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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Tuesday 27 November 2018
            Italy livid about deal to loan Leonardo works to Louvre

            By FRANCES D'EMILIO                                                                                                 ardo drawings. But director
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Eike D. Schmidt said his mu-
            ROME  (AP)  —  So  versatile                                                                                        seum  is  nixing  the  Louvre's
            were  Leonardo  da  Vinci's                                                                                         request  for  its  stellar  trio  of
            talents  in  art  and  science                                                                                      Leonardo  paintings  be-
            and  so  boundless  his  vi-                                                                                        cause  "simply,  these  works
            sionary  imagination,  he  is                                                                                       are so extremely fragile. No
            known to the world as the                                                                                           museum in the world would
            universal genius.                                                                                                   ever lend them."
            But not to Italy's nationalist-                                                                                     Last  summer,  when  the
            tilting  government,  which                                                                                         three   Leonardos    were
            is  livid  about  plans  by  the                                                                                    moved one flight up in the
            Louvre museum in Paris for                                                                                          Uffizi so they would have a
            a  blockbuster  exhibit  next                                                                                       room all to themselves, the
            year with as many as possi-                                                                                         transfer  required  prepara-
            ble Leonardo masterpieces                                                                                           tions  "like  it  was  an  expe-
            loaned  from  Italian  muse-                                                                                        dition  to  Mount  Everest,  or
            ums to mark the 500th anni-                                                                                         a space trip to the Moon,"
            versary of the Renaissance                                                                                          with  restoration  experts  on
            artist's death.                                                                                                     hand just in case anything
            "It's unfair, a mistaken deal,"                                                                                     got  damaged,  Schmidt
            Italian  Culture  Ministry  Un-                                                                                     said in a phone interview.
            dersecretary Lucia Borgon-                                                                                          One of the three paintings,
            zoni  said  of  a  2017  agree-                                                                                     "Adoration  of  the  Magi,"
            ment  between  a  previous                                                                                          only  came  back  to  the
            government  and  the  Lou-                                                                                          Uffizi  last  year,  after  five
            vre. "Leonardo is an Italian   In this Monday, March 12, 2007, file photo, workers in the Uffizi Museum in Florence, Italy, put the   years  of  restoration  work
            genius," she told The Associ-  6.5-foot-long, 3-foot-tall Leonardo da Vinci's "Annunciation" painting in three protective crates   in  Florence.In  2007,  when
            ated Press this week.        filled with shock-absorbers and high-tech sensors for departure Tuesday for a show at Japan's   "Annunciation,"  a  painting
            Borgonzoni    is   a   sena-  National Museum in Tokyo.                                                             on  wood  by  a  20-year-old
            tor  from  the  League,  the                                                                       Associated Press  Leonardo  depicting  the
            "Italians-first"   sovereignty-  Italy, and died in Amboise,  ly,  noting  it's  nearly  a  year  for comment.      Archangel  Gabriel  proffer-
            championing  party  in  the  France, in 1519.             before  the  four-months-    "While  respecting  the  au-  ing a lily to the Virgin, was
            nearly  six-month-old  popu-  Borgonzoni  criticized  how  long exhibit opens on Oct.  tonomy  of  museums,  na-    about to leave the Uffizi for
            list government.             as part of the 2017 arrange-  24,  2019.Exhibit  curator,  tional interests can't be put  a Tokyo exhibition, a sena-
            She  was  elaborating  on  ment, Italy also pledged to  Vincent     Delieuvin,   part  in second place," Borgonzo-  tor  from  the  conservative
            comments      earlier   this  program its own exhibits so  of  the  Louvre's  staff,  also  ni told Corriere. "The French  Forza  Italia  (Let's  Go  Italy)
            month, in Italian daily Cor-  they  won't  compete  with  serves on the Italian Culture  can't have everything."And  party  and  several  Floren-
            riere  della  Sera,  in  which  the Louvre mega-show.     Ministry's  committee  which  it  appears  they  won't  get  tines  chained  themselves
            she  said  of  Leonardo:  "In  The  Louvre  declined  to  evaluated  proposals  from  all they want.                to a museum gate in a vain
            France, all he did was die."  comment  on  Italy's  objec-  museums worldwide for the  The  Uffizi  Galleries  in  Flor-  attempt to thwart the pre-
            Leonardo was born in 1452  tions,  nor  say  which  art-  celebrations.  He  didn't  re-  ence is considering loaning  cious masterpiece from be-
            in the Tuscan town of Vinci,  works it requested from Ita-  ply  to  an  emailed  request  the  Louvre  several  Leon-  ing flown to Japan.q

            Music Review: Anderson .Paak cruises home on 'Oxnard"

            By MELANIE J. SIMS           of  instruments,  including  wins  for  Paak,  and  with
            Associated Press             high-flying  flute,  chimes  guests  like  J.  Cole  on  the
            Anderson  .Paak,  "Oxnard"  and  drums.  And  that's  just  lovely,  soulful  "Trippy,"  the
            (Aftermath/12 Tone Music)    to  name  the  pieces  that  odds  are  in  Paak's  favor.
            Anderson  .Paak  isn't  far  come  together  on  album-   But  he  succeeds  when  he
            from  the  beach,  but  he's  opener "The Chase," which  pushes  the  envelope,  too,
            certainly  left  the  shore.  sounds  perfectly  fit  for  the  like  on  standout  track  "6
            His  latest  set,  "Oxnard,"  soundtrack of a 1970s Blax-  Summers," where he delves
            whisks fans from the ocean  ploitation film.              into  the  issue  of  gun  vio-
            breeziness  of  his  Grammy-  Paak dons a 90's vibe on the  lence.
            nominated  second  album  Snoop Dogg-assisted "Any-       "There's money to be made
            "Malibu,"  and  waves  them  where," and he takes cues  in  the  killing  spree/that's
            into  the  passenger  seat  from other genres, too, like  why he trying to start a war
            for  a  gritty,  funk-filled  ride  on  the  island-tinged  "Sav-  on  the  Twitter  feed,"  Paak
            further inland to his home-  iers Road," where he shouts  spits,  before  he  returns  to
            town in Southern California,  out his doubters and details  his  refrain:  "Pop,  pop,  pop
            for which the new album is  the  struggle  of  his  come-  goes  the  shooter/reform,
            named.                       up.  "I  was  somewhere  in  reform   shoulda    came
            The  trip  is  nothing  short  of  between  giving  up,  and  sooner." And, if it is not clear
            thrilling.  Paak's  collabora-  doing a sentence.," he raps  who Paak is addressing, he
            tion with executive produc-  of life a decade ago.        makes  it  obvious,  adding:
            er Dr. Dre is a beautiful thing,  Upbeat  singles  "Tints"  fea-  "Dear  Mr.  President/it's  evi-  This cover image released by Aftermath/12 Tone Music shows
            with their expert wielding of  turing Kendrick Lamar and  dent that you don't give a    "Oxnard," a release by Anderson .Paak.
            a seemingly endless range  "Who  R  U?"  are  no-brainer  damn..."q                                                             Associated Press
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