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                                                                                                       SPORTS Tuesday 27 November 2018

            Qatar's evolution a work in progress as 2022 World Cup nears

            By WILL GRAVES                                                                                                      The    questions    about
            AP Sports Writer                                                                                                    worker's  rights  are  one  of
            DOHA, Qatar (AP) — Nasser                                                                                           many  Qataris  have  grown
            Al-Khater  glances  out  his                                                                                        accustomed to addressing.
            window  across  Doha  Bay.                                                                                          They  stress  they  are  taking
            The  view  is  far  different                                                                                       great  pains  to  answer
            than it was eight years ago,                                                                                        them one by one. Do that
            when     al-Khater   served                                                                                         and  Qataris  believe  the
            as  part  of  the  team  that                                                                                       conversation will turn away
            helped  Qatar  pull  off  a                                                                                         from  "should  Qatar  be
            staggering  upset  to  land                                                                                         hosting the World Cup?" to
            the 2022 FIFA World Cup.                                                                                            "can Qatar pull it off?"
            In  the  distance  the  bare                                                                                        On  that  front,  the  answers
            bones  of  Ras  Abu  Aboud                                                                                          are far less nebulous.
            Stadium      are     being                                                                                            Qatar  is  intent  on  putting
            laid,  perhaps  the  most                                                                                           on  a  show,  but  doing  it
            audacious  and  innovative                                                                                          creatively  and  financially
            of  the  eight  venues  that                                                                                        responsibly.
            will play host to the biggest                                                                                       In  an  era  of  bloat  where
            tournament on the planet.                                                                                           budgets  for  big  ticket
            Four  years  out,  everything                                                                                       events  like  the  World  Cup
            appears  to  be  running  on                                                                                        and  the  Olympics  are
            schedule,  from  stadium                                                                                            calculated and then blown
            construction  —  including                                                                                          up, Qatar is determined to
            at  Ras  Abu  Aboud,  which   In this Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2018 picture men perform modernization work on the Khalifa   prove it can dazzle without
            will   incorporate    1,000   International Stadium in Doha, Qatar.                                Associated Press  saddling  itself  with  hulking
            shipping  containers  while                                                                                         stadiums  left  unoccupied
            offering  a  sweeping  view  from India, Pakistan, Nepal  It also required contractors  the World Cup has already  once the party ends.
            of Doha's downtown skyline  and  other  Asian  nations,  who  bring  in  workers  from  made a lasting impact.      The majority of the venues
            — to finding the right grass  much  like  it  has  in  other  other  nations  to  reimburse  "I  think  we  should  be  very  used  in  the  World  Cup
            that  can  both  meet  FIFA's  oil-rich   sheikhdoms   in  employees     for     any  proud  of  ourselves,"  al-   will  have  their  capacity
            exacting  standards  while  the  region.  As  oil  prices  recruitment  fee  they  paid  Khater told The Associated  diminished  from  40,000  to
            also  providing  a  long-term  crashed below $30 a barrel  to  an  outside  agency  to  Press  from  his  office  in  the  20,000  after  tournament,
            benefit  to  the  Arabian  in  2016,  construction  firms  facilitate their placement.  33rd floor of the shimmering  with  the  sections  taken
            Peninsula.                   in  Qatar  and  elsewhere  in  Amnesty     International,  glass-ensconced  Supreme  out  then  put  up  for  sale.
            Yet  logistics  are  only  a  the  region  suffered.  Some  Human  Rights  Watch  and  Committee    for   Delivery  What's left will serve as the
            portion of Qatar's story.    stopped paying staffers on  other  activists  say  more  and  Legacy  building  in  home pitches for the local
            The  small  country  of  2.7  time, if at all.            needs  to  be  done.  There  Doha's West Bay.             professional teams.
            million  —  only  300,000  of  Others   seized   workers'  have  been  two  reported  "And  I  think  people  should  Ras Abu Aboud won't exist
            them actual Qatari citizens  passports   or   otherwise  deaths  at  Qatar's  World  take  a  look  at  everything  at  all.  After  a  champion
            — has spent the better part  abused  Qatar's  "kafala"  Cup projects.                  that's  happened  here  in  is  crowned,  it  will  be
            of  a  decade  grappling  system  that  ties  expatriate  While  al-Khater,  deputy-   the past eight years when it  meticulously  taken  apart
            with the white-hot spotlight  workers   to   a    single  secretary  general  of  the  comes to worker's welfare.  and  dismantled  to  make
            landing  the  World  Cup  employer.                       World    Cup    organizing  Look  at  the  progress  and  way  for  a  mixed-use  area
            provides.                    In  recent  months,  Qatar  committee,      understands  I  think  it's  a  case  study.  I  that  will  feature  housing
            The construction boom that  ended  a  requirement  for  "this is an area we're going  believe  right  now  in  the  and shops.
            accompanied the winning  some workers to seek their  to have to do a lot of work,"  Middle East we are basically  Other  innovations  could
            bid  has  been  built  on  the  employers'    permission  he  points  to  the  headway  ahead  of  everyone  else  lead  to  more  far-reaching
            backs  of  migrant  laborers  before leaving the country.  made  since  2010  as  proof  when it comes to this."    changes.q

             French-American man abandons attempt to swim Pacific

              Associated Press            "We've  faced  treacher-    Japan's   Pacific   coast
              TOKYO  (AP)  —  A  French-  ous winds, rain and ocean  and  was  swimming  an
              American man has given  swells  that  have  forced  average  of  eight  hours  a
              up  his  attempt  to  swim  us  to  alter  our  course,  day.  Violent  storms  had
              across the Pacific Ocean  and the irreparable dam-      already  forced  him  to  in-
              after  a  storm  broke  the  age to the sail is an insur-  terrupt the swim after 500
              mainsail  of  his  support  mountable blow," he said  nautical  miles  and  return
              ship, organizers said Mon-  in a news release.          to Japan in late July.
              day.                        The  announcement  was  The  mainsail  broke  on
              Ben  Lecomte,  who  had  made  by  Seeker,  a  San  Nov. 10.
              completed  about  1,500  Francisco-based       online  The  damaged  ship  and
              nautical  miles  (2,780  kilo-  science  publisher  that  Lecomte  are  slowly  mak-
              meters)  of  the  5,000-mile  partnered  with  Lecomte  ing  their  way  to  Hawaii.
              (9,260-kilometer)  journey,  and has been document-     They  are  collecting  data
              called the premature end  ing his attempt.              on plastic pollution in the   In this undated photo provided on Nov. 26, 2018, by Seeker, Ben
              to the swim a deep disap-   Lecomte, of Austin, Texas,  ocean,  one  of  the  scien-  Lecomte swims in the Pacific Ocean.
              pointment.                  set  out  on  June  5  from  tific aims of the swim.q                                            Associated Press
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