P. 11
Dialuna, 3 September 2018 AWEMainta 11
Miembro prominente di CDA
Karsten Klein durante Cumbre’18
“CDA tabata kier Mike Eman AUCTION
como su representante den
Union Europeo” ex. 3:268 Civil Code of Aruba
SEPTEMBER 27, 2018
On Thursday September 27, 2018, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room
of the Chamber of Commerce, Irausquin Boulevard 10, Aruba, will be
auctioned in public:
1. A residential house, locally known as
standing on a parcel of public land, 538 m2 in size, situated at Pos
Chikito in Aruba, locally recorded as Third Division Section G number
3236. The lease rights expire on October 29, 2075.
Starting bid: Afl. 97.000,--
Orador invita pa Union Europeo. CDA 2. A residential house, locally known as
Cumbre’18 tabata sr. kier a duna Eman
Karsten Klein, miem- tur apoyo pa a bira BUBALI 106-B
bro prominente di un di nan miembro
CDA, partido ruman den Union Europeo.
di AVP y miembro pa Bisando esaki, Klein a standing on a parcel of public land, 717 m2 in size, situated at Bubali in
Aruba, locally recorded as First Division Section K number 325. The
CDA den Municipio accentua e oportuni- lease rights expire on November 17, 2029.
Den Haag. Klein a bisa dad grandi cu a keda
di a keda encanta cu brinda na Mike Eman, Starting bid: AFL. 442.000,--
e poco cu el a mira te kende a scoge pa keda
awor di partido AVP. como lider di e partido 3. A commercial builing to be used as a bar / restaurant, locally
Di aeropuerto el a bay berde, mirando e apel- known as
Cas di Partido unda el acion fuerte cu a wordo
a wordo ricibi cu brasa haci na dje door di su PARADERA 166
habri. Unda tambe el a partido, su votadornan
haya splicacion con e y coleganan. Ocho mil standing on a parcel of public land, 600 m2 in size, situated at Paradera
organisacion di partido voto ta enorme, ocho in Aruba, locally recorded as First Division Section R number 25. The
AVP ta hinca den otro mil votador ta hopi, lease rights expire on December 17, 2073.
y con partido ta traha sigur si tene na cuenta Starting bid: to be announced
den un tremendo or- cu partido AVP a bay
ganisacion. Durante su atras den voto y Eman
speech el a bisa di lo a mantene su votonan Auction notary: mr. T.R. Johnson
bay implementa cierto y a bira asina un bes
asuntonan cu e ta kere mas e votegetter mas • The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure
auctions and special auction conditions which will be determined by
cu lo ta bon pa CDA. grandi Aruba. Esey ta civil law notary T.R. Johnson.
impresionante! • The auction will take place by raising bids (in Dutch: “bij opbod”) and
Loke sin duda a resalta • by decreasing bids (in Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session.
Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion.
durante e discurso el- Karsten Klein ta re- • Each bidder must be able to submit a bankguarantee issued by a
ocuente di Klein, unda gresa Hulanda dia- reputable bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased
with an amount equal to the auction costs.
el a repasa varios pun- mars. Mayan e lo haci • A private written bid can be submitted untill September 12, 2018, 5 PM.
to di interes comun di hunto cu lider di par-
AVP y CDA, ta ora el tido Mike Eman un
a bisa cu su partido bishita di cortesia na For more information:
tabata kier lider di Gobernador Boek-
AVP Mike Eman como houdt y despues cerca WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM/AUCTIONS
represante di CDA den un bond di ciclista.