Page 25 - ATA
P. 25
LOCAL Tuesday 21 May 2019
A Nobelnative heart
Episodio XIX
Native Aruban compassion story. What it meant to be a slave in Aruba?
Continued from Page 14 cation.
After a year Aruba re-
As time passes by he be- ceived the visit of Father
gan to learn the Spanish Pedro Rodriguez. All the no-
language, since Arawakan bles and principal petition-
was too difficult and it be- ers of Noord gathered at
came a secret language the house of Fiscal Miguel
that was not shared with Alvarez. There, Father Ro-
foreigners any more. Now driguez who traveled from
he was gaining the ability Caracas could get some
to tell something about his information from Crisosto-
previous life in Spanish. mo. He told the curious that
he has been married to a
Crisostomo answered the good woman named Ele-
people that asked him na Petronilia and lived hap-
where he was originally pily in Algeria for 14 years.
from and that he came They had five children but
from Algeria a country four of them died when
in North Africa and that they were very young, they
it bordered the Mediter- were baptized and only
ranean Sea and that his oneAnastacio was alive
parents died when he was when tragedy struck…
very young that they were
Christians and that he had This story will be continued
received a Catholic edu- next week.q