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                                                                                                       SPORTS Tuesday 27 November 2018

            Ernie Els pulling out all stops as International captain

            By DENNIS PASSA                                                                                                     the Royal Melbourne club-
            AP Sports Writer                                                                                                    house to unveil a new logo
            MELBOURNE,  Australia  (AP)                                                                                         for the International team.
            — As hard as he tried, Ernie                                                                                        The  logo  attempts  to  give
            Els  couldn't  put  the  ball  in                                                                                   the  team  a  more  unified
            the cup.                                                                                                            focus  while  also  allowing
            The  Big  Easy  wasn't  on  a                                                                                       members  from  different
            green at Royal Melbourne,                                                                                           countries to have the flags
            though. This was on a plas-                                                                                         of their home countries rep-
            tic grass strip in the middle                                                                                       resented.
            of Brighton Beach, famous                                                                                           "It's a special group of guys
            for its iconic beach houses,                                                                                        from all over the world that
            on  Melbourne's  Port  Phillip                                                                                      make  up  the  Presidents
            Bay.                                                                                                                Cup International team," Els
            The  cup  was  a  giant  plas-                                                                                      said. "Being from across the
            tic replica of the Presidents                                                                                       globe, we don't all play for
            Cup  trophy,  and  despite                                                                                          the  same  flag.  This  special
            trying  a  dozen  or  more                                                                                          group  of  people  needed
            times  with  a  wedge  from                                                                                         something  to  identify  with.
            about  20  meters,  the  clos-                                                                                      To lift the spirit of the team,
            est the ball came Monday                                                                                            we  felt  like  we  needed  a
            was to ricochet off part of                                                                                         logo for ourselves."
            the oversized trophy.                                                                                               By  Monday  afternoon,  he
            Els is pulling out all the stops                                                                                    was  dressed  more  casu-
            to  make  sure  the  Interna-                                                                                       ally  in  slacks  and  a  polo
            tional team, of which he is                                                                                         shirt  for  his  beach  outing
            captain, hoists the real Pres-                                                                                      and  a  catered  barbecue
            idents  Cup  next  Decem-                                                                                           featuring  lamb  chops  and
            ber  when  the  tournament                                                                                          prawns.  And,  of  course,  in
            is held for the third time at   Ernie Els, captain of the International Team at next year's Presidents Cup, sits in front of a beach   the Australian beach tradi-
                                         house which has been painted with the Presidents Cup trophy, at Brighton in Melbourne,
            Royal Melbourne. The Inter-  Australia, Monday, Nov. 26, 2018.                                                      tion,  beers  from  an  "esky,"
            national  team  had  its  only                                                                     Associated Press  or portable cooler, tucked
            win  over  the  United  States                                                                                      in the stand.
            in 1998 when it was first held  round of the World Cup at  officials at Royal Melbourne  next year, will make a simi-  The  front  of  one  of  the
            at  Royal  Melbourne,  but  it  Metropolitan Golf Club that  to get some insights on how  lar trip to Melbourne in ear-  beach  houses,  many  of
            has  had  a  dry  spell  since  Australian  veteran  Geoff  he might, as captain of the  ly December to check out  which are worth a half-mil-
            — no wins and just a tie in  Ogilvy  would  be  one  of  host team, be able to help  the  golf  course  and  make  lion dollars despite the fact
            South Africa in 2003.        his  captain's  assistants  for  set up the course to suit his  some promotional appear-  they are no bigger than a
            So Els came into Melbourne  the Dec. 9-15, 2019 tourna-   players.                     ances.                       garden  shed,  was  repaint-
            on  the  weekend  to  an-    ment. And to meet with the  Tiger Woods, the U.S. cap-    On  Sunday  night,  Els  was  ed  to  feature  a  Presidents
            nounce  during  the  final  head  greenskeeper  and  tain for the Presidents Cup  off  to  host  a  reception  at  Cup trophy.q
            Koreas win UNESCO recognition of traditional wrestling

            By HYUNG-JIN KIM                                                                                                    Korean      reconciliation,"
            Associated Press                                                                                                    UNESCO  director-general
            SEOUL,  South  Korea  (AP)                                                                                          Audrey  Azoulay  said  in  a
            — Divided for about seven                                                                                           statement. "It reminds us of
            decades, North and South                                                                                            the  peace-building  power
            Korea  together  won  their                                                                                         of  cultural  heritage,  as  a
            first  international  recogni-                                                                                      bridge  between  peoples.
            tion  of  Korean  traditional                                                                                       This marks a victory for the
            wrestling  as  one  of  the                                                                                         longstanding and profound
            world's cultural treasures on                                                                                       ties between both sides of
            Monday.The  Koreas  had                                                                                             the inter-Korean border."
            earlier  pushed  separate                                                                                           South   Korean   President
            bids for the sport's UNESCO                                                                                         Moon  Jae-in  hailed  the
            recognition  before  merg-                                                                                          UNESCO inscription, calling
            ing their applications amid                                                                                         it a "result of recent South-
            an  easing  of  tensions  this                                                                                      North    cooperation."The
            year.  Local  media  reports                                                                                        South's  Cultural  Heritage
            said  South  Korea  had  first                                                                                      Administration  said  that
            proposed the joint bid after                                                                                        the two Koreas have been
            a leaders' summit at a Ko-                                                                                          given a new opportunity to
            rean border village in April.                                                                                       further promote exchanges
            On     Monday,     UNESCO                                                                                           in the field of cultural heri-
            said  Korean  wrestling  was   In this Nov. 16, 2016, photo, ssireum wrestlers compete during the Korea Open Ssireum Festival in   tage. It said in a statement
            added  to  a  list  of  "Intan-  Seoul, South Korea.                                                                the  joint  nomination  is  the
            gible  Cultural  Heritage  of                                                                      Associated Press  "fruitful outcome of a meet-
            Humanity"  on  the  basis  of                                                                                       ing"  between  Moon  and
            an application by the two    Koreas."The joint inscription  marks  a  highly  symbolic  step  on  the  road  to  inter-  Azoulay in October.q
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