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PAHO Commission outlines ten

                recommendations on how to achieve health

                for all in the Region of the Americas

               9 HORA PASA , 10 DI APRIL 2019 13:04
               SECCION: SALUD

               In a new report, experts emphasize the need to guarantee the right to health and recommend
               transforming  health  systems  based  on  primary  care  and  ensuring  effective  funding.

               Mexico City, 9 April 2019 (PAHO) – A report outlining ten recommendations on how countries
               can ensure that all people have access to health in the Region of the Americas was launched
               today  in  Mexico  by  the  country’s  highest  authorities,  the  Pan  American  Health  Organization
               (PAHO), the United Nations, and members of the High-level Commission “Universal Health in
               the XXI Century: 40 years of Alma-Ata”.

               In recent years, the region has made progress and implemented health reforms. However, it is
               estimated  that  30%  of  the  population  lacks  access  to  the  care  they  need.  To  help  countries

               move  towards  universal  health  in  line  with  the  Sustainable  Development  Goals  (SDGs),  in
               February  2018  the  Director  of  PAHO,  Carissa  F.  Etienne,  established  the  Commission  that
               today released its recommendations.

               The  Commission’s  report  reveals  that  health  for  all  can  only  be  achieved  if  the  effective
               enjoyment of the human right to health is guaranteed. It also highlights the need to transform
               health systems and create models of care based on primary health care (PHC), which respond
               to the needs of the population and have the necessary human and financial resources.

               The  launch  event  for  the  report  was  led  by  President  Andrés  Manuel  López  Obrador;  the
               Director  of  PAHO;  the  Assistant  Secretary  General  of  the  Organization  of  American  States
               (OAS)  and  President  of  the  Commission,  Néstor  Méndez;  and  the  United  Nations  High
               Commissioner for Human Rights and former President of the Commission, Michelle Bachelet.

               “The  report  reaffirms  that  health  is  a  fundamental  human  right.  It  is  not  a  privilege,  nor  a
               commodity,” highlighted Etienne, stressing that the report also identifies primary health care as

               the sustainable strategy for making health for all a reality. The Director of PAHO also warned
               that  “without  the  necessary  resources,  the  firm  commitment  of  the  State,  and  political  will,
               universal health will not be a possibility.”
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