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Diabierna, 14 juni 2019                                      AWEMainta                                                                      31

          Aruba Lions Club su Smile Mobile a

                               cumpli cu nos grandinan

       DURANTE e weekend di 31 di mei pa 2 di juni 2019, e                        Nicolas. “Centro di Cuido San Nicolaas. Playa”, San Pedro
       team di Smile Mobile  a subi careteranan di Aruba pa bay                   Paviljoen”,” St. Michael Paviljoen y Savaneta “ Huize Mari-
       bishita e centronan pa nos grandi pa duna servicio di limp-                estella”. Na total 97 paciente a ser yuda y a haci limpieza

       iesa di dentadura gratis na nos grandinan.                                 di 73 prothesis. E cantidad di ora cu a dedica na e proyecto
       Bao di e liderazgo di Lion  Igor Croes  y di Lion  Magaly                  aki tabata 24 ora di trabao. Tur cliente a haya for di man
       Franken, nan a sa di traha duro durante e tres dianan ey                   di e amigo di Lions sr. Julio Bosne un basket chikito cu

       tras di lomba.                                                             regalito en coneccion cu Dia di Mama y Di di Tata.
       E centronan cu nan a bishita tabata SABA, Palisiaweg San                   Lion President Ivan Croes y Lion Rubin Ponson tambe a
                                                                                                          acompaña e team di Smile Moblie pa

                                                                                                          duna nan e support y ayudo necesa-
                                                                                                          rio. Un danki na tur cu a yuda pa a

                                                                                                          haci esaki posibel.

                                                                                    He never looked for praises
                                                                                   He was never one to boast
                                                                                 He just went on quietly working
                                                                                   For the ones he loved the most.

                                                                                His dreams were seldom spoken
                                                                                     His wants were very few
                                                                                And most of the time his worries
                                                                                         Went unspoken too.   The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
                                                                                                            He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he
                                                                             He was there…. A firm foundation      leadeth me beside the still waters.
                                                                               Through all our storms of life  He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of
                                                                                  A sturdy hand to hold on to     righteousness for his name's sake.
                                                                                                                           Psalm 23
                SAVITRE BABULALL                                                  In times of stress and strife.
                      Beter bekend als Sonia                                      A true friend we could turn to
                   “10-09-1959 - +10-06-2019                                      When times were good or bad       With deepest regret we wish
                                                                                  One of our greatest blessings     to inform you the passing of:
         Namens haar:                                                              The man that we called Dad.

         Kinderen:                                       No tin palabra pa gradici tur famia, amigo, y conocirnan
         (Defunto: Dinesh Djoegan)                         cu a asisti na e ultimo despedida di nos tata, welo y
         Rakesh Djoegan,                                                   bisawelo:
         Sanjay Robles
         Ritesh Djoegan en partner Tarris Fecunda
         Denzel Djoegan,
         Riangelo Yrausquin,
         Rilaisca Djoegan en
         Dinesh Djeaton Djoegan                                                                                    Ernesto Rabang
                                                                                                                    *21-07-1967 - †10-06-2019
         Zus: Chaan Banarsi-Babulall en gezin
         Broer: Dew Babulall en gezin                                                                     Left to mourn are:
                                                                                                          Brothers and sisters:
         Neven en nichten, overige familieleden op Aruba, in          Jean Henry                          Jessie Rabang
         Suriname, in Guyana, Nederland en de Verenigde           Eduard Baiz (Boy)                       Irene Rabanag
         Staten: Djoegan, Banarsi, Stamper, Bhikhari. Mackin-                                             Editha Rabang
         tosh, Lakhai, Harkisoen.                         Un danki special na Dr. Joaquin v. Trigt, su ayudante-  Mario Rabang
                                                                         nan Loly y Ingrid
                                                           Su iha Xiomara Beke-Comenencia (Graficas Aruba)
         Vrienden: Mercedes E. Boekhoudt, Milca en Gisela                                                 Niece and nephews:
         Erasmus, Soraida Helder, Carmen Rasmijn, Wina          Miguel Torrealba (Oasis Cyber Aruba)      Bernadith Corpuz, Cyrel Corpuz, Nicole Kate Corpuz,
         Croes.                                            Cruz Cora Aruba, Schoolzwemmen Aruba, Fantastic   Sanjee Rabang, Cielo Rabang, Jared Rabang, Marc
                                                            Gardens, Etty Toppenberg y tur cu a manda flor y   Rabang
                                                                     mensahenan di consuelo
         Geliefde Collega’s, leidinggevenden en eigenaar van:
         Citgo Boulevard, Edgar Croes, Lorenzo             Na Aurora Funeral Home pa su excelente servicio,   Sister-in-law: Sunshine Rabang
         J. Arends.                                                 cooperacion y colaboracion.
                                                           Famia ta invita pa asisti na 3 santo sacrificio di misa:   Brother-in-law:  Bernard Corpuz
         De plechtigheid en ceremonie zal plaatsvinden op   diabierna 14 di juni y diadomingo 16 di juni 2019 na   All friends and acquaintances di Aruba
         zaterdag 15 juni vanaf 19:00 uur tot 21:00 uur bij   misa Pro-Catedral San Francisco di Asis pa 7:00pm  All families in Philippines y Canada
         Aurora Funeral Home & Crematory, Cumana 76, Aruba.  Diamars 18 di juni 2019 na misa Inmaculada Concep-
                                                          cion Santa Cruz pa 7’or di anochi y sigui pa oracion na   Farewell ceremony and cremation will take place at
         Onze oprechte excuses als we in ons verdriet enige            Fahrenheitstraat 21                Royal Funeral Home on Friday June 14th, 2019 from
         namen zijn vergeten.                                                                             7pm to 9pm in the evening.
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