Page 26 - AHATA
P. 26

                 Wednesday 13 March 2019
            Hand4additcs: Lending a helping hand

                                                                                    foundation  held  an  event  for  the
                                                                                    month  of  March  called  “March
                                                                                    18th  Edition.”  Since  we  are  com-
                                                                                    memorating  the  Flag  &  National
                                                                                    Anthem Day this month, they pre-
                                                                                    pared some local food for the cli-
                                                                                    ents.  A  delicious  soup  and  salad,
                                                                                    together  with  a  treat  called”pan
                                                                                    bollo” was served and the addict
                                                                                    surely  enjoyed  it.  They  got  their
                                                                                    usual haircuts, showers and clean
                                                                                    clothes_ and the smile on their fac-
                                                                                    es said it all.

            ORANJESTAD  —  Hand4Addicts  is  ber  and  many  times  their  basic                                        Being  able  to  see  them  ‘grateful’
            a foundation consisting of a group  needs are neglected. This is where                                      for a  meal,  shower, clean  clothes
            of  volunteers  who  help  the  ad-  Hand4additcs comes in.                                                 and a haircut is priceless!
            dicted  in  the  city  of  Oranjestad.
            The help they provide is by giving  The foundation is a non-profit orga-                                    Their next event will be held on Sun-
            them warm meals, clean clothes, a  nization that does not receive any                                       day, April 21st, 2019 in front of the
            chance to bathe and get a haircut  help  from  the  government.  They                                       former Hotel Central in Oranjestad,
            once a month. This way they can  are  completely  dependent  on                                             starting at 10:30 AM.
            show  to  these  people  that  they  donations_  with  most  being  done
            are still part of the community. The  from  our  everyday  people.  They                                    For  more  information  on  how  to
            foundation  wants  to  change  the  welcome  all  sorts  of  donations                                      lend a helping hand to this founda-
            way our community views and in-     such  as  hygiene  products,  cloth-                                    tion  please  call  5931816  /5929224
            teracts with the people who strug-  ing, shoes, towels etc.                                                 or  email  them  at  hand4addicts@
            gle  with  addiction.  They  are  also                                                             or check out their face-
            someone’s  friend  or  family  mem-  On  Sunday,  March  10th,  2019  the                                   book page Hand4Addicts.q

            Honoring of loyal and friendly visitors

            ORANJESTAD — Recently, Jonathan Boekhoudt  dents of Road Island. Who have been honored  Another honoree were the couple Ann Fogel &
            of  the  Aruba  Tourism  Authority  had  the  great  as Distinguished Visitors and are staying at the  Rick Hemmert from Cincinnati. Who have been
            pleasure to honor Aruba’s loyal and friendly vis-  Divi  Phoenix  Resort.    They  love  the  island  very  honored  as  Distinguished  visitors.  They  have
            itors as Distinguished Visitors and Goodwill Am-  much for its beautiful weather and nice beach-  been  coming  for  11  consecutive  visits  to  the
            bassadors. The Distinguished visitor certificate is  es.                                        island and are staying at Bucuti & Tara Beach
            presented on behalf of the Minister of Tourism,                                                 Resort.
            as  a  token  of  appreciation  to  the  guests  who  Also honored were Rene and Lisa Mathieu resi-
            visit  Aruba  10  years  and  more  consecutively.  dents of West Tibury. They have been honored  Boekhoudt together with representatives of the
            The  Goodwill  Ambassador  certificate  is  pre-  as Goodwill Ambassadors since they have been  Resorts presented the certificate to the honor-
            sented to guests who visit Aruba 20 years and  coming to the island for 25 consecutive years.  ees, and also handed over some presents and
            more consecutively.                             Rene & Lisa love the island very much and they  thanked them  for choosing Aruba as  their fa-
                                                            feel they are part of one big family of the One  vorite vacation destination and as their home
            The honorees are Angel & Robert Stevens, resi-  Happy Island.                                   away from home.q
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