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                                                                                                                           Wednesday 13 March 2019

                                                                      Aruba Tourism Authority Recognizes

                                                                      Ewald Biemans for His Pioneering Efforts

                                                                      more,  the  evolution  and  agement  and  develop-        &  Marketing  Association
                                                                      the  promotion  of  Aruba’s  ment worldwide.              International  (HSMAI)  and
                                                                      tourism product will be car-                              National Geographic Trav-
                                                                      ried out through activations  During  the  special  recep-  eler,  and  in  2017,  he  was
                                                                      both between the partners  tion on Wednesday, March  recognized  by  Caribbean
                                                                      in  the  market  and  among  6,  Ronella  Tjin  Asjoe-Croes,  Journal  as  hotelier  of  the
                                                                      consumers.                   CEO  of  A.T.A.,  and  Tirso  year.  It  should  be  men-
                                                                                                   Tromp,  director  of  Europe  tioned that in the month of
                                                                      Importance  of  diversifying  for  A.T.A.,  recognized  Mr.  April, Mr. Biemans will be in
                                                                      the Aruba market:            Biemans  for  his  pioneer-  Seville,  Spain,  to  represent
                                                                      Mr.  Biemans,  who  attend-  ing efforts in the European  Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort
                                                                      ed  ITB  for  his  39th  time,  is  market. With different part-  as one of the finalists for the
                                                                      undoubtedly  a  pioneer  in  ners and the European me-    Global  Tourism  for  Tomor-
                                                                      opening Aruba to the Euro-   dia present, they reflected  row Awards.
                                                                      pean  market.  Mr.  Biemans  on  A.T.A.’s  35  years  in  Eu-  In 2015, a street in front of
                                                                      came  to  our  island  more  rope.  Since  2009,  Bucuti  the  Bucuti  &  Tara  Beach
                                                                      than  50  years  ago  with  a  &  Tara  Beach  Resort  has  Resort  was  named  after
            ORANJESTAD  —  As  is  cus-  essential part of this trajec-  vision that has proven fruit-  received   approximately  Mr.  Biemans,  honoring  his
            tomary,  Aruba  was  pres-   tory with his presence at ITB  ful  for  our  tourism  sector.  45  awards  focusing  on  ro-  tireless  work  for  the  envi-
            ent at the ITB Berlin Confer-  for 39 years.              Aware  that  tourism  was  mance,  sustainability,  and  ronment  and  tourism.  The
            ence,  the  largest  interna-                             the  largest  economic  pil-  guest  experience.  Mr.  Bie-  A.T.A.  strives  to  follow  the
            tional  conference  in  con-  Aruba’s  commemoration  lar  of  Aruba  and  that  Eu-   mans has a long history of  example  of  leaders  like
            nection with travel tourism.  of  35  years  in  the  Europe-  rope  represented  great  experience  in  sustainable  Mr.  Biemans  to  ensure  the
            For  2019,  Aruba’s  booth  an market, with promotion  opportunities for Aruba, Mr.  tourism. Some of the prizes  well-being  of  our  tourism
            reception, with the hashtag  and  efforts  through  A.T.A.,  Biemans  recognized  the  received over the years in-  product  and  promote  the
            #ONEHAPPYHOURCOCK-           started  at  ITB  last  Wednes-  importance  of  diversifying  clude,  among  others,  the  welfare of our environment
            TAIL,  was  an  extra-special  day. The A.T.A. will take the  Aruba’s  markets.  Mr.  Bie-  Green   Globe   Certifica-  and  the  entire  community
            one.                         opportunity in 2019 to em-   man’s vision was and still is  tion and the Travelife Gold  of Aruba. A.T.A is proud to
                                         phasize  the  importance  of  to emphasize that if we de-  Certification.  In  2014,  Mr.  be  able  to  count  on  the
            It commemorated the fact  Europe  for  Aruba  through  stroy nature, our tourism will  Biemans  was  honored  as  leadership,  support,  and
            that  A.T.A.  has  been  pro-  this promotional campaign,  also  be  destroyed.  He  is  a  hotelier of the year by the  participation  of  Mr.  Bie-
            moting  Aruba  in  the  Euro-  where they will give atten-  visionary who surely helped  Caribbean  Travel  Awards.  mans  in  the  development
            pean  market  for  35  years  tion to several pioneers and  elevate our tourist product  In 2016, he was recognized  of Aruba’s tourism and Eu-
            and  that  Mr.  Ewald  Bie-  people  who  played  a  key  in Aruba and serves as an  with a Gold Adrian Award  ropean  tourism  for  Aruba.
            mans,  founder  of  Bucuti  &  role  in  promoting  Aruba’s  example  for  efforts  in  the  as  a  leader  in  sustainable  Congratulations and thank
            Tara Beach Resort, was an  tourism  in  Europe.  Further-  area  of  sustainable  man-  tourism by Hospitality Sales  you! q

            Tickle your Taste Buds with Tierra del Sol

                                                                      more special with the NEW
                                                                      ‘All You Can Taste’ concept
                                                                      – on from Tuesdays to Sat-
                                                                      urdays from 6PM – 10PM.

                                                                      Tune  in  for  an  experience
                                                                      that  will  give  dining  an-
                                                                      other  perspective.  We  are
                                                                      not talking about the stan-
                                                                      dard  3-course  menu,  but
                                                                      about  a  journey  through
                                                                      taste-land.  The  Restaurant
                                                                      at Tierra del Sol invites you
                                                                      to taste as many tapa-sized
                                                                      items as you wish from their
            NOORD — There is a place  Sol’s restaurant, either from  extensive fine dining menu.  welcoming  dishes.  For  the  or Cheesecake are one of
            on the Northern part of the  the  poolside  outdoor  ter-                              main  courses  you  can  de-  the  choices.  This  all  for  a
            island  that  makes  up  for  race  or  from  the  elegant  Fresh  Oysters,  Tuna  Crab  cide  for  Skirt  Steak,  Duck  special price and including
            your  perfect  dream  night.  indoor  restaurant.  The  of-  Duo,  Bruchetta  Caprese,  Venison  Duo  or  Pumpkin  a  glass  of  sangria.  Indulge
            The  location:  the  island’s  fering:  From  breakfast  to  Portobello   Mushroom,  Risotto  among  others  and  into  this  culinary  discov-
            rugged  north  coast  and  dinner  excellent  cuisine,  Smoked  Beef  Tataki  or  to  top  it  off  with  a  sweet  ery  at  the  most  romantic
            blue  ocean  forming  your  friendly service, and a gor-  Chicken    Curry   Waldorf  surrender a Duo of Quesillo  scenery of our One Happy
            panoramic  from  Tierra  del  geous setting, but now even  Salad are only some of the  &  Brownie,  Melon  Martini  Island.q
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