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                                                                                                                           Saturday 2 February 2019

            FPNA takes important step in the professionalization process

            ORANJESTAD  –  On  Thursday,  Fundacion  Parke  terim board - given the in-depth administrative  park and 16+ other designated natural areas);
            Nacional Aruba (FPNA) took an important first  problems that the foundation had to deal with  5. Creating a service level agreement with the
            step in the professionalization process of the or-  and also in view of the ambitious policy inten-  government of Aruba; 6. Restoring the relation-
            ganization. A change to the articles of associa-  tions – and emphasized the importance of ap-   ship and cooperation with various partners and
            tion – executed by the notary Rodriguez-Taeke-  pointing  an  administratively  strong  foundation  stakeholders  nationally  and  internationally,  in-
            ma – entailed that per 1 February the Founda-   board.  For  this  reason,  by  order  of  17  August  cluding  the  government  of  Aruba,  the  Dutch
            tion will be operating under a professional Man-  2018, the judge instated the members of the in-  Caribbean Nature Alliance
            aging Board and a Supervisory Board.            terim board as official FPNA board members for
                                                            an indefinite period. As of that date the board  (DCNA)  and  the  European  Union;  7.  Drafting
            FPNA  is  an  independent  foundation  which  consists of Mr. F.J. Refunjol, chairman, Mr. J.M.  and updating management plans for the vari-
            manages  a  large  part  of  Aruba.  This  task  will  Laclé, vice-chairman, Mr. N.L. Kuipéri, treasurer  ous (new) areas and ensuring adequate moni-
            become  even  larger  and  more  complex  with  and Mrs. H.A. van der Wal, secretary. On 4 Oc-   toring  and  enforcement.  The  Board’s  advice
            the  future  addition  of  a  marine  park  and  16  tober the board appointed Mrs. Sanju Luidens-  has  been  made  publically  available  on  the
            other designated protected areas. Hence the  Daryanani as the fifth board member.                website of FPNA.
            necessity to change the governing structure as
            well as the organization. The statutory changes  Advice to the judge                             Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance
            were executed in the presence of the minister  The new board has energetically started imple-    It is important to mention that the costs of the
            charged with environmental affairs, Mr. O. Odu-  menting the advice of 31 July 2018 since tak-   reorganization  will  be  covered  by  the  Dutch
            ber.  Also  present  was  Ms.  Natasha  Silva,  who  ing office in August last year, including: 1. The  Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA). FPNA is a
            was installed as a board member in the posi-    realization  of  an  effective  and  professional  member of this organization, which was set up
            tion of Chief Conservation Officer. Subsequent  management  and  management  structure  for  to  stimulate  and  facilitate  the  cooperation  in
            steps will be the recruitment and appointment  the  foundation,  including  the  introduction  of  nature  conservation  between  the  Caribbean
            of a CEO, developing a new organization struc-  a  professional  Managing  Board  and  Supervi-  nations of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
            ture  and  signing  a  management  agreement  sory Board (two-tier management structure); 2.
            with the government of Aruba.                   Designing and implementing the rules of Good  Staff commitment and dedication
                                                            Governance, including drawing up profiles and  Over the past period, much effort was put into
            A short history                                 regulations  for  (the  members  of)  the  Manag-  bringing  things  up  to  date  within  the  founda-
            Mid-2018, the FPNA acquired a new board, af-    ing Board, the Supervisory Board and the Audit  tion  and  restoring  peace  and  stability.  In  the
            ter the former board members had decided to  Committee; 3. Processing of backlogs regard-        process,  the  board  was  able  to  count  on  the
            resign.  In  accordance  with  the  articles  of  as-  ing the legal status of staff, holding a referen-  enormous  dedication  and  professionalism  of
            sociation,  the  Court  of  First  Instance  of  Aruba  dum and preparing for a collective bargaining  the members of the FPNA management team,
            subsequently appointed an interim board on 22  agreement (this was pending for 16 years), de-    who have helped the board in the implementa-
            June. At the request of the judge on 31 July, the  signing a new organizational structure, job de-  tion of their ambitious plans. The board was also
            interim board issued an advisory report on the  scriptions and salary house; 4. Adapting the or-  able to count on the efforts of the entire staff,
            state of affairs of the foundation and made rec-  ganization and the articles of association to the  which in the meantime ensured that visitors to
            ommendations  for  its  progress.  The  judge  was  new tasks and areas that will come under the  the parks can continue to enjoy the beauty of
            able to agree with the advice given by the in-  management of the FPNA (such as the marine  nature.q
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