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a fundamental human right. It provides a path for action around PHC, conceived as an integral
               strategy for addressing the social determinants of most health problems.

               The  17  members  of  the  Commission  participated  in  the  presentation  of  the  report,  including
               academics, former health ministers, activists and representatives of social movements, as well
               as delegations from 28 countries, including 18 ministers of health in the Region.

               The main recommendations for achieving universal health include:

               1.              Ensure               the              right             to             health.

               2.    Develop     models     of   care    based     on    primary    health    care    (PHC).
               3.             Generate              social             participation            mechanisms.
               4.   Generate    mechanisms      for   regulation   and   control   of   the   private   sector.
               5.            Eliminate            barriers            to            health            access.
               6.      Address       social      determinants       with      intersectoral     interventions.
               7.   Reposition   public   health   as   the   guiding   axis   of   the   State’s   response.

               8.       Value        human        resources        as       protagonists       of       PHC.
               9.    Promote    the    rational   use    and    innovation   of   technological    resources.
               10.           Ensure           efficient         and           sustainable           financing.
               The report of the Commission will guide the work of PAHO, as well as its technical cooperation

               at  all  levels.  It  will  also  contribute  to  regional  preparations  for  the  High-level  Meeting  on
               Universal Health Coverage, to be held next September in the General Assembly of the United
               To        read      the       Commission’s        report,      visit:
               To     see    the    recording   of    the    presentation   visit:

               Join the conversation using #HealthForAll and #UniversalHealth

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