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                Tuesday 27 November 2018

             Justices skeptical of Apple in case about iPhone apps' sales

            By MARK SHERMAN                                                                                                     Apple  App  Store,  pay  Ap-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ple directly with credit card
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            information  I  supplied  to
            Supreme  Court  seemed                                                                                              Apple," Kagan said.
            ready  Monday  to  allow  a                                                                                         Justice  Brett  Kavanaugh
            lawsuit  to  go  forward  that                                                                                      said if consumers are pay-
            claims  Apple  has  unfairly                                                                                        ing more than they should,
            monopolized  the  market                                                                                            then  perhaps  they  should
            for the sale of iPhone apps.                                                                                        be  able  to  sue.  The  rel-
            The court heard arguments                                                                                           evant  federal  antitrust  law
            in  Apple's  effort  to  shut                                                                                       says  "any  person  injured"
            down  an  antitrust  lawsuit.                                                                                       can sue, Kavanaugh said.
            Chief  Justice  John  Roberts                                                                                       His  comments  could  put
            was alone among the nine                                                                                            him  on  the  side  of  justices
            justices  who  seemed  pre-                                                                                         who  would  allow  the  suit
            pared to agree with Apple.                                                                                          to proceed. In other cases,
            The  suit  by  iPhone  users                                                                                        the  court  has  ruled  there
            could  force  Apple  to  cut                                                                                        must  be  a  direct  relation-
            the 30 percent commission                                                                                           ship between the seller and
            it  charges  software  devel-                                                                                       a party complaining about
            opers whose apps are sold                                                                                           unfair,   anti-competitive
            exclusively through Apple's                                                                                         pricing.
            App  Store.  A  judge  could                                                                                        Consumers  can  choose
            triple the compensation to                                                                                          from  among  more  than  2
            consumers  under  antitrust   This March 19, 2018, file photo shows Apple's App Store app in Baltimore. Apple is at the Supreme   million  apps,  compared
                                          Court to defend the way it sells apps for iPhones against claims by consumers that the company
            law if Apple ultimately loses   has unfairly monopolized the market.                                                with the 500 apps that were
            the suit.                                                                                          Associated Press  available when Apple cre-
            But  the  issue  before  the                                                                                        ated the App Store in 2008.
            high  court  at  this  early  and in line with a century of  mission  on  whatever  they  plenty of disputes, not one  "The phrase 'there's an app
            stage of the suit is whether  antitrust law.              sell,  the  lawyer  represent-  has  gone  to  litigation,"  he  for that' is now part of the
            the  case  can  proceed  at  Apple  argues  it's  merely  a  ing Apple said in the court-  said.                    popular  lexicon,"  Roberts
            all. Justice Stephen Breyer,  pipeline between app de-    room. If anyone should be  But  Justice  Elena  Kagan  noted  in  a  2014  decision
            who used to teach antitrust  velopers and consumers.      able to sue the Cupertino,  said  it  appears  that  con-  limiting  warrantless  search-
            law at Harvard Law School,  The  developers  set  the  California-based  compa-        sumers  have  a  direct  rela-  es of cellphones by police.
            said  the  consumers'  case  prices  and  agree  to  pay  ny, it's a developer, Daniel  tionship  with  Apple.  "I  pick  Apple  has  trademarked
            seemed      straightforward  Apple  a  30  percent  com-  Wall said. "There have been  up  my  iPhone,  go  to  the  the phrase.q

             FDA to overhaul long-criticized medical device system

            By MATTHEW PERRONE                                                                                                  the  International  Consor-
            AP Health Writer                                                                                                    tium  of  Investigative  Jour-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  U.S.                                                                                           nalists,  the  group  found
            health  officials  said  Mon-                                                                                       that  more  than  1.7  million
            day they plan to overhaul                                                                                           injuries  and  nearly  83,000
            the  nation's  decades-old                                                                                          deaths suspected of being
            system for approving most                                                                                           linked  to  medical  devices
            medical  devices,  which                                                                                            had been reported to the
            has long been criticized by                                                                                         U.S.  Food  and  Drug  Ad-
            experts for failing to catch                                                                                        ministration over a 10-year
            problems  with  risky  im-                                                                                          period.  "We  believe  that
            plants  and  medical  instru-                                                                                       newer  devices  should  be
            ments.                                                                                                              compared  to  the  benefits
            The Food and Drug Admin-                                                                                            and  risks  of  more  modern
            istration  announced  plans                                                                                         technology," FDA Commis-
            aimed at making sure new                                                                                            sioner Scott Gottlieb said in
            medical  devices  reflect                                                                                           a statement.
            up-to-date  safety  and  ef-                                                                                        Gottlieb said the changes
            fectiveness features.                                                                                               under consideration would
            The system targeted by the                                                                                          push  companies  to  com-
            actions  generally  allows                                                                                          pare their devices to more
            manufacturers  to  launch                                                                                           up-to-date    technology,
            new  products  based  on                                                                                            rather  than  referencing
            similarities  to  decades-old                                                                                       decades-old products.
            products,  not  new  clinical   This  combination  of  Aug.  25,  2018  photos  shows  demonstration  models  of  implantable   Some  of  the  reforms  pro-
            testing in patients.         neurostimulators,  top  row  from  left,  the  Medtronic  Intellis  and  the  Boston  Scientific  Spectra   posed  by  the  FDA  could
            The FDA's move came one      WaveWriter  SCS.  Bottom  row  from  left  are  the  Abbott/St.  Jude's  Proclaim  7  Implantable  Pulse   take years to implement, in
            day  after  the  publication   Generator and Proclaim DRG Implantable Pulse Generator.                              some cases requiring new
            of  a  global  investigation                                                                       Associated Press  guidelines and regulations
            into medical device safety  by more than 50 media or-     ganizations,  including  The  Associated  Press.  Led  by  for manufacturers. q
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