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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Thursday 29 augusT 2019
            Elliott recalls crazy moments it took to make iconic videos

            By MESFIN FEKADU                                                                                                    main  street  in  this  outfit  all
            Associated Press                                                                                                    the way to set, and it had
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  After                                                                                           deflated."
            celebrating  her  two-de-                                                                                           She  confirmed  that  the
            cade-plus  career  at  the                                                                                          bees in the "Work It" video
            MTV  Video  Music  Awards                                                                                           were in fact real. And in the
            with a performance featur-                                                                                          "Pass that Dutch" clip when
            ing a slew of her hits, Missy                                                                                       she was lifted up and rap-
            Elliott knew she did a great                                                                                        ping from a cornfield, "they
            job  when  the  first  text  she                                                                                    dropped me on my knees; I
            received  after  the  perfor-                                                                                       thought my kneecaps had
            mance  was  from  another                                                                                           broken."  "I  was  just  doing
            musical icon and longtime                                                                                           these videos and ... it wasn't
            friend: Janet Jackson.                                                                                              like  I  was  doing  them  and
            "She was like, 'You shut that                                                                                       trying  to  make  a  point  for
            (expletive)  down,'"  Elliott                                                                                       later  down  the  line.  I  was
            said,  laughing  in  a  phone                                                                                       just  doing  it,"  she  said.  "A
            interview with The Associat-                                                                                        lot of people say, 'Hey you
            ed Press on Tuesday, a day                                                                                          should  have  gotten  (this
            after the VMAs. "And just to                                                                                        award)  a  long  time  ago
            know that Janet even said                                                                                           and I realize that I'm a spiri-
            that  word  was  amazing.                                                                                           tual person and so I always
            And  I  was  like,  'OK,  I  must                                                                                   say,  'I'm  on  God's  time.'
            have done good for her to    Missy Elliott poses in the press room with the Video Vanguard award at the MTV Video Music   And so whenever God says
            use that (word).'"           Awards at the Prudential Center on Monday, Aug. 26, 2019, in Newark, N.J.              it was time for me to have it
            Elliott,  who  has  collabo-                                                                       Associated Press  is the correct time."
            rated  musically  with  Jack-                                                                                       Elliott's  VMA  performance
            son  in  the  past,  received  scene.                     others are submerged, two  inflated  trash  bag  —  she  also  included  the  well-
            the Michael Jackson Video  The  48-year-old  Grammy  of  the  dancers  "had  asth-     recalls  walking  "to  the  gas  known  hits  "Lose  Control"
            Vanguard Award on Mon-       winner said the road to cre-  ma attacks just from being  station to use the air pump  and  "Get  Ur  Freak  On,"  as
            day night for the eccentric  ating iconic videos was not  underwater."                 ...  in  Brooklyn  to  pump  up  well as "Throw It Back," the
            and  vibrant  music  videos  easy. She said in the "She's  For  "The  Rain  (Supa  Dupa  the suit, and then realized I  first single from her new EP
            that helped establish her as  a B---h" clip, which includes  Fly)"  —  her  1997  debut  was too big to fit in the car,  "Iconology,"  released  last
            a  trailblazer  on  the  music  a  scene  where  she  and  single  where  she  wore  an  so we had to walk ... on the  week. q

            The places it’ll go: Dr. Seuss exhibition hitting the road

            By MARK PRATT                                                                                                       prises and Kilburn Live, a di-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    vision of Los Angeles-based
            BOSTON (AP) — Dr. Seuss is                                                                                          entertainment    company
            hitting the road this fall with                                                                                     Kilburn Media.
            a  large  interactive  exhibit                                                                                      The  Dr.  Seuss  Experience,
            that  will  immerse  visitors  in                                                                                   more than two years in the
            some  of  the  most  iconic                                                                                         making,  is  unlike  anything
            books by the beloved chil-                                                                                          the  company  has  ever
            dren's writer.                                                                                                      been  involved  in  before,
            The  exhibit  is  centered  on                                                                                      and  that's  what  attracted
            a maze based on "Oh, the                                                                                            Kilburn to the project.
            Places  You'll  Go,"  the  Dr.                                                                                      The exhibit is not just about
            Seuss book that urges chil-                                                                                         promoting    literacy   but
            dren  to  explore  the  world                                                                                       about  the  pro-social  mes-
            and  move  mountains  de-                                                                                           sages  in  Dr.  Seuss  books,
            spite  the  pitfalls  and  chal-                                                                                    Kilburn  founder  and  CEO
            lenges. Children and adults                                                                                         Mark Manuel said.
            will  be  able  to  explore                                                                                         "The  Lorax"  teaches  envi-
            rooms  based  on  "The  Cat                                                                                         ronmental     stewardship,
            in the Hat," ''The Lorax," ''Did   This undated rendering provided by Dr. Seuss Enterprises shows a balloon maze that will be incor-  while  "The  Sneetches  and
            I  Ever  Tell  You  How  Lucky   porated as part of a touring immersive attraction tied to the work of the famous late author and   Other  Stories"  teaches  tol-
            You Are?" and other works.   illustrator of children's books.                                                       erance  and  individuality,
            The      15,000-square-foot                                                                        Associated Press  he said.
            (1,400-square-meter)  exhi-                                                                                         Another  aspect  is  that  the
            bition  announced  publicly  engaging  way,"  said  Su-   Because  the  exhibit  is  Visitors entering "The Lorax"  exhibit will change in every
            Wednesday  is  scheduled  san  Brandt,  president  of  based on Geisel's children's  room can wander through  city.  Some  rooms  will  be
            to open in Toronto in Octo-  San Diego-based Dr. Seuss  books,  there  are  no  refer-  a forest of truffula trees. The  flipped out to be replaced
            ber. There are plans to take  Enterprises,  the  company  ences  to  his  earlier  and  "If  I  Ran  the  Circus"  room  by  rooms  based  on  other
            it  to  Boston,  Seattle,  Hous-  founded by Audrey Geisel,  more controversial political  features  a  working  carou-  Seuss  classics.  The  rooms
            ton and several other North  the late widow of Theodor  cartoons.                      sel,  while  "Horton  Hears  a  will  even  change  based
            American cities.             Seuss Geisel, who under the  The  maze  inspired  by  "Oh,  Who!" consists of a field of  on  the  time  of  year,  with
            "I  wanted  to  explore  the  pen  name  Dr.  Seuss  wrote  the  Places  You'll  Go"  fea-  waist-high pink clover.  a  "How  the  Grinch  Stole
            books  and  bring  the  char-  and  illustrated  dozens  of  tures  thousands  of  sus-  The exhibit is a partnership  Christmas"  room  planned
            acters to life in a new and  children's books.            pended balloons.             between  Dr.  Seuss  Enter-  for the holiday season.q
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