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                                                                                                       SPORTS Tuesday 27 November 2018

            Bengals QB Andy Dalton on IR with thumb injury

            Continued from Page 19                                                                 the  ball  only  four  times  the cadence, it’s just ben-
                                                                                                   in  the  second  half  and  eficial,”  he  said.  “I  don’t
            It’s  the  same  thumb  that                                                           played  softer  on  defense.  think it helps coming off the
            Dalton broke while making                                                              Driskel was 17 of 29 for 155  bench.”  With  five  games
            a tackle on an interception                                                            yards. Coordinator Bill Lazor  left  and  Dalton  hurt,  the
            return  against  the  Steel-                                                           said  Monday  that  Driskel  Bengals  are  facing  a  big
            ers  in  2015.  He  missed  the                                                        has shown his ability to lead  challenge.
            last  three  regular-season                                                            the  offense  in  his  limited  “They’ve got to do it,” Lew-
            games  and  an  18-16  loss                                                            opportunities.  “I  think  guys  is said. “They’ve got to dig
            to  the  Steelers  in  a  first-                                                       see it, and that’s the impor-  out.”
            round playoff game at Paul                                                             tant part,” Lazor said. “You  INJURY UPDATE
            Brown Stadium. Jeff Driskel                                                            can’t talk them into feeling  Cornerback  Tony  McRae
            will start for the Bengals the                                                         good  about  somebody;  suffered  a  concussion  in
            rest of the way, getting his                                                           they’ve got to earn it. And  the third quarter. The medi-
            first  chance  to  lead  the   Cincinnati  Bengals  quarterback  Jeff  Driskel  (6)  reacts  after   he’s  earned  it  every  day  cal staff strapped him to a
            team  in  his  third  NFL  sea-  scoring  a  touchdown  in  the  second  half  of  an  NFL  football   in practice and in the pre-  backboard  and  wheeled
            son.  The  Bengals  claimed   game against the Cleveland Browns, Sunday, Nov. 25, 2018, in   season games.”         him off the field, concerned
            quarterback  Tom  Savage      Cincinnati.                                              With Driskel running the of-  he might have a spinal inju-
            off  waivers  from  the  San                                          Associated Press  fense, the Bengals had five  ry. Lewis said Monday that
            Francisco 49ers as a back-   passer  rating  of  89.6,  the  they  went  1-5-1  over  the  false-start penalties — each  McRae  had  a  concussion
            up on Monday. “The more  third-highest  of  his  eight-   middle  of  the  schedule  by a different player — and  but no spinal injury.
            you get out there and the  year career.                   and  finished  6-9-1,  ending  one more for an illegal shift  HUE’S GAME BALL
            more  you  play  well,  the  Even with Dalton, the Ben-   their  streak  of  five  straight  in the fourth quarter. Driskel  Lewis didn’t have anything
            more  confidence  you  are  gals  weren’t  doing  much  playoff appearances.           thinks that working with the  to say about Browns safety
            going to get in yourself and  except losing.              After  Dalton  got  hurt  on  starting offense in practice  Damarious  Randall  hand-
            the  people  around  you,”  After a 4-1 start that boost-  Sunday,  Driskel  came  in  this  week  will  fix  the  prob-  ing the ball to Hue Jackson
            Driskel said Monday.         ed  them  atop  the  AFC  and  threw  his  first  career  lems.                        after he intercepted one of
            Dalton  completed  62  per-  North,  the  Bengals  have  touchdown  pass  and  ran  “The  more  time  you  are  Dalton’s passes on Sunday.
            cent of his passes for 2,566  lost five of six and fallen to  for  another  as  the  Browns  able  to  get  in  and  out  of  “I don’t want to comment
            yards with 21 touchdowns,  third  place.  It’s  their  worst  went  conservative  with  a  the huddle with those guys,  on  somebody  else’s  play-
            11  interceptions  and  a  stretch  since  2016,  when  big  lead.  Cleveland  threw  hear  the  cadence,  say  er,” Lewis said.q
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