Page 19 - MIN ECEM
P. 19

                                                                                                                  Thursday 18 May 2017

Special Guest Honored at The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba

PALM BEACH - Recently         token of appreciation to     island very much because      de Cuba representing the     – Executive Administrator,
the Aruba Tourism Author-     guests who visit Aruba for   of the friendly people, the   Aruba Tourism Authority to-  and best friends in Aruba
ity had the great pleasure    35-or-more consecutive       climate, beaches, restau-     gether with Ms. Rose-Anne    Aimee Paalman, Edward
of honoring a very special    years. The honoree was Mr.   rants, relaxation and being   Pereira Sales & Marketing    Ellis, Gilbert Senchi and
guest as an Emerald Am-       Glen Digirolamo, resident    on Aruba and staying at       Administrative Assistant     friends of The Ritz-Carlton,
bassador at The Ritz-Carl-    of Wayne, New Jersey. Mr.    The Ritz-Carlton,             and Ms. Justine Cremony      Aruba.q
ton, Aruba.                   Digirolamo and his fam-      Aruba is like being home for
The symbolic honorary title   ily and friends are regular  them!
is presented in the name of   guests of The Ritz-Carlton,  The certificate was pre-
the Minister of Tourism as a  Aruba, and they love our     sented by Ms. Ms. Darline S.
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