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                     Thursday 6 June 2019
            Mutation that protects against HIV raises death rate

            By MALCOLM RITTER                                                                                                   of death from flu.
            AP Science Writer                                                                                                   Nielsen  and  Xinzhu  Wei,
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  People                                                                                          also  at  UC  Berkeley,  stud-
            with  a  DNA  mutation  that                                                                                        ied data on about 400,000
            reduces  their  chance  of                                                                                          people  who'd  signed  up
            HIV infection may die soon-                                                                                         between  2006  and  2010
            er,  according  to  a  study                                                                                        for  the  UK  Biobank,  which
            that suggests tinkering with                                                                                        collected  extensive  infor-
            a  gene  to  try  to  fix  one                                                                                      mation on them and is fol-
            problem may cause others.                                                                                           lowing  their  health.  They
            The study authors cited the                                                                                         compared  people  who
            case  of  the  Chinese  re-                                                                                         carry the mutation in both
            searcher  who  tried  to  pro-                                                                                      copies of their CCR5 gene
            duce  this  mutation  in  twin                                                                                      to those who carry it in just
            girls  before  their  birth,  to                                                                                    one  copy  or  neither,  and
            reduce their risk for HIV.  His                                                                                     looked  for  deaths  record-
            work, which produced the                                                                                            ed through February 2016.
            first  gene-edited  babies,                                                                                         About  4,000  participants
            was widely condemned as                                                                                             carried  the  mutation  in
            unethical and risky, and the                                                                                        both  copies,  of  whom  151
            new  paper  illustrates  one                                                                                        were  dead.  Analysis  fo-
            reason for concern.                                                                                                 cused on deaths between
            "You should consider all the                                                                                        ages 41 and 76.
            effects of mutations you in-  In this Oct. 9, 2018 file photo, an embryo receives a small dose of Cas9 protein and PCSK9 sgRNA   The  study  found  that  par-
            duce," said Rasmus Nielsen   in a microscope in a laboratory in Shenzhen in southern China's Guangdong province, during   ticipants  with  the  muta-
            of  the  University  of  Califor-  work by scientist He Jiankui's team.                                             tion  in  both  copies  had  a
            nia, Berkeley, senior author                                                                       Associated Press  death  rate  about  20  per-
            of  the  paper  ,  released                                                                                         cent higher than that of the
            Monday by the journal Na-    different  genetic  back-    different  alterations  in  the  fect those cells. The muta-  others.    A  second  analysis
            ture Medicine.               grounds  than  the  Chinese  same gene.                   tion  prevents  that  protein  showed  that  at  the  time
            Nielsen     acknowledged  girls.                          The  gene  is  called  CCR5.  from  appearing,  and  so  participants  signed  up  for
            that  his  result  cannot  be  In addition, the people he  When it is working normally,  sharply  reduces  the  risk  of  the  databank,  when  their
            applied directly to the two  studied  had  inherited  a  it lets certain cells of the im-  HIV infection.           average  age  was  about
            girls in China. For one thing,  specific mutation.  The Chi-  mune system display a pro-  Past  studies  have  suggest-  57,  there  were  fewer  peo-
            his study focused on a sam-  nese  scientist  tried  to  cre-  tein  on  their  surfaces.  HIV  ed that carrying the muta-  ple  with  the  mutation  in
            ple of people in the United  ate the same mutation, but  has  co-opted  that  protein  tion  has  some  drawbacks,  both  copies  of  the  gene
            Kingdom  who  may  have  failed.  The  girls  now  carry  to use as a doorway to in-   including a heightened risk  than one would expect. q

            Scientists crack secret of fish's deadly, transparent teeth

                                                                      By JEREMY REHM               of  the  food  chain  in  their  dragonfish   themselves
                                                                      Associated Press             deep-ocean  realm  where  —  doesn't  reflect  off  the
                                                                      NEW YORK (AP) — A deep-      it's almost pitch black.     teeth.  Instead,  most  light
                                                                      sea  fish  can  hide  its  enor-  To find food or mates, many  passes through the teeth so
                                                                      mous,  jutting  teeth  from  animals carry bacteria that  they're  almost  completely
                                                                      prey because its chompers  generate blue or red light.  concealed.
                                                                      are virtually invisible — until  That's  called  biolumines-  This,  the  researchers  be-
                                                                      it's too late.               cence.                       lieve, makes the dragonfish
                                                                      What's  the  dragonfish's  se-  Using microscopes, Meyers  a stealthier hunter.
                                                                      cret?  The  teeth  are  trans-  and  his  research team ex-  Transparent  teeth  could
                                                                      parent,  and  now  scientists  amined the teeth of drag-  be  a  common  strategy
                                                                      have  discovered  how  the  onfish  they  had  dredged  among  deep-sea  preda-
                                                                      fish   accomplished    that  up from about a third of a  tors, said Christopher Kenal-
                                                                      trick.                       mile  (500  meters)  under-  ey, a fish biologist at Boston
                                                                      Findings  were  published  water off the coast of San  College who wasn't part of
            This April 2019 photo provided by Audrey Velasco-Hogan shows   Wednesday  in  the  journal  Diego.                  the study, noting that some
            a  dragonfish  during  a  specimen  collection  session  along  the   Matter.          Dragonfish teeth are made  other fish share this feature.
            coast of San Diego, Calif.                                The  dragonfish  is  a  small  of  the  same  materials  as  Among  the  most  well-
                                                     Associated Press  predator with jagged, nee-  human  teeth  —  a  protec-  known  of  the  others  are
                                                                      dle-like  teeth  protruding  tive  layer  of  enamel  on  anglerfish, stubby creatures
                                                                      from a jaw that can extend  the  surface  and  a  tough,  that  wave  a  glowing  rod-
                                                                      to bite into prey up to half  deeper layer of dentin. But  like growth from their heads
                                                                      its body size.               the minerals have a much  to lure prey.
                                                                      "They  look  like  monsters,"  finer  microscopic  structure  Nobody  has  actually  seen
                                                                      said  Marc  Meyers  of  the  that is organized more hap-  dragonfish feed in the wild,
                                                                      University of California, San  hazardly.                  but  the  researchers  make
                                                                      Diego.  "But  they're  mini  "That was very surprising to  a  good  case  that  these
                                                                      monsters" — about as long  us," Meyers said.              transparent  teeth  are  an
                                                                      as a pencil.                 The result is that light in the  evolutionary   adaptation
                                                                      Despite  their  short  stature,  environment or from biolu-  for hunting in the deep sea,
                                                                      these  fish  are  at  the  top  minescence—  even  from  Kenaley said.q
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