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                      Friday 29 March 2019
            U.S. begins organ transplants from living donors who have HIV

            By LAURAN NEERGAARD                                                                                                 sees the transplant system.
            AP Medical Writer                                                                                                   One  question  is  whether
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Sur-                                                                                           receiving  an  organ  from
            geons  in  Baltimore  have                                                                                          someone  with  a  different
            performed  what's  thought                                                                                          strain of HIV than their own
            to be the world's first kidney                                                                                      poses  any  risks,  but  so  far
            transplant from a living do-                                                                                        there have been no safety
            nor with HIV, a milestone for                                                                                       problems,  said  UNOS  chief
            people  with  the  AIDS  virus                                                                                      medical  officer  Dr.  David
            — and one that could free                                                                                           Klassen.
            up space on the transplant                                                                                          Hopkins'  Segev  said  Mon-
            waiting list for everyone.                                                                                          day's kidney transplant was
            Nina  Martinez  of  Atlanta                                                                                         a  world  first.  Doctors  had
            traveled  to  Johns  Hop-                                                                                           hesitated  to  allow  people
            kins  University  to  donate  a                                                                                     still  living  with  HIV  to  do-
            kidney  to  an  HIV-positive                                                                                        nate  because  of  concern
            stranger, saying she "want-                                                                                         that their remaining kidney
            ed to make a difference in                                                                                          would be at risk of damage
            somebody  else's  life"  and                                                                                        from the virus or older med-
            counter the stigma that too                                                                                         ications used to treat it.
            often  still  surrounds  HIV  in-                                                                                   But newer anti-HIV medica-
            fection.                                                                                                            tions  are  safer  and  more
            Many  people  think  "some-  In this image made from video provided by Johns Hopkins Medicine, Nina Martinez of Atlanta is   effective,  Segev  said.  His
            body  with  HIV  is  supposed   wheeled into a Baltimore operating room to become who is thought to be the world’s first kidney   team  recently  studied  the
            to  look  sick,"  Martinez,  35,   transplant living donor with HIV, on Monday, March 25, 2019.                     kidney  health  of  40,000
            told  The  Associated  Press                                                                       Associated Press   HIV-positive  people  and
            before  the  operation.  "It's                                                                                      concluded that those with
            a  powerful  statement  to  kidney,  who  chose  to  re-  year U.S. ban on transplants  rica,  have  doctors  begun  well-controlled HIV and no
            show somebody like myself  main anonymous, also is re-    between people with HIV.     transplanting  organs  from  other  kidney-harming  ail-
            who's  healthy  enough  to  covering well, Hopkins said.  There's  no  count  of  how  deceased  donors with  HIV  ments like high blood pres-
            be a living organ donor."    "Here's a disease that in the  many  HIV-positive  patients  into patients who also have  sure should face the same
            At  a  news  conference  past was a death sentence  are  among  the  113,000  the virus, organs that once  risks from living donation as
            Thursday, Martinez said she  and now has been so well  people  on  the  nation's  would  have  been  thrown  someone without HIV.
            was  "feeling  good"  and  controlled  that  it  offers  waiting  list  for  an  organ  away.                       "There  are  potentially  tens
            hopes  she's  opened  doors  people  with  that  disease  transplant. HIV-positive pa-  Since 2016, 116 such kidney  of  thousands  of  people
            for other would-be donors.   an  opportunity  to  save  tients  can  receive  trans-   and  liver  transplants  have  living  with  HIV  right  now
            "To  be  able  to  leave  this  somebody  else,"  said  Dr.  plants  from  HIV-negative  been performed in the U.S.  who could be living kidney
            kind of medical legacy for  Dorry Segev, a Hopkins sur-   donors just like anyone else.  as part of a research study,  donors,"  said  Segev,  who
            me  was  quite  important,"  geon  who  pushed  for  the  Only  in  the  last  few  years,  according  to  the  United  has  advised  some  other
            she said.                    HIV Organ Policy Equity, or  spurred  by  some  pioneer-  Network  for  Organ  Shar-   hospitals  considering  the
            The  recipient  of  Martinez's  HOPE, Act that lifted a 25-  ing operations in South Af-  ing,  or  UNOS,  which  over-  approach.q

                                                                      2 letters by inventor Nikola

                                                                      Tesla surface in Serbia

                                                                      By JOVANA GEC                cess  to  this  documenta-   named after him.
                                                                      Associated Press             tion," said Viktor Lazic, from  An  ethnic  Serb  born  in
                                                                      BELGRADE,  Serbia  (AP)  —  Adligat. He explained that  1856 in the Austrian Empire
                                                                      A  culture  society  in  Serbia  the letters had been known  in   present-day   Croatia,
                                                                      made  public  this  month  to  exist  but  could  not  be  Tesla  spent  most  of  his  life
                                                                      two  letters  that  they  say  traced for around 20 years.  abroad,  working  in  Buda-
                                                                      were  written  by  late  19th-  Written in Cyrillic alphabet,  pest and Paris before emi-
                                                                      and  early  20th-century  in-  the letters refer to Tesla's re-  grating to the U.S. in 1884.
            A shadow of Milica Kesler, curator and archivist is cast onto a
            poster of Nikola Tesla at the Nikola Tesla museum in Belgrade,   ventor  and  electricity  pio-  lations with another promi-  In  Belgrade,  the  Tesla  Mu-
            Serbia, Thursday, March 7, 2019.                          neer Nikola Tesla.           nent scientist of Serb origin,  seum  honors  the  scientist's
                                                     Associated Press  The Adligat group told The  Mihajlo Pupin, Lazic said.   legacy, including a vast ar-
                                                                      Associated  Press  they  re-  Tesla  is  best  known  for  ray  of  personal  items,  tens
                                                                      cently obtained the letters  developing  the  alternat-   of thousands of documents
                                                                      from  a  collector  and  veri-  ing  current  that  helped  and awards.
                                                                      fied  their  authenticity  with  safely  distribute  electricity  Curator  Milica  Kesler  said
                                                                      multiple  sources.    Dated  at  great  distances,  includ-  the  museum's  archives  in-
                                                                      Dec. 28, 1934 and Jan. 12,  ing from the hydro-electric  clude  the  drafts  of  the  re-
                                                                      1935,  the  letters  were  sent  plant  at  Niagara  Falls  in  cently-publicized letters.
                                                                      to  the  Yugoslav  consul  in  the  mid-1890s.  He  experi-  "The only difference is that
                                                                      the  United  States  at  the  mented with X-ray and ra-   they (drafts) were written in
                                                                      time, Radoje Jankovic.       dio technology, working in  pencil" and contain Tesla's
                                                                      "This  is  the  first  time  that  rivalry  with  Thomas  Edison.  remarks  and  notes,  Kesler
                                                                      public has full and free ac-  Car  manufacturer  Tesla  is  said.q
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