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Tuesday 27 November 2018
With J.K. Rowling's help, Jude Law builds a new Dumbledore
By JONATHAN LANDRUM Jr. basically. And the way he
Associated Press turned around, it was in-
LOS ANGELES (AP) — When stant. It was like in one look,
Jude Law met with J.K. he had managed to in-
Rowling about portraying habit that. I hadn't had any
the younger version of Al- expectations about Dumb-
bus Dumbledore, the two ledore. But somehow it was
discussed how to rebuild solidified in one look."
the fan-favorite character The sequel picks up after
from the "Harry Potter" films. Grindelwald was captured
Law spent an afternoon jot- by the Magical Congress of
ting down notes from Rowl- the United States of Ameri-
ing who talked to him about ca with the aid of Newt at
Dumbledore's life before the end of the first film. But
becoming the world's most the villainous wizard finds
powerful wizard. The British a way to escape custody
actor walked away with a and assembles a group
vote of confidence from of pureblood wizards who
the famed author, alleviat- support him to rule over all
ing some pressure on him. This image released by Warner Bros. Pictures shows Jude Law in a scene from "Fantastic Beasts: humans in 1920s Paris.
The Crimes of Grindelwald."
"When the boss says 'I like Associated Press Law says the film opens the
you,' it gives you a little bit door to many dramatic
of comfort," Law said of Dumbledore was a Hog- quel "Fantastic Beasts: The without feeling the pressure paths and explores a more
Rowling, screenwriter of the warts headmaster in the Crimes of Grindelwald ," to mimic or impersonate or troubled time in Dumb-
"Harry Potter" prequel series "Potter" franchise common- which will be released Fri- indeed hang the charac- ledore's life along with his
that is based on her 2001 ly known for his silver hair day. It's the second part ter too much on past repre- once-close relationship
book "Fantastic Beasts and and long beard, sporting a of a five-film franchise that sentations by the other ac- with Grindelwald.
Where to Find Them." ''You loose robe. He was played started with 2016's "Fantas- tors," Law said. "There were Rowling announced in 2007
can't help but step into by Michael Gambon after tic Beasts and Where to certain traits I wanted to that Dumbledore is gay
something like this, playing inheriting the role from the Find Them," which grossed include. I loved his humor, after the release of "Harry
a part like this without feel- Richard Harris, who died in $813 million worldwide. the twinkle he had. He sees Potter and the Deathly Hol-
ing a sense of responsibility, 2002. In "Grindelwald," Law's the good in almost every- lows," the final book in the
a fear of letting someone Law's youthful version en- character works with his one. He has a good heart. series. Some on social me-
down. But when the cre- ters in his mid-40s wear- former student Eddie Red- But I was able to layer him dia criticized the author's
ator gives you the thumbs ing a three-piece suit with mayne's Newt Scamander up a little more." decision to unveil and tin-
up, it's a blessing." short auburn hair in the se- to thwart the divisive wizard Redmayne said the stu- ker with the beloved char-
leader Gellert Grindelwald, dio perfectly cast Law as acter's sexuality, but she
played by Johnny Depp. Dumbledore, who doesn't has defended her actions.
The film also stars Katherine necessarily show his true Law assures the story is
Waterston, Zoe Kravitz and powers and appears only more focused on his char-
Ezra Miller. in about six scenes — most acter's complicated rela-
For research, Law read sev- of which are interactions tionship with Grindelwald
eral Harry Potter books that with Scamander. from decades ago, rather
referenced Dumbledore, "Being a formidable, for- than Dumbledore's sexu-
rather than solely watching midable actor with great ality. "His sexuality doesn't
the previous films featuring gravitas and weight and define him, but the rela-
the elder character. With yet at the same time, he tionship with Grindelwald
the help of Rowling and has this kind of playful qual- does," Law said. "I believe,
director David Yates, they ity," Redmayne said of Law. and (Rowling) would agree,
wanted to build from the "And I'll never forget our first that Albus had many inti-
"ground up." scene, which was the first mate relationships. And the
"I was then given the op- time we see each other in one he has is the love of his
portunity to create him the film. I just saw his back, life, which is damaged.q
Combs, other celebs say goodbye to
Kim Porter with fireworks
Associated Press a megachurch that can Porter was an actress and
COLUMBUS, Ga. (AP) — seat 2,500. model and the mother of
Fireworks marked the end The Ledger-Enquirer re- three of Combs' children.
of the graveside service ported that along with She was buried in the same
at the funeral of Kim Por- Combs, record producer cemetery as her mother.
ter, the longtime former Russell Simmons, artists Ush- Porter was found dead in
girlfriend of music mogul er, Mary J. Blige, Lil' Kim, her Los Angeles home on
Sean "Diddy" Combs. Mase, Faith Evans and Nov. 15. She was 47.
The funeral was held Satur- Yolanda Adams were all Authorities have not re-
day in Porter's hometown at the service, which end- leased a cause of death.q
of Columbus, Georgia, at ed with fireworks