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                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Thursday 6 June 2019
            China launches 1st                                                                                                           HEALTH

            rocket from mobile                                                                                                     DOCTOR ON DUTY

            platform in Yellow Sea                                                                   Halley Time Travel         Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm

                                                                                                                                Tel. 527 4000
                                                                                                    Marriott Ocean Club
            BEIJING  (AP)  —  China  on  costs.  It  also  reduces  the                             Platinum season                   San Nicolas
            Wednesday  launched  a  possibility  of  damage  on                                     1 Br OceanView $12 K         IMSAN 24 Hours
            rocket from a mobile plat-   the  ground  from  falling                                 1 Br OceanFront $18 K        Tel.524 8833
            form at sea for the first time,  rocket debris.                                         2 Br OceanView $18 K        Women in Difficulties
            sending a five commercial  The  official  Xinhua  News                                  2 Br OceanFront $ 28 K      PHARMACY ON DUTY
            satellites  and  two  others  Agency  cited  experts  as                                Gold season                 Oranjestad:
            containing    experimental  saying  seaborne  launch                                    1 Br OceanView $6 K         Eagle Tel. 587 9011
            technology into space.       technology     will   meet                                 2 Br OceanView $8 K         San Nicolas:
                                                                                                                                Aloe Tel. 584 4606
            The  Long  March  11  rocket  the  growing  demand  for                                 2 Br OceanFront $12 K       Women in Difficulties
            blasted  off  from  a  launch  launches of low inclination                                                          OTHER
            pad  aboard  a  commer-      satellites.  China's  space                                Marriott Surf Club          Dental Clinic 587 9850
            cial  ship  in  the  Yellow  Sea  program  has  developed                               Platinum season             Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
            off the coast of Shandong  rapidly,  especially  since  it                              2 Br Garden View $15 K      Urgent Care 586 0448
            province,   marking    the  conducted  its  first  crewed                               2 Br Ocean View $ 17 K      Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
            306th launch of a rocket in  mission  in  2003,  becoming                               2 Br Ocean side   $18 K     +297 588 0539
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
            the Long March series, but  just the third country follow-                              2 Br Ocean Front $ 27 K     EMERGENCY
            the first one at sea.        ing  Russia  and  the  U.S.  to                            3 Br Ocean View $ 28 K
            China  is  the  third  country  put humans into space us-                                                           Police           100
            after the U.S. and Russia to  ing its own technology.                                   Marriott Surf Club          Oranjestad       527 3140
                                                                                                                                                 527 3200
            master sea launch technol-   It  has  put  two  space  sta-                             Gold season                 Sta. Cruz        527 2900
            ogy.                         tions  into  orbit  and  plans                             2 Br Garden  View $ 7 K     San  Nicolas      584 5000
            Sea  launches  offer  ad-    to  launch  a  Mars  rover  in                             2 Br Ocean    View $8 K     Police Tipline      11141
            vantages such as the abil-   the  mid-2020s.  Its  space                                2 Br Ocean    side  $9 K    Ambulancia       911
            ity to position closer to the  program  suffered  a  rare                               2 Br Ocean Front    $12 K   Fire Dept.       115
            equator,  requiring  less  fuel  setback  last  year  with  the                         3 Br Ocean View     $15 K   Red Cross        582 2219
            to reach orbit and thereby  failed  launch  of  a  Long                                                             TAXI SERVICES
            lowering  overall  launch  March 5 rocket.q                                             Marriott Grand Chateau      Taxi Tas      587 5900
                                                                                                    Las Vegas                   Prof. Taxi    588 0035
                                                                                                    2Br Platinum $20 K          Taxi D.T.S.   587 2300
                                                                                                                                Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
                                                                                                    Divi Village                A1 Taxi Serv.   280 2828
                                                                                                    studio wk #21 Building B    Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                    3rd Floor 30 weeks remain   TRAVEL INFO
                                                                                                    2Br Town house wk # 24      Aruba Airport   524 2424
                                                                                                                                American Airlines 582 2700
                                                                                                    Building C 3rd Floor $12 K  Avianca       588 0059
                                                                                                    39 weeks remain expire 2034  Jet Blue     588 2244
                                                                                                                                Surinam       582 7896
                                                                                                    Divi Phoenix
                                                                                                    studio wk # 24 building 6   Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                    6th floor 30 weeks remain $7 K  CRUISES
                                                                                                    amsterdam Manor
                                                                                                    1Br Wk #22 ground floor
                                                                                                    pool view $4 K

                                                                                                    House For Sale
                                                                                                    Pos Chiquito                June 6
                                                                                                    3 Br, 3 Bath, 3 apartment   Carnival horizon
                                                                                                                                June 12
                                                                                                    swimming pool $360 K        Monarch
                                                                                                    Opal 5 min from palm beach  Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                    3 Bedroom 2 Bath $325 K     AID FOUNDATIONS

                                                                                                         Call: 630 1307         FAVI- Visually Impaired
                                                                                                                                Tel. 582 5051
                                                                                                                                Alcoholics Anonymous
                                                                                                                                Tel. 736 2952
                                                                                                                                Narcotics Anonymous
                                                                                                                                Tel. 583 8989
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                                                Tel. 583 5400
                                                                                                                                Centre for Diabetes
                                                                                                                                Tel. 524 8888
                                                                                                                                Child Abuse Prevention
                                                                                                                                Tel. 582 4433
                                                                                                                                Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                                                General Info

                                                                                                                                Phone Directory Tel. 118
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