singapore who has partnered with the hibits about the museum’s Jet Blue 588 2244
Art Museum commissioned federation for about a de- own eight-century history, Surinam 582 7896
three artists to make touch- cade. said Philippe Moreau of
able adaptations of their Other high-tech adapta- Tactile Studio ‘s Canada Women in Difficulties
own works, and plans tions noted by the alliance office, which did the work. CRUISES
more. are 3-D models made by The studio’s many displays,
But tech has a big role. the Brooklyn Museum for diagonally across from Ol-
3D Photoworks , of Cha-
tham, New York, was creat-
ed by photographer John
Olson to make his work June 12
and other two-dimensional June 18
art accessible to the blind Freedom of the Seas
and visually handicapped. Women in Difficulties
The company has digital AID FOUNDATIONS
artists carve out contours
for scanned art. After the FAVI- Visually Impaired
Tel. 582 5051
models are created, small
metal sensors are added Alcoholics Anonymous
Tel. 736 2952
to trigger narrations about Narcotics Anonymous
the work and the figures Tel. 583 8989
within which they’re set. Women in Difficulties
“I’ve never seen anything Tel. 583 5400
like that, where it integrates Centre for Diabetes
touch and sound,” said So- Tel. 524 8888
phie Trist, 22, who has been Child Abuse Prevention
blind since birth. Tel. 582 4433
Her favorite among three Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
Women in Difficulties
art works and a map was General Info
Romare Bearden’s collage
“Three Folk Musicians,” Phone Directory Tel. 118