P. 28
Wednesday 29 august 2018
Cold, dry climate shifts linked to Neanderthal disappearance
By MALCOLM RITTER new environment than the
NEW YORK (AP) — Ancient Neanderthals were, so they
periods of cold and dry cli- could move in after Nean-
mate helped our species derthals disappeared, the
replace Neanderthals in researchers wrote.
Europe, a study suggests. Katerina Harvati, a Nean-
Researchers found that derthal expert at the Uni-
such cold periods coincid- versity of Tuebingen in Ger-
ed with an apparent disap- many who wasn't involved
pearance of our evolution- in the study, said it's helpful
ary cousins in different parts to have the new climate
of the continent, followed data from southeastern Eu-
by the appearance of our rope, a region that H. sapi-
species, Homo sapiens. ens is thought to have used
"Whether they moved or to spread through the con-
died out, we can't tell," said tinent.
Michael Staubwasser of But she said it's unclear
the University of Cologne in whether Neanderthals dis-
Germany. appeared and H. sapiens
Neanderthals once lived in appeared at the times the
Europe and Asia but died authors indicate, because
out about 40,000 years ago, the studies they cite rely on
just a few thousand years limited evidence and are
after our species, Homo sometimes open to dispute.
sapiens, arrived in Europe. Chris Stringer of the Natural
Scientists have long debat- In this 2013 photo provided by Bogdan Onac, researcher Vasile Ersek stands in the Ascunsa Cave History Museum in London
in Romania. Scientists say ancient shifts in climate helped our species replace Neanderthals in
ed what happened, and Europe. said he thought the paper
some have blamed the Associated Press made a good case for an
change in climate. Other impact of the climate shifts
proposed explanations Academy of Sciences. They began about 44,000 years signs of H. sapiens appear on Neanderthals, although
have included epidemics drew on existing climate, ago and lasted about in sites within the Danube he believes other factors
and the idea that the new- archaeological and eco- 1,000 years. The other be- River valley and in France, were also at work in their
comers edged out the Ne- logical data and added gan about 40,800 years they noted. disappearance.
anderthals for resources. new indicators of ancient ago and lasted six cen- The climate shifts would Rick Potts of the Smith-
Staubwasser and col- climate from studies of two turies. The timing of those have replaced forest with sonian Institution called
leagues reported their find- caves in Romania. events matches the peri- shrub-filled grassland, and the study "a refreshing
ings Monday in the Pro- Their study highlighted two ods when artifacts from Ne- H. sapiens may have been new look" at the species
ceedings of the National cold and dry periods. One anderthals disappear and better adapted to that replacement.q
Worldwide gun deaths reach 250,000 yearly; U.S. ranks high
By LINDSEY TANNER unchanged. economic instability may
AP Medical Writer Two-thirds of the deaths in have contributed.
CHICAGO (AP) — Gun 2016 were homicides, al- Brazil, Colombia, Guate-
deaths worldwide total though the U.S. is among mala, Mexico and Venezu-
about 250,000 yearly and wealthy countries where ela are the countries that
the United States is among suicides by gun outnum- with the U.S. contributed
just six countries that make ber gun killings, the study to half the study deaths.
up half of those fatalities, a found. The study raises concerns
study found. The numbers reflect more about the lack of research
The results from one of the than "how many guns are on causes of gun violence
most comprehensive anal- around in a country," said and ways to prevent it, the
yses of firearm deaths re- lead author Dr. Christo- editorial said.
veal "a major public health pher Murray, a professor of Among the findings:
problem for humanity," health metrics at the Uni- —In 2016, 64 percent of
according to an editorial versity of Washington. Cul- global gun deaths were
In this July 20, 2014 file photo, guns are displayed for sale by an published with the study tural beliefs about guns and homicides, 27 percent
arms seller east of Colorado Springs, Colo. Tuesday in the Journal of suicide vary widely around were suicides and 9 per-
Associated Press the American Medical As- the world, he noted, add- cent were accidental.
sociation. ing, "That's where we get —Gun deaths in the U.S.
Although recent headlines this incredible range of fire- climbed from 35,800 in 1990
make it seem like gun kill- arm deaths." to 37,200 in 2016, but the
ings are surging globally, There were larger increases rate dipped slightly to 11
the new figures tell a more in many of the 195 countries per 100,000. Gun suicides
nuanced story. involved in the study, par- increased from 19,700 to
Researchers counted ticularly in Central Ameri- 23,800.
about 209,000 gun deaths can and South America, —The U.S. had the second-
in 1990 compared to where the rates reached highest gun suicide rate in
251,000 in 2016. The av- nearly 40 per 100,000 in 2016, just over 6 deaths per
erage rate, about 4 per some places. Researchers 100,000 — a slight dip from
100,000 people, was mostly said the drug trade and the 1990 rate. q