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P. 7
Saturday 22 September 2018
A Warm Home for Mentally Disabled
ORANJESTAD — Foundation Ambiente Foundation Ambiente Feliz has many
Feliz received a generous donation from plans for the future. With the help of the
Medwork Caribbean NV in order to help government, companies and the com-
the foundation a little more. munity of Aruba they will be opening 20
new homes for patients who are in need
Foundation Ambiente Feliz, meaning Hap- of a more intensive care. The waiting list
py Ambiance, is a residential home for is very long and there is a social crisis that
mentally disabled above 18 years old. In we need to take care of as soon as pos-
an interview with Aruba Today, director sible. In 2019 they will be opening their first
Luki Croes explains why this home for 20 home for younger kids with mental disabili-
clients is a safe haven for 10 sweet women ties and are aiming to open the 2nd house
and men. “We are a club of people that also right after that. Their 3rd house will be
have a heart for our residents, we are fam- for patients 55 and older that is in planning
ily to them during their stay here and we for the year 2020. In order to achieve the
strive to help more in the future.” The foun- financial aid necessary they depend ex-
dation is proud to exist for 32 years already. tremely on the continuous support of the
More than half of the clients are above 50 business owner and also the community.
years old and thus is aging an extra care.
Seeing the importance this foundation has
“We offer 24-hour care in a professional in our community Medwork Caribbean
and caring environment. The reason that NV, which is a company that disposes of
the clients live here is that it became too company doctors with the knowledge,
hard for the family to take care day in, day experience and insight of a large network
out. But we do aim for a warm connec- of professionals, decided to give a gener-
tion with the family and they always visit ous donation to the foundation. . It is very
and spend time here.” Ambiente Feliz is admirable the hardwork done every day
the only residential home for mentally dis- by the employees for their patients. It re-
abled together with Cas Shaburi. It is heart- quires so much patience and dedication.
warming to see the connection between The foundation will use the donation to
the staff and the clients here, they are in- buy uniform for their employees. Med-
deed family and the smiles on the faces work Caribbean NV wants to encourage
of the clients are payless. Day in, day out other companies and also the community
these people do this rewarding job, in the to help these foundations with donations
sense of giving happiness to those who just such as financially, or with materials or by
came different into this world. But different volunteering in any project. All donations
is beautiful, everybody counts and that is and help they can get is highly appreci-
what Ambiente feliz expresses. ated. For more information visit the face-
book page Stichting Ambiente Feliz. q